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 May 13 Arden
My Dear Poet
your empty words are not heavy
…they’re  hollow
it’s the hidden meanings that trip me
though your sharp words fail me
they may slice but can’t cut me
and if I were to fall
I’ll slip down your tongue
…hang off your lip
if you were to speak at all
 May 12 Arden
These words are for me,
For I'm the one who's hurting,
I'm just healing myself.
I often wonder why we can't understand other's poems sometimes, but deep down it is the one who writes it knows the value of it.
 Mar 21 Arden
 Mar 21 Arden
The galaxy inside of me
Implodes the pain inside
Too heavy too much
At one time
folding into myself
Spinning out of control
My existence transcends
The end of billions of years
The unfathomable inside
Unthinkable , never to be understood
Winks out of the time
We see.
 Mar 21 Arden
 Mar 21 Arden
the lines in life they don’t mention
appear in strange ways
Driving the highway at night I swerve
Cross the line crush the line and blow it
Into my brain
 Mar 21 Arden
 Mar 21 Arden
I find the locket I lost
It was at the bottom of the wash
Clean and serene and free of you
In my imagination
He finds me highly entertaining
And sometimes I give him a *****
 Mar 21 Arden
Vishal Pant
 Mar 21 Arden
Vishal Pant
Its too short
You've got one chance
Stay stuck up at your fort
Or have some clearance

Taking hurt from the words of other
Getting labled
Be your mind's own cottager
And become fabled

It's a never ending war with yourself
So every little battle counts
Dust settles at the shelf
Pleases don't back out
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