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Quiet Rose May 2018
I am a flower
bending in the wind
and rising again
I grow and I grow
I use the sunlight
But as you run along
What you don't see
I am right there
Right under your feet

Very fragile am I
And when you stand
I fall
Running over my friends
because we are not tall
I realize it must be true
I am not much
nothing more than a flower
that is stepped on
and thrown
I may be beautiful
but way deep down inside
Is a monster
that is trying to hide

Now I lay dead under you
an ugly flower
that can't be revived
Quiet Rose May 2018
Hate me
Don't love me
If  you know what is healthy
If you know what will keep you safe
Hate Me
Hate my personality
Hate my looks
Hate my hair

why is it so easy for everyone to hate me
Why is is hard for them to love me
but you find it hard to hate me
and it is easy for you to love me
Is this a game
Am I a toy
Or are your feelings real?
Quiet Rose May 2018
Oh what a lovely mess I have made
Blood on the walls
My heart full of shame
I thought it was worth it
I thought it could be happy, maybe

I am in trouble
I am unsafe
I am stuck in a hole
I am insane
I am a wreck
I am a mess

A light
of oppertunity
shining through the hole
I reach up
but it laughs
I climb up
It laughs again
I try again and again
I grab it but I drops me

Then I find you
My light of forgiveness
My light of hope
My light of love
I grab and you don't let go
I am flying with the light
Holding it's hand

Thank you
Thank you for
Thank you for saving
Thank you for saving me

You helped me clean up my mess
with you my sanity came back
now I am normal
not only normal
but I am in love
<3 <3 <3
Quiet Rose May 2018
He is mine
I am his
You don't like it?
Well that's what is is!
Do me a favor
before you go to far,
mind your own ******* buisness
and we are who we are!
I have a new boyfriend and people in my school are talking about it and are trying to split us up because he is a 'popular' guy (He is friends with all the popular guys, like close friends, but I wouldn't consider him completely popular) and I am not popular.
(I just found this out today but I expected it to happen)
Quiet Rose May 2018
I like rocks
They are round
They are different
They don't fight all the time
Rocks are my best friends
Rocks keep  me sane
They won't laugh at you for a mistake
They are not perfect
They are from different places
Rocks can smile
They can resemble a rose
They can be fun
They can't run away
They can't criticize you
Rocks can't hurt your feelings
They are great listeners
People should be more like ricks
I made this because I am in class, and I have nothing to do...
Also I just finished testing YAY!
I'm glad its over!!
Quiet Rose May 2018
Like a running river
Like the sun in the sky
We may be different
But we are so alike
No one can see it
Because it is inside
But I love you
And I don't want to hide

I could only dream
that one day you will find
that you love me too
But love was blind
Then you asked
If I liked you
I said yes
and you liked me too

Little did I know
That what was inside
Was something amazing
And love would colide
I am not yours
And you are now mine
Please don't leave me
Don't run out of time
Because before you go
I want you to know
That I love you
and our love can grow
Quiet Rose Mar 2018
I am not an original
I am not normal
I am not the same
I am
I have forgotten who I am
I have forgotten everything
I have been ripped from happiness
now i live hiding
away from my own
self doubt
but as long as i have my fake self
I will never be able to escape
I am stuck for ever...
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