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Onoma 2d
a bundle of strings,

murmuring skyward.

(think) deep sea tentacles--



balloons in a jellyfish's

transparent wet suit.

a clown out of character--

constructing a model circus

from scratch.
Onoma 2d
a harpy.

silvered & gilded--

feathered & tarred

in an illuminated manuscript.

yay to the irony of feather

weighing down feather,

uglier than awkward.

forced out of a gewy shower

of pitch black.

as said harpy begs flight to fancy

her, from the humiliation of


where she's granted with a sloppy

flop onto the page's margin.
Onoma 3d
down the main aisles of a movie theater,
cranial malformations of popcorn are
the brittle knockabouts of a cannibal's
unstrung necklace--left to the ritualized
red of Hollywood's carpet.
the flashlight of a theater attendant stretches
out its beam, to pinned concentrations.
just as the movie screen becomes the bubbling,
gaping hole of burnt film.
the projector let through, flickering back its raw
Onoma 4d
inappropriate laughter from caches

of silence--

contextually disembodied.

weird people weirded out,

the pressing matter of face-economy.

stuck to its numbing anesthetic, the

unnaturalness of skin snubbing skin.

while on friendly terms.
Onoma 6d
a gusty whip of pages,

read clear as a

goat's bell collar.

what deflowers snow--

this stack

of monthly grimoires.

broken open

by penetrative invocations.

as leaves slowly begin to

Onoma Apr 30
lightless cessations


against the crumpled

lightning of roots.

sparking its sensitive

wires that blow open a

casket like a safe.
Onoma Apr 29
a cold spot

in a



can be felt

more often

than not.
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