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338 · Jul 2018
Real love
Meera Jul 2018
Paper towns
Matchstick people
Plastic hearts
Concrete emotions
Plastered smiles
Coal tar tears

Where to look for real love?
Thankyou for reading this.
Meera Mar 2018
As I put the cigarette between these lips of mine
Just one match and it came alive
The first puff burnt all my worries down
With the second one I got rid of my frown
The third drag made me feel your arms around me
With the fourth one I started feeling free
The fifth puff was warm against the cold air
The sixth one made my vision clear
With the seventh, I could see my spirit dancing in smoke
The last one left me wanting for more
Cigarette smoking is injurious to
329 · Dec 2019
New Year 2020
Meera Dec 2019
No Jesus was born on December 25
And no way there's new year on January 1st

The winter is cold and depressing
without an ounce of sunshine

The flowers are dead
The trees are barren
The sky is foggy
And the lips are dry

Why would anything great happen at this time of the year?

Maybe it's our ancestors who are trying to tell us something

If Jesus took birth and survived
defying all the odds
Despite the king of Judea
trying to take his life

Then no matter what happens
You can survive too

If the new year can come
Walking on snow
With no flowers to welcome him
And no sun to keep him warm

Then no matter how depressing the times are
You can always become 'New'
Congrats you have survived another year
Keep fighting your battlles. I am so proud of y'all
320 · Apr 2018
In your eyes
Meera Apr 2018
In your eyes
I can see both courage and frailty
And I just wonder what'd you show when I'd expect you to fight for our love
Will you be my knight in shining armour
Or will you let me down like you always have
318 · Dec 2017
Friend Zone
Meera Dec 2017
You aren't the luxury of a seven star hotel
You aren't the fun of a pub or disco
But you are the comfort of my old childhood house
You are the one i call home

You aren't the perfection of a well fitted suit
You aren't the glamour of a short dress
But you are that blue grandma's sweater
Which keeps me warm when the nights are cold

You aren' the playfullness of sneakers
Neither you are the beauty of high heels
But you are those old shabby flipflops
Whose flat sole keeps me closer to the floor

You aren't the cool friend i party with
You aren't that hot colleague in the office
But you are the the only one i talk to
Whenever this whole world makes me feel alone

You aren't that lipstick which makes me look bold
You aren't the lip gloss which allures everyone
But you are the lip balm i use every night
To heal the cracks of life,my love

You aren't the passionate kisses of love
You aren't the make out sessions at night
But you are the one whose arms i run to
When all the pleasure of love is gone

You aren't my highschool or college boyfriend
You aren't the love of my life
But you are the one who matters the most
While the stupid world calls it friend zone
282 · Dec 2019
The Sun and the Earth
Meera Dec 2019
The sun bids adieu to his lover
With a promise to meet later
The sky is red- the color of blood
Reflecting the pain of the earth’s heart
Only god knows how she’ll spend the night
Cold, dark and full of fright
Waiting for her love to return
And in the dawn as the first ray of sun
touches the earth
The darkness fades
And she springs to life again
The sun and the earth
They meet every morning
Only to part
At dusk
The dusk must be an artist. Who else can paint the parting of two lovers so beautifully
269 · Jun 2020
it gets so tiring sometimes
Meera Jun 2020
to be needed by everyone
but wanted by none
if i disappear tomorrow the only thing you'd probably miss is a clean house
Meera Apr 2020
sad like her cheeks when she forces a smile
dry like her lips when she kisses my cheeks
lost like her expressions when she stares into the darkness
Quivering like her voice when she lies that she's okay
Deaf like her ears when she slips  back into her void
tired as her eyes when she hasn't slept all night
Yellow as the pills she places on her tongue
And red as the wine she gulps them down with

If you ever wonder what depression looks like
It looks like my mother's face
260 · Jun 2020
Oh America!
Meera Jun 2020
It feels like yesterday
when a politician appeared on our doorstep
with promises of development,
and better health facilities

He said
"we would turn India into

The same politician was on our doorstep
distributing masks and soap bars
among people
who can't afford them

When people expressed their
over the growing number of

He replied by saying
Don't worry we won't let
India turn into
How the tables have turned
243 · Dec 2019
A forgotten cup of coffee
Meera Dec 2019
Sometimes while hurrying with your life
You place your hot cup of coffee on the table
And forget about it for a while
Slowly it starts degrading
First it loses its aroma
Then its warmth
And finally its taste
Until it becomes a brown watery liquid
With nothing left in it to offer
Now it can neither energize nor refresh you
But you're getting late for work
So you gulp it down anyway
The feeling of disgust and discontent
Evident on your face
As if you'd have preferred poison
Over that cup of coffee
It's like you have forgotten that it was YOU
Who left it to rot away in the first place

I refuse to be that forgotten cup of coffee in your life
Find someone who loves you as much as I love my black coffee ☕
239 · Apr 2018
What's love?
Meera Apr 2018
It's hell and heaven rolled into one
Meera Feb 2020
I lie on my bed
I get some thoughts in my head
I try to drive them away
But they go on to stay
They keep haunting me
The words keep daunting me
I take out a paper and a pen
write the thought down, then
I read it, doesn't sound that bad
feeling content and glad
I go back to my bed
And fall asleep with an empty head
After dawn, when I feel unruffled and sane
I take out the paper and read it again
It sounds terrible, I want to cry
Nonetheless I give it another try
Reading it again, It sounds even worse
Ashamed of my 3 am self and her words
Registering the lack of passion they display
Disgusted, I post them anyway
Thank you for reading this 💕
Meera Jan 2020
Sometimes, I feel
that intoxication would burn down my pain
only to find out
that it can reemerge from the ashes
unless it's treated with love
“Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine.” ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas, Italian Dominican Priest, 1225 – 1274,
Meera Jan 2020
loving her is
dreaming of tropical sunsets
while stuck up on a blizzard
believing her is
driving fast on the highway
with ***** in your blood
wanting her is
hoping for the snow to fall
in the month of July
kissing her is
chewing the pieces of your own broken heart one by one
but that shouldn't stop you from
-loving her
-believing her
-wanting her and
-kissing her
her rise might lead to your end
her smile might leave you distressed
you might land up in situations, you can't comprehend
but isn't what you signed up for when you chose her over me
so you are not allowed to give up on her
not now
not ever
Tell her that you love her despite her flaws, believe in her ability to fight her demons, make her feel wanted for everything that she is and when she gets tired of fighting kiss her gently and lie down with her. Love her more than you ever loved me. Your love can be her only savior. Please don't let me down this time.
Meera Jun 2020

Last night I came across a man
His skin pale as marble
Eyes dark and cold
Wearing a crisp charcoal suit
And black sparkling shoes
The smell of his cologne
Burning my nostrils
The warmth of his breath
Making me shiver
A chill ran across my spine
As he pinned me to the wall
Tracing circles on the back of my neck
With his bony fingers
He tightened his grip on my throat
As I held on to dear life
Slowly he drew his lips close to my ear
And asked ; his voice, barely a whisper
Will you come along with me?
I tried but couldn’t say NO
Soon he took over everything I once called mine

Last night I met a man named Death
And I fell in love with him
Meera Jan 2020
they say at the end of every dark tunnel
there is light
but what do you do
when the inside of your heart
is darker than darkness itself
so much so
that even LIGHT is scared of you
Black holes can be beautiful too
160 · Jan 2020
Political Dilemma
Meera Jan 2020
If you don't a support the left
You're a fascist
And if you are critical of the right
You're anti-national

So I guess, I'm a bit of both
The current political state in the nation where you can't exist without being wrong
Meera Feb 2020
T-shirt and jeans form a good outfit
Bulky sweaters are better
A turtleneck and jacket is definitely the best

Gotta hide all her bruises, you see
At least he didn't hit her in her face
Meera Jan 2020
I am your muse
She is your love
I inspire you to write
She inspires you to live
She has your heart
I have your words

And words, no matter how magnificent
are nothing in comparison of love
I'd rather be heartbroken than be a homewrecker
132 · Jan 2020
For someone named ap here
Meera Jan 2020
hate to me is a precious emotion
something even more sacred than love
i keep it reserved for very few people
and for even fewer occasions
it isn't something that I carry around with me
spewing at random strangers on internet
sometimes I do get a bit sarcastic
sometimes a bit edgy
but trust me what you saw
was neither sarcasm nor edginess
and definitely not hate
it was my stupidity
stupidity to forget that the only use of comments section is to
shout out compliments
it can't be used to express disagreements
disagreement for the usage of the word 'thing'
for a living person
specifically a girl
i didn't know you wrote that for your daughter
don't remember if it was mentioned anywhere
all I can say is sorry
sorry for misunderstanding
and sorry for being misunderstood
sending love for your daughter
blow her a kiss for me
educate her and give her books to read
so that when she grows up
she won't be stupid like me

Goodbye, won't bother you again
I would send this directly to ap but I have been blocked (lol) so you guys carry the message. Also tell me if there is some therapy to treat stupidity, I am in dire need of that
129 · Jan 2020
Meera Jan 2020
you scream her name
everytime you make love to me
and i pretend that
i didn't hear

after all this is business
and i can't mix pleasure with it
Why do you come here everyday?

— The End —