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 3d J J
Stu Harley
The heart's a garden, tended with pure care,
Where love's sweet rose blooms in vibrant hue,
A secret affair, beyond what eyes can share,
Unveiled only to those steadfast and true.
Petals unfurl in passion's warm embrace,
Revealing depths where tender feelings dwell,
A sanctuary, love's most hallowed place,
Where whispered vows their magic cast and swell.
The rose's fragrance, heady and divine,
Intoxicates the senses with desire,
While in the heart's chambers, unseen, entwine
Emotions fierce, a smoldering fire.
Between this flower and that vital core,
Lies love's enigma, forever to explore,
A bond eternal, cherished evermore.
 May 9 J J
Stu Harley
The surface may seem calm, a tranquil guise,
But love shall feast upon the heart that lies
Beneath the skin, where passions burn unseen,
A hidden banquet, for the love-adept queen.

It hungers not for flesh, nor mortal prize,
But for devotion's fire, in truth-filled eyes.
It craves the depths, where dreams and shadows meet,
A soulful feast, a love both fierce and sweet.

So let it in, this hunger, pure and strong,
For love's true feast, endures a lifetime long.
 May 7 J J
Stu Harley
Death's gaze, not vacant, but with a bloodshot gleam,
A chilling glint, a haunting, shadowed dream.
No youthful spark, but wisdom etched in lines,
A life well-lived, yet etched with all its times.

A whiskey smile, a knowing, bitter twist,
Of countless souls, he's met, with a final kiss.
No malice gleams, but weary, patient grace,
A silent beckon to that unknown space.

He holds no weapon, nor a cruel decree,
Just life's last dance, the final cup for thee.
 May 6 J J
But My Soul
 May 6 J J
My faith is mine
And mine alone.

This hope,
You cannot take away.

I’ll be drained
Of each drop of blood,
You’ll drag my name
Through the cherry-stained mud,
But my soul, my soul, my soul
Is saved.

My soul, my soul,
Is saved.
 May 1 J J
Stu Harley
In the depths of the Nile, a mystery unfolds,
Egyptian blue, a story yet untold.
Your eyes, a mirror, reflecting heavens vast,
Where love ignites, a passion meant to last.

Not sapphire's fire, nor ocean's endless hue,
But pharaoh's whispers, secrets born anew.
A timeless gaze, where galaxies reside,
In their depths, forever I confide.

A hypnotic spell, a love both fierce and true,
Lost in your eyes, Egyptian blue.
 May 1 J J
I am from

Moments that felt like holding on to something that is slipping away

I am from Christmas mornings
Heart leaping
A child’s excitement
Pulling my father down the stairs
He is all scattered gray hair
Pointing every which a way
And a soft Scottish accent,
And my mother is all smiles,
Eyes bright and laughing

But always, the smile is pulled tight
And behind it all,
Pain resting upon her
Like an invisible cloak

And I am cross legged on the floor
Eyes bright with the reflection of Christmas lights
Pushing away the too-old-for-my-age knowledge that
One day
One day
my mother is going to break

And I am going to lose her.
Written in five minutes as part of an "I am from" challenge during a writing class. Memories of my childhood.
 May 1 J J
David J
 May 1 J J
David J
Now I close my eyes
While a twilight veil floods over me
I fall through my surroundings
Thinking of where I want to be

Casting, scenes, and wardrobe
I must be entertained
Something new, bright, and upside down
I don't want them tamed

Why dream if its not dreamy
So thats just what I’ll do
When wandering through rooms of thought
Theres always something new
The ice has melted
All the flowers are in bloom
I shiver alone
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