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haysia Jun 2019
And she looks at the mirror
staring straight into her iridescent eyes,
where she used to find solace in
but never found one, instead
a glimpse of self depreciation is evident,
she almost throw up.
And she finally realized, there are still battle wounds that she's not ready to show the world.
haysia Jun 2019
I want a breather
Because somehow,
I am at the point
where I'm tired of myself
haysia Jun 2019
Even with the noise around us
I could still pick his laughter
I could still see those brown eyes
shining, illuminating the dark
I can still touch him
I can still feel him
and I find myself
falling in love all over again
with the figment of my imagination.
Accept that he's already gone. Move forward. And don't look back
haysia Jun 2019
tired but cannot rest
bare in the inside
but filled on the outside
pushing forward
and pulling my **** together
agree to disagree
haysia Jun 2019
A twirl of emotions
A twist in my stomach
A chill in my spine
A poem

together with all the memories
and all of the pains
all of the heartaches

keep coming back
crashing the wall
surrounding my heart
haysia May 2019
he and she will always be that
two eyes showing
unspoken love for each other
two hearts longing
for forever in each other
two ears listening
to each other's heartbeat
two lost souls
finding each other
haysia Apr 2019
I'll write things you'll never read
I'll express feelings you'll never notice
I'll speak words you'll never listen
I'll portray souls you'll never sense.
The things I do for him and the things he will never do for me
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