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Veronica Feb 10
he loved her only as a concept
a disembodied fragment
to fit an illusion:
his delusion.

her essence contorts,
twisted and deformed,
so she could fit tightly
into his world.

a tainted story
of man's fabrication
and *******
of womanhood.
Veronica Feb 8
I know that you will never love me
how I need you to
because your heart is simply
not able to
you will never comprehend
the ocean that flows
within my mind
or a love that transcends all confines
and surpasses linear time
a love universal and arcane,
not earthly and mundane

your idea of loving me
feels empty, bland and meek
you touch me,
press your lips against me,
a momentary release
it ends as soon as it begins

I'll pretend to understand
but my mind will be in the sky
yearning for what
you cannot provide
Veronica Feb 7
I could be a happy song,
a breeze through your hair
a breath of fresh air
but I can't right your wrongs

I can teach you how to sing,
to live a life wild and free
I'll reveal to you the beauty
that waits in corners,

because it's the little things
the sweet, sweet nothings
that mean everything

when you learn to see,
come and walk with me
Veronica Jan 27
he asked me,
"what is the point of living
if you deprive yourself
of loving?"
and I answered,
"I live for almost nothing.
loving you has turned me
into a fool.
I love,
       and I loathe,
Veronica Jan 27
In this world
the only way to survive
is to pretend.
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