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MT Browder Feb 2
defeat is the final stage of fear
failure is the first step in success
regret is the yesterday's problem
hope is clear as a baby's eyes
happiness flows like a crystal river
sadness a stagnant puddle of hate
courage has a pinch of crazy
love is gravity
MT Browder Jan 29
i knew before the need
i loved before and after the seeds
my mistakes are weeds forgiven
in the friendship garden we live in
MT Browder Jan 26
a "thank you" is a rare thing, take note when you see one, protect their environment, this world will never be the same without them
MT Browder Jan 24
wake up ready to fight evil of mind
work every day against the pain
rest your head knowing that behind
the Holy Spirit moving good to gain
MT Browder Jan 23
the hunger of a true and lonely heart is quenched with a spoonful, but the evil one is a glutton
MT Browder Jan 22
i guess love also takes the path of least resistance, this is why my heart always thinks of you
MT Browder Jan 20
tiny hand
grabbing a finger
while feeding
small hand
helping turn page
story reading
scared hand
gripped tight
crossing street
teaching hands
putting school shoes
on nervous feet
cheering hands
for the brave
confident soul
waving hands
for the loved
leaving the fold
holding hands
tears come fast
through cold bed rails
for the last
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