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Life is a bridge
Between birth and death.
Death has no title
Whatever, whoever
It is death.
Death has no heart
There is no new start.
What's death?
It's not losing breath.
It is the end of the bridge.
He who dies once,
Will never fear
death again
Love has no final definition
My love is a decision
Not an admiration.
My heart is deeper than the sea
Plenty of secrets inside
That no one can see
My heart is a world of love
The deeper you get
The warmer you feel
My heart has no exit door
He who gets there
Will never die
You will live forever
Without saying goodbye.
I wish I could
Love you
The way
You hate me.
It is a challenging poem. Only sagacious poets could decode the unseen as well as the unknown. Need your wisdom to decode these verses.
Smile and never stop smiling
You were born to smile
Not to cry
Your eyes are filled with tears
Get rid of your fears
Hide your pains
Wake up and say
I don't care
If it is my last day.
Look around and see
Without you
I can't be.
Live for me
I kneel again before you.
Let's start anew
Can you accept me?
Yes dear
I love that smile
We smile together
Loving each other forever.
We won't say goodbye
Our love will never die.
The day I met you
Was the beginning of the universe.
Today as you have left
It is my doomsday.
If your justice is in the sky
That's a big lie.
If your justice is on earth
I didn't choose my birth.
If your justice is on doomsday
That's a Greek play.
There is no justice.
Are we the same?
It's a shame.
Some were born to be,
Others just to see.
Some are here to live,
Others just to leave.
**** your fake justice!
Life is nothing
But a fake dream.
Everything is fake
The day you wake up
You find nothing to take.
Every day is a new fear
A can of beer
Might wipe your tear.
A bottle of whiskey
Makes your dreams less risky.
Every day we hide our pains
Between the winds and the rains
Life is a deep sigh
at the end
They will tell you
Huh! My life is the worst lie.
As my dreams were soft
No one of them
Could be understood even by a cockroft.
Life is fake
For God's sake
Stop telling me
Tomorrow you will be.
Home alone thinking about you
Looking at the stars
Talking to the moon.
Where is she?
She left without saying goodbye
Didn't you promise
Your strong love would never die
I crave for you
I lost my way
I need you anyway
I miss your presence
I curse your absence

Come back
My days turned dark
The stars replied
She went far away
I replied
I don't believe what they say
My heart is a fertile land
Whatever you plant
Will grow up till the end
If you plant love
You smell only love
I f you plant hatred
Don't worry, one day you will be
Whether frustrated or castrated
My heart is a judge
Having no grudge
You get what you plant
I dance on that holy and fertile land
Our hearts will melt together
That's what I have meant.
Arab spring
Still abashing
Dic tators and their fake thrones
Hitting them with wee stones
Liberty or death

Hold on your breath
Freedom and democracy
The end of supremacy
We are the world
We are the law
Stop your fake show
All together
Let's say
We are here
To bury
Your ***** play.
My life
Is nothing but a sharp knife.
Every day
I get stubbed.
One day in my heart,
Another day, in my other heart.
You made of my bleeding
China ink.
That can neither write nor sink.
Write about the days' pain
Fight for fear of being insane.
Eternal pain
With no gun or chain.
Dancing with pains
Under that heavy rain.
Poor! They said
He turned insane.
Your heart still dwells in my heart.
Two hearts in one body
Making me less sturdy.
Free my poor heart
From your possessed one
I need to breathe and run.
Why not
Making fun
Having a daughter and a son.
Two hearts living in a separate world. Hard to believe that love is killing sometimes
Some people have no future.
They only live on their
Past memories.
Future is adventure.
I mean it. Free yourself from the past.
A heart that doesn't beat love
Is nothing
but a woeful hut.
Heavy rain
Caught my attention
People scattered here and there
Open the window with no care
Few drops Touching my eyes
Soft and mild
Other drops slithered on my palm
Trying to see
A message from the sky?
Looking at the drops
I felt the need to cry
The rain's drops
Shaped the first
Letter of your name
My love for you
Is still the same
Love the rain
Soothing my inner pain.
Inside every person
There's another person
Genuine and real
No power can change or steal.
Inside every person
There's a man
Who wants to be
Happy and free
Stop judging me
And let the hidden person be.
That's all I love to see.
A history
That doesn't push
You forward
Will **** you one day.
Never build a bridge of hope
On a desperate river.
She sees the world
Through my eyes
You see her blind
I don't really mind
I am her eyes
She is my beautiful days
I feel the world
Through her heart
She paints the world
Through my eyes
We are two souls
And one mind
Among other  lovers
Hard to find.
My name starts from
Where yours ends.
I am the first
But not the last.
I am the truth
In a world full of hypocrisy
I am myself
In a world where
so many have lost themselves.
I am who I am
I am the disobedient
In a world full of obedients
I am the path
For those looking for a new birh
A new birth full of truth.
We were born
But by your culture
You made us torn.
You shaped our mind
Till  we turned blind.
I am  neither my past.
Nor  their future.
None of them will last
I am the truth.
I am the truth
In a world  of hypocrisy
Each pretends to possess the truth
Jack and Ruth
I am myself
They were taught to memorize
And I am here to criticize
I am the truth
I am who I am
I am neither the first
Nor the last.
I learn from no one
But myself.
I move from the future to the past.
My time and space are so fast.
My "now" is a blend of past and
A bit of tomorrow.
Your present is just a tale of
Joy and sorrow.
I noticed that we live far away from our days. The present for us is a means to live in the past or in the future. We adore talking about our souvenirs or future plans.
Your eyes are so beautiful
Not because of their black color
Or shining lenses.
It is love inside them
That makes me see
This beautiful world.
You are my heaven
I am your angel.
A whole life
Is not
Enough to tell
How much I love you.
I need
to  be reincarnated
 into an immortal stone
Not to be eternal
 But to love you forever.
The day you left
Life  turned weird
Time became meaningless
Our Streets no longer shine
The day they knew
I fell in love with you
They tore your photo
They didn't know that
I have hidden it
In my heart.
What's life
If you are not here.
Who am I
If I can't see you dear.
Long time ago
I kneeled to tell you
I love you madly.
I couldn't find a gift
But my innocent heart.
You have left
I find it a real theft.
I need to love again
But in vain.
You left without giving me back my
Innocent heart.
I died
Few days after my birth.
Breath is not life.
A woman is not always a wife.
I died
When I lost hope
Drink nothing but water and soup.
Time is my arch enemy.
It was one day
When time buried my laughter.
It was one day
When time misused my kindness.
It was one day
When I lost my consciousness.
Life indeed is nothing but
It was one day.
One day I was young
Happy and strong.
I was free
Moving like a bird
From this branch
To that tree.
Singing a melody
Somehow like a cacophony.
I used to walk with a speed
Faster than a centipede.
Hiding in the attic
When my mom was calling.
I found her anger and words cryptic.
One day I was young
Naughty with a big tongue
I used to giggle
When my dad couldn't solve a riddle.
I used to fly like a butterfly
Living like a prince
With no tears or sigh.
I have never felt sorry
For having no lolly.
I was young.
I wish I could fly
But you know
You have cut my wings
After throwing our rings.
I wish I could say
not bye.
You know
A man without a woman
Is like a bird without wings.
Come back or tell me
How to die.
If not
Why do you sigh?
I cry
Not because I am sad
Or hurt.
Most of the time
I cry to hide my pain
Compete with winter rain.
Each drop of rain
Gives a new life to the ground.
Only my hope
Not yet found.
My tears are poetry
Only sagacious poets
Can understand.
This is not parody.
Each drop of tear
Kills that strange fear.
Though to death
I am so near.
I cry
Not to say goodbye
To shout out
I won't die.
We were born
              To live and  die.
  Rich or poor
              No need to sigh
   Be yourself
           And you never cry.
   Life is a dream
   Wake up and let it
                 Look so reem
Life is a dream
Full of lies and illusion
The day you wake up
You feel lost in this confusion.
Lost here and there
Looking for an exit
Trapped in a world of fear
Strong and powerful
Stuck at home
Having no power
No hope
But waiting for a savior.
Life is a school
Living alone
Like a fool.
Be patient
Is the best tool.
No need to rush
It might lead to a clash
Go back inside
You see?
There is only one side.
I am neither  a Saint nor a monk
So stop poking your conk.
Title: Lingering Wounds

The vestiges of my wounds persist,
Undeniably unhealed as the passage of years ensues.
A palpable sense of self-negation prevails,
The weight of the past causing an abrupt collapse.

The reservoir of tears, once considered a remedy,
Proves futile in altering the irrevocable theft.
Today's scars are emblematic remnants,
Echoing the enduring pain of yesterdays.
Who am I?
In a world full of hypocrisy.
My heart will never beat again
As long as you are away.
You are mine, though you disdain.
The day we met in that alley.
Without you,
I hate to remain
Cz my life is but a fake play.
I don't want to stay
In a world
I can't find the word
I don't know how to say.
My rail is just for your love train.
I still remember
The day I fell in love
With you.
I lost my way home.
Love is easy to draw
Hard to show.
He who doesn't love himself
Can never love others.
Love starts in your heart first
Spread among people last.
Stop looking for love outside
Go back to yourself
It is deeply rooted inside.
Without love
No creature could exist on earth.
It is love that makes us be and love.
Love is the universe
With its sun and moon
Without love
The sun can never shine the moon.
Love and be loved
If you don't know how to love
I still have a space in my heart.
Love you all.
He who loves
Never dies.
Real lovers let people learn from their experience. They represent an eternal school of love.
A heart that doesn't love
Is a dead heart.
A man who knows how to love
Never dies.
Love them all
From Arabia to Portugal
They are Lord'S creatures
No matter how different are their features.
That's God's call
Why into the trap, you want to fall.
On the waves of your eyes I start to play.
Weird feelings took my mind away
You are my harbour, I am your bay.
Can you guess what lovers might say?
Careless about what they say.
I grow stronger day after day.
See the sun and its ray
My love is all but not a play.
Our love is a daily pray.
Can you guess what lovers say?
Their sun love never fades away.
Love me once, I love you twice.
Any doubt, Let's play dice.
My heart is there, where you are
Stuck to yours, I no longer care
Missing your presence
Your love is my real balance.
Come along, we won't care
Falling apart is that fair?
Love me once, I love you twice
If doubt, let's race
Get closer and stare.
You see? You are mine and I don't care.
Free your heart and break their ice.
Is our love the first love case?
Love me or leave me
You have no other choice
But to tell me.
I love you madly
Yeah, that's your love voice.
Don't hesitate
I won't retaliate
Love me or **** me
The day I fell in love
   With you,
       I had four of my ribs
       Could that be a love
A man without a woman
Is like a bird without wings.
Women make you love
And be loved.
Women make you fly
So high.
Be my wings.
Seen you.
Have just
Felt you
In my heart
I love loving you.
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