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el Mar 20
the stars remind me of things
that they will never remind you of
you will look at the stars
and not think of anything but what they are
i will look at the stars and think of you
i will always look up at the stars
hoping that you are too
but within the stars i see you
i read them like braille
as they tell me our story
at the very least
the ones in our memories
i miss you
el Mar 20
I just want somebody to love  
I think everybody does
But it’s not just any somebody
Surely you understand
Mark Wanless Mar 6
obscure and abstract
memories of love so soft
i just walk to you
Vira Mar 6
From far away, you seem
Distant, quiet, and closed  
Discard anyone’s company but prefer to be in your own!
I came a little bit close, I saw you are -
warm, wise and witty,
Kind and one of your kind!
And a delight to meet!
Taught me a life lesson in humility in one evening!
It’s not very often I meet people who can inspire me so much in one meeting :)
I met a man who is an absolute delight yet so humble and shy.
Mark Wanless Mar 3
the wonder of the
universe is you
Renae Mar 1
You were there for me,
I'm sorry I was such a mess.
I couldn't see you, for the fences and walls surrounding me.
The truth is I wouldn't have
been able to,  it didn't matter
As hard as you tried to love me,
I had to love me too.
I had never learned how
So when I said "I love you"
I loved you the same way I loved me,
so conditionally.
TS Feb 23
My friends tell me it was only a couple of months.
I should feel better by now.
I should feel lighter and happier.
Some days I am and some days my heart hurts deeply.
I realized that even though it was only a couple of months, you were the reason I came back to this part of the world.
The part of the world when I felt comfortable in love.
The place where I realized that I could do this again.
The moment where I let love feel safe again.
After 7 years of self discovery and healing, I brought myself back to the world of falling in love....

and I picked you.

What a stupid thing to do.

- t.s.
im sitting here
      daydreaming about


                            your hands

your lips

                     your body

feeling them
     all over me


    all the time

because i remain yours
      but youre no longer
Hugo Pierce Jan 30
I say thank you
Thank you to the me that brought me to myself.
The one who weathered the storm
The one that suffered as waves crashed
The one who pushed on when everything seemed lost.
Thank me.
For I would not be I
if you had not been you.
N Pescador Jan 22
Im not sure if i already have moved on
But i saw you in my dream
I don’t know what does it mean
If i just missed you or you’re thinking of me
But im happy
Im happy that i saw you
Even if it was a dream
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