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Heidi Franke Oct 2023
To heal,
Journal they say
Like a worm in the dirt
Of my front lawn
Sliding, pushing through
Air pockets
Arduous, unending crawl
No words come
To mind
Where can I breathe

To heal,
Journal they say
Words don't come easy
They fly up like
Torn pages of a book
Riffed, stolen letters of some name
In the nameless wind
Grasping what isn't there,
A cynical continuing void

To heal,
Journal they say
My hands become deaf and blind
The pages curl and mold
Pen and paper inventing before I have begun
All I have is the deep
The deepest inside
That comes here
Traversing incredulity, while I

To heal, they say
Kat Pan Oct 2023
Slow and heavy
Ball of worry
My hair is falling
I should be starving
Happiness is the wind
All around but out of reach
I feel everything draining out of me
I want to lay down in the sun for a while
I want to remember I can smile
Time is happening all at once
Life is a second
So why do I suffer?
Self soothe like a mother
Find shelter, take cover
Pray the worst is over
Feeling anxious and worried
Unpolished Ink Sep 2023
Slap my face cruel wind
press hard upon my cheek
with fingers red and rough as any farmers hand
you bend the struggling trees
and whip the waves to beat the land
is it any wonder
that I fail to understand
how one so gentle in repose
could be so angry when he blows
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2023
~ For my darling Isabel on her twelfth birthday~

Dance there upon the shore;
What need have you to care
For wind or water's roar?
And tumble out your hair
That the salt drops have wet;
Being young you have not known
The fool's triumph, nor yet
Love lost as soon as won,
Nor the best labourer dead
And all the sheaves to bind.
What need have you to dread
The monstrous crying of wind?
Has no one said those daring
Kind eyes should be more learn'd?

Or warned you how despairing
The moths are when they are burned,
I could have warned you, but you are young,
So we speak a different tongue.
O you will take whatever's offered
And dream that all the world's a friend,
Suffer as your mother suffered,
Be as broken in the end.
But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue.
For my darling Isabel on her twelfth birthday

emphasis, last two.ines, mine. nml
Zywa Sep 2023
The wind surrounds us.

The restless howling tells us --

that we are inside.
Improvised composition "Subaerial" (= in the layer of air just above the ground, 2021, Lucy Railton & Kit Down

Collection "org anp ark" #300
Malia Sep 2023
When the floating moment passes
Everything crashes down.
A second, a millisecond, a microsecond
It’s short and long and short once more.

Nobody expects the end.
But we know it is coming
Because it always does.

The wind whispers to me:

I’ve been really busy with school, so I haven’t posted in forever lol

Also, a friend of mine is like weirdly against italics, t h i s, and bold…what’s your opinion on that?

I know I totally overuse emphasis XD
Zywa Sep 2023
Coming off the tram,

we stand still to watch, the wind --

blows flyers to us.
"Ivoren wachters" ("Ivory guardians", 1951, Simon Vestdijk), chapter XXI

Collection "Inmost [2]"
xjf Aug 2023
I swear, they're having battles up there
and we're missing them!
Right there! way up in the air
past all the houses, past the hills
past the pollution
Right there against the blue
They are warriors of strength through and through
I see their charges, the waves of legions
sides changing as quickly as the seasons
but they keep fighting on, forever I'm sure
The battle of the blue and white blur
irinia Aug 2023
the sea fills me up till there is no more space for dying
thoughts turn themselves into a boundless edge
the wind tells me there is only wonder
seashells have forgotten the stories of the depth
my hands want  to rediscover their dreaming
wild birds try the geometry of the sky
and whispers they become
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