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Safana Aug 2020
Ring the Bell
Ring it, well
Ring the Bell
can see, a skell
from dry well
They sight it well
A wealthy kvell
spell it and yell,
Ring the Bell
And paupers
           yawningly mispell
           They can see not well
They said:
           Blood well instead farewell

Ring the Bell
Everyone is unwell
The tears is upwell
No tasty, they smell
All sadness are swell
And hungry is quell

Ring the Bell
          Difficulties swell
          No one to dwell
          For a bit on snell
          Uphill is upswell

Ring the bell
Ring it well!
Be alert and alert everyone to help those needy ones everywhere in this world.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2020
If an if ifies in time to make you
see a second pass
tict to tict
take the time to see the vision
trust your spirit to remind you

this ain't déjà vu,
this is new,
we really are feeling life in
mere words,
on a retina for a second
past any certain point,
any possible thing
one more time,
sequential as days, that's life,
one thing after another, then we die.
Pondering time flying, wishing all well
All energy comes from the same well
every whim wrought
whims not
while sitting on a fiery throne
or cast out onto frosted stone
buy or sell
It's drawn from the same well
close your eyes
what color is it?
Took a shallow breath
From a shallow depth

Narrowed eyes
From the narrow thought process

Living in a well
Limited space, imagination

Little significance
It held in a unfathomable world

A shallow breath, depth
Limited thought process
Some odd thoughts
Myrrdin Aug 2020
I built this ending back in February,
Leaving work to make sure I didn't miss you,
Cancelling plans just to watch you live,
I can pretend I never loved you,
Yet I built more of myself on your well being,
Than I ever did on my own sanity,
When it is was never you that I wanted,
Just your love I had to prove I could earn.
Karijinbba Apr 2020
Archangel Patpàpa ruddy mine
I'll be seeing you.
Our old rddbba song.
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day and through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut trees
The wishing well taking in your daily coin twenty years?
true love how not to adore you.

I'll be seeing you darling
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you

But I'll be seeing you
you "youme, meyou"
my sweetest dearest love.
In Hollywood by Billy Holiday
For Karijinbba. 74-95-05/2020. revised 06-16-20
Ill be seeing you.precious beloved
because you were always back after each storm fell as gaps opened up
you loved me so thank you..
your patient spirit soul is God like
it healed my ink silences.
my thought processes.your own
thinking modes restored me
and I keep breathing connected
in disconnection.
fabian francis Apr 2020
She flirted and i fell into a trap that was never there
I jumped into a dry well absent of love and affection
I now cling at anything; I fear I may never climb out
Stuck, with a wounded heart in a well that may never fill
second poem
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2020
perfect summary, of pre-times, the ex-diurnal regularly raggedy,
lyric line, of lunar linear days, wave to it hi/bye crooked jaggedly

foretelling, of a first time, when world was self-imprisoned, wondering,   a sin of commission, an omission from a shut-up confession

guilty of laxity, no perspicacity, our fortune telling, loved our ignorance,
lazy greediness let sickness rule, everyone pointing no, not me, fooled

heroes dying in saving, rich in New Zealand hiding, while poets
march in punctilious timing, mourning lost freedom to be unafraid

all thinking, now disbelieving, we’ve lived so well so long,
but the fault-lines cracking showing all of us were emperors naked

from now on, we’ll live so long, not so well, suspecting each other,
the masks we will wear forevermore, dual purposed, protect and

hide our ashamed faces, gowned to disguise, finger pointing
not my fault, but the curve of life and death, proclaiming good bye:

so long so well, so long glass houses, so long, age of so swell, we too, sophisticates, above the fray, impervious innocence, so well we dead

gutless guiltless

^ ”And I don't know a soul who's not been battered
I don't have a friend who feels at ease
I don't know a dream that's not been shattered
or driven to its knees
But it's all right, it's all right

We've lived so well so long
Still, when I think of the road
we're traveling on
I wonder what went wrong
I can't help it, I wonder what went wrong

“American Tune” by Paul Simon
Sat April 25 twenty twenty
5:06am fifty thousand dead
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