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Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2021
Protecting heart with armor of steel
Advances don't break through
Is safer not being able to feel
Than risk allowing to be hurt by you

Yes I enjoy time we spend
(At least I like it so far)
Part of me is genuinely scared when
It is because I don't know who you are

And even with best intentions
Odds are we will not last
I may have captured your attention
Things can change so fast

Growing smarter the older I get
Scars teaching lessons to keep
I view everyone as a potential threat
Refusing to wade deep
I don't want to get over my head again
JKirin Jul 2021
Can you hear the buzz in the air—
the electric charge? See a flare
lighten up the roadway to your death?
Are you ready to take your last breath?
No? What a dull, boring affair...
Get out of the way, far from here!
about a demon coming across an unworthy opponent
MawaLin Jun 2021
I keep hushing my mind.
It’s constantly threatening to spiral.
JKirin Apr 2021
Don’t come near!
I’m talking to you, you hear?
I’m no longer your purposeless teacher.
Here before you now stands a graceless dangerous treacher.
Have you come here to fight, my dearest pupils?
Here, now, I have no scruples—
Fools! Prepare!
about a teacher turning evil
JKirin Jan 2021
There is no escape...
A creature of evil—the dark!
You roam through the night well hidden—
Your strike –
a deathly finesse! Crushed, smitten,
he falls down – your victim, your mark.
There is no escape!
about deathly creatures of the night
Flatfielder Nov 2020
Between two
Ends in divorce
Or common grounds found
Explored and understood

Where a segment of a country
At odds with truth justice and decency
Undermines a struggling democracy
There is no greatness to be found
More pennings on mirakee
MS Anjaan May 2020
I was quite simple,
I became worst
She said - "you are wrong"
It can't be covered in notes
Sharon Talbot May 2020
A virus lives quietly
Until one day it appears
As suddenly as a madman
Raging in the desert
In quest of methamphetamine.
Or an outlaw on *****,
Shooting up streets
And striking people down.
It has no origin we can see,
No place that it calls home,
But ravages civilizations
And adopts their clothing,
Wears their armour
And steals their ships,
Like the Sea Peoples
Of ancient times.
Feared even by god-like Pharaohs,
The kings of Knossos and
The Mycenaean warlords.
It attacks the very essence
Of its victims, becoming like them.
Walking through their streets,
Dancing as they do and
Welcomed into their houses—
Hiding in plain sight.
It drifts down as they sleep,
And bonds with their cells at night.
I was writing a poem about the mysterious Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age, who ravaged empires and people all over the Mediterranean. As I wrote, I noticed parallels between the current pandemic and previous ones; the virus must hijack others' cells in order to reproduce, as if wearing them like a costume!
Heyaless May 2020
She has those striking eyes of an Owl .

She observes, Her stare intense yet clam .
She can see through illusion , thrive beyond illusion .
She can see true self of others , their weakness , their strengths .

Do not scared with her stare but ,
Fear her wisdom , spoken by silence !
The more she sees ,the less she sound .

Her defense is her colours
She can blend into the surroundings ,
She's a nemesis
Difficult to spot even if visible .

If you are a threat to her territory
Better watch your back from her talons .
You surely don't want to be her prey

She is intense .
She will mantle you ,
Not to protect but to finish you off ,
Without leaving any trace behind .

Her keen hearing sense , you cannot escape .
She can hear you scuffling from outrun .
She can sense your decoy ,
Even if you're buried in snow .

So tell me how you will veil those eyes which can see through dark .
This poem is a indirect description of my unconscious self which is actually conscious but hidden from the world .
Grey Apr 2020
The threat has gone away,
but still the fear stays..
Don't feel this way anymore, but might as well post anyway.
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