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Andrew Rueter Aug 2021
I woke up again
which means I’m still running
and you aren’t here
which means you’re still running
so I wonder how to get you back
…my mind is still running
yet I can’t feel anymore
because my heart is still while you’re running
and I can’t think anymore
because my brain is still yet running
our race is over, you ran faster
but I’m still running
to catch up to you
to prove I’m not still running.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Today and for a few days now
I just had to look at your photos
different ones two of them
In one you wore a tie and one other from a while back and I
felt like a billionaire everywhere.
I felt a different kind of wealth
A peacefulness about it,
in places too mystical to share.
A rush of lightening quickened
my breath and happiness never
felt so real as in looking,
at your photo more for it's inner worth though your outercore
is mostly holy for me.
I love you to tears in every look
and best that midnight criptic
shadowy one I cried all night long
with this one, and in love the most.
A verse asleep in memory chip, awakened me, you love me.
your love apeace my entrails.
Beloved of God divine.
You maketh me to lie down in green pastures:you leadeth me beside the still waters.
You restoreth my soul: You leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake.
Alhough I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear NO evil: for thou art with me;
thy ROD and thy STAFF
they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over precioso.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in
the house of you my Lord
my beloved for ever.
By: Karijinbba
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2021
As pulsing through my veins starts to slow way down
Tiny part of me is relieved
Blood swirling under skin nearly stands still
So subtle it's barely believed

My entire body pauses a moment
Then two
Paralyzed completely in place
As I prepare for the worst
A bed in death's embrace

Hearing goodbyes as world fades away
Quickly turns to black
Shifting from solid to spirit
Released from life to never come back
"We live on the cusp of death thinking that it won't be us..."
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2021
I do not blame you for leaving
Understand why you bid me goodbye
I would not be with me either
If wearing your shoes instead of mine

Sometimes regret past decisions
That never lasts for long
If I would have changed them
Could turn out even more wrong

You are not faultless though
Bear your fair share of mistakes
Both contributed to downfall
With messes each of us makes

Have no clue how it happened
Cannot pinpoint source
Of relationship's demise
Still fills me with remorse

To relive one day with you
When we were at our very best
Would give up everything
To again lay my head on your chest

Be energy responsible
For making world go round
It will never be that way again
Pieces fallen to the ground

Gone are the plans we made
Dreams had
Swept away with the wind
All I own now is my pen and pad

To soothe pain I write it down
Words can't take it away
Like an infected cut memory festers
Just grow more used to it each day

Come to realization
You do not need me anymore
Better off without me
And the life built before

Back when first falling in love
Felt too good to be true
Perfection may have been real
Ended too soon as good things do

And I wanted badly to believe
All those precious words you said
Ignored my rationality
Listened to my heart instead

I was convinced we were meant to be
My search was permanently done
Although you no longer feel the same
To me you will always be 'the one'

It's better to love and lose
Than never to love at all
Even with the agony inside
Still grateful it was you I fell for Paul
Too much I want to say to you but never will
hazem al jaber Aug 2021
Still writing ...

how to start ...
my morning ...
with you ...
o lady ...
after you were ...
the greatest to my night ...

how to start sweetheart ...
while i still running ...
with my poetic feelings ...
from night ...
until now ...
still watching ...
your face ...
among all stars ...
within the moon ...
while i'm drawing you ...
with my brilliant letters ..
from your eyes ...
to create you ...
as ever i used ...
into my mind's text  ...
to run with you ...
with my poems all ...
as we were ...
into a heaven ...
heaven created ...
only for me and you ..

how to start sweet angel mine ...
while the morning start ...
with it sweet cool breezes ...
while i'm still feeling you ...
and still writing for you ...

hazem al ...
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2021
she/her has no master, only a mastery;
she, comes compulsing, a physical pounding,
a throbbing impervious resistant to logic or medicine,
which is the so very ever, the peculiar throbbing
of a principled particular “present participle,”

write of compulsing is her mocking suggestion.

a presence, punishing urging, pas de choix, obey,
submission; write freely but not free, compose or
decompose; is there a difference, no, not, and so ordered,
demand surrendered, how? how? this taking and giving,
can a single act dichotomy be so fulfilling and so emptying?


wake daily to water canvas, the waves, dabs of paint
protruding, irritating. provoking yet presented silenced,
repetitiously calming, motioned framed within the
white edged sand, the bound-surround of the living painting.

eyes alight, eyes delight, this daily emergence unto
a tapestry devoid of human interference suggests
a differentiating reality; now I understand the how of a
world’s imperfections constituting, tooting its own perfectionism.

this is not lake water; no single flat stone skipping nor
a concentric rippling to a slow death; this is seaward-
bound, an oceans subservient tributary, contributory,
a river, bay, sound - precursors to a vast atlantic infinity.

this is metaphor; this a still life of the perpetuation metamorphosis.


the muse exhales; as do I subsequently; what difference?
none, she replies to herself, tween painting artist and
verbalizing poet, the un-still life creation, always, always,
different, the essence of diversity in a singularity sameness


7:13 AM Thu Jul 29
S. I. Sound
when you are given the choice of no choice,
you write again and again of the same vision,
the same view that presents upon awakening.
John McCafferty May 2021
From the warm breath of bright light,
blue sky breaks through our dormancy.
Cool breeze still keeps on bare air,
whilst curved lines rise bound in time
to care for the meaning of life.

We're expected to expand or contract,
responding to vast constructs set upon us.
It's easy to forget measures of the present tense.
Stillness often corrects parallels to connect, as impulses bubble up to ****** inside the mind.

Characters unseen play amongst the set,
there are integrated games we gain but our existence is said to be simplistic.
Focus on your sense of self and betterment, less complicated within the riddles of preconditioning.
Here to give, win and begin again.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
StormriderIX Apr 2021
A poem can take flight with our troubles

But sometimes instead the weight doubles
We carry something for so long
And suddenly we don't know what's going on
Dreams can shatter
It feels like nothing will matter
We try to move on forward
But we realise we feel cornered
Things happen yet time stands still
Time passes yet it all stands still
Life goes on.
old willow Mar 2021
Be still toward one’s heart, not letting it control one’s body…
Be still toward one’s body, not letting it control one’s mind…
Be still toward one’s mind, not letting it control one’s heart…
Ultimately, all thing began from the heart.
As such, we must live and fashion our way to our heart.
To forgo all things...
Let time fly by, as a long time friend would.
Let life drift over our head, as the bird do.
Let the wind embrace us as we ***** the hill, as nature wield.
So long, so far, the Stillness of all things comes and go.
Life are borrowed, not owned…
When hollowed, we are simply paying back the debt we own.
Heaven cannot move me,
Earth cannot bend me,
as such, my heart is truly still.
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
I wonder
What it is like
To be still.

It must be lovely
Not always shifting in your skin
And mind as well.

Is it even possible
To have that in this time?
Who can tell?

I don't know
But I hope one day
I will - you know, be still...
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