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ross Apr 10
they say you wear
the face of whom
you loved most
in a past life.
perhaps that is why
i can only see you
in everything.
rk Apr 9
this river of time
spreads out between us
like the styx
threading its way
through the underworld
one soul split in half
by a jealous god
destined to search
through stars and oceans
for the missing piece
cheated by fate
allowed only a blink
before left with a longing
so deep it burns
yet that one taste
was so much sweeter
than any treasure
olympus has to offer
and still, after everything
here we are;
each word we write
only for each other
living for the fantasy
the ever present dream
that maybe this time
we'll defy the gods
our love reaching further
than even the fates
dare to go.
ross Apr 9
the sun and moon
yearned for one another
but time kept them apart.
tracing the horizon
an endless dance
they wait for an eclipse;
proof, that even against all odds
the most improbable love
can always find a way.
you are my moon.
rk Apr 5
i knew i was yours
before we had even met
the still image of you
smiling back at me
enough to seal my fate
the inevitably of us
of a heartbreak
so encompassing
humming in my blood
even in the crowd
my eyes found you
the imprint of you
buried deep in my bones
i saw you and i felt it
an awakening
a longing unlike any other
to claim what had been mine
in every lifetime
a cosmic dance
reserved only for you.
ross Apr 5

she is a flower moon
on a still summer night
filling the sky
by an endless
ocean of stars
suspended in blackness
radiating wonder
her presence;
unlike any other
her light;
a perpetual glow
even without trying
even without knowing
you outshine them all.

ross Apr 5
warm summer nights
lost, intwined
under satin sheets  
a midnight worship,
souls unraveled
night crawlers
telephone lovers
pale skin
eyes burning
bodies dancing
soft moans in my ear
the sweetest lullaby.
like a siren you call;
pulling me into
every dark corner
of your mind
and still;
even now
i hunger for only you.
i once believed
i had fallen hopelessly
in love with a memory
but i know that not true.
for i would rewind
the hands of time
and stay
that moment
even in purgatory;
i shall kneel
by your throne.
To my literary soul mate,

As your journey continues
in vast and distant lands,
I watch your life
pass in pictures and posts.
Catching a glimpse of you in
quick and witty tag lines,
of a great story yet to be told.
Ones I may never hear the words to
as life has taken us both,
down two very different paths
that may never meet at a cross road.

I just want you to know
that a heart react on a post
can only convey
so much of what I want to say.
A “hello, hey how are you?”
“I hope you are well and safe.”
Orange Mar 20
As the sun
Start to set,
In dusk slowly
He grew faint,
Hoping to catch a glimpse,
of his other half.
As the moon rose,
Lighting up the night sky.
In darkness,
She always knew.
A part of her was hidden,
Away out of her reach.
Eclipse do they get to meet,
Would they recognized each other?
Take with you my spirit.
I brought it with me when I visited;
Tasting of apples, smelling of cheap perfume:
Happy to see you.

With no key, no schedule,
I was the Prince, you were Repunzel:
Smiling at me out your window.
Your arms were my favourite place in the world.

Take with you the picture
Of my sad eyes: heavy and puffed.
Holding my own hand.
Happy that I now could.

I made my choices, lost my way.
You learned more about me then.
Frown lines cracked my porcelain face.
Your presence offered me solace.

Take with you my love;
It stayed around all these years.
Missing your hands, searching for your eyes.
Happy to have met them.

Time took with it the motions.
Though, inside me we both stand still.
I catch glimpses of your arms, and your delight,
But you are no longer in the crowd.
Copyright © All Rights Reserved Joanne Heraghty
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