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Luna Pan Apr 20
you and me
we are far off on a foreign coast life
you in your black hoodie
me in my good girl clothes
entering our eternal summer
my cheeks blushing from wine
your hands locked on mine
dark nights, crashing waves
your eyes glows like champagnes
inviting me to dive
Luna Pan Apr 20
hot, salty july night
you and me in this greek tavern
moon is high but so are we
dancing, laughing, kissing like we are gypsies
you with your wine, me with my martini
we are drinking but we are drinking each other's sorrow
your orpheic mouth on mine, my limerence is on you
my Anam Cara
all the things you'd do to me in this greek tavern
Luna Pan Apr 20
like a siren you are calling me, seducing me
i'm dreaming of your crimson red lips
even the sight of it makes me a saint
i'm dreaming of the way you say my name
even the sound of it bewitches me
i'm dreaming of the way you touch me
even the thought of it gives me bedridden
like a siren you are calling me, seducing me
you are the reason i'm asking myself has anyone jumped off of a cliff and survived?
snipes Apr 19
Is your mind man manipulated?
Do the stars show you what’s ahead?
Does the weather control your emotion?
Is your life worth a few more years of mine locked?
Pick peace apart
You might just find…

****** ON MY HEAD
****** ON MY HEAD
Revenge talks to me as if I was it’s brother.
The sky tries to tell me how much more there is.
But the temptations found in the mist of below negative temperatures
shows me a cell’s safety for a peace of mind.
Shofi Ahmed Apr 17
Knows the secret of the universe
but doesn't know the heart
it doesn't tally up!

Hop onto the spacecraft
fly off to the star
technically that can be done
mathematically can be numbered.

But that deep dive deep down
the sea of the soul
only an interpreter of the heart can play this role.
What AI can mimic that or an art can choreograph
or a computer can emulate this part?
ross Apr 8
i’m here again.
i see you without seeing you
i feel you without touch
another night, black words
on white walls
i find myself hopelessly
seeking you out.
restless, relentless
i no longer know what i even
hope to find at its end.
perhaps only the stinging comfort
of knowing your near
within my grasp
like the gods of old
filling the night sky
with so much wonder
for i to only look upon in awe.
like pyramus and thisbe
through a crack in the wall
we whisper our love.
you are engraved within me
this cannot be for nothing
i refuse it.
countless moons
have come and went
radio silence
an entire world between us
yet i cannot give up;
the idea of you.
i exist in a fantasy,
a childlike dream
i peel back the veil of time
and gaze into you once more.
i do not know
what souls are made of
but what ever it is;
ours are the same.
and if that is all
we where ever destine to be
a flicker in time
a fleeting moment
a blip in space;
then i have cheated
fate from her cruel wish.
for i have lived out
countless life's
with you in my mind  
my muse;
i have dreamt you
into my existence;
and here you remain.
Karijinbba Apr 4
I think of you miss you JpcPjc-rdd
Greet you, hug you, love you.
Beautiful your ink is gold as it was just written from my beloved twin soul Twin Flame just for me alone.
My precious grown offspring
We can't ever be apart.
Evildoers lie divide
and murderer and
soon will meet
their merited end.
On this side my Abby's goes from the Gulf of Mexico, to further on far to Gaza where I too feel am such Mom, roaming, sinking and lonely in GA holding on to my true love's mind to mind, heart to heart, mourning our once upon a time loss.
How I wish i too could hold  
my true love's manly strong powerful distinctive go rescue the Jewels of my crown motherhood..our kids.
I think of you daily

I look around at this rented
forest lands feeling your presence darlings beloved.
Trees the carpenter bees mating on air, and other wild creatures tiny rabbits, cardinals birds and homeless, hungry cats
that I feed
I may look a the moon
but I am only looking at you
Thank you for your sweet notes
and chronological love letters
(that jealous bad people stole)
but to my good fortune
photographical memory
To my rescue.
We are together
Always my beloved Sonnet 75.
How I love thee.
Timmy Shanti Mar 24
tu me manqueras

chaque fois que je respire la fraîcheur du matin
chaque jour où nous ne sommes pas ensemble
chaque nuit où je m'endors

chaque goutte dans l'océan se sentira vide sans toi à mon côté
chaque fois que j'entends un oiseau chanter, mon cœur sautera un battement
chaque sensation d'une belle journée d'été me semblera faible et banale

me manqueront les sourires et les blagues
les larmes et les sous-entendus

toutefois, je t'aurai toujours ici
près de moi
car tu es à tout jamais dans mon cœur
Aimez et soyez aimé
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