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Man Jun 2023
I say
You don't respect my feelings,
And am met with silence.
I tell you,
Ours will die its death
Without an ounce of violence.
Is it so, if it is lifeless?
She Writes May 2023
She was scattered, shattered, a soul in disarray
Every heartbreak chipped a piece of her away
She became hollow, an empty shell
A shadow of the body she used to dwell

He strolled into her life with his kind and gentle touch
Pieced her back together, made her feel a rush
Showed her she is worthy of love and affection
Helped her rebuild with care and perfection

Now she is under construction, but it is different this time
She's not fixing what was broken, instead building a new paradigm
A relationship built on trust, mutual respect, and devotion
Love that strengthens and grows with each passing emotion
You're the true instance of virtuous human.

Your mind as pure as crystal,
your heart soft and sound like waters.

everythang about you signifies peace and harmony,
love and respect. Your feeling is so true.

Your life is a blessing, and you're such a special prize from the mother Earth to my soul.

And to the whole universe. Super human.

Human, crystal mind, love, harmony, peace, respect, blessing, Earth Universe šŸŒŒ
Super human behavior
Mrs Timetable Apr 2023
Seeing her turn around
Watching him
Walk into the room
Both adorned
Made his way to her
Leaned over the row of chairs
Her upper body pulled towards him
An embrace
His left hand
On her long dark hair
Disheveled upon where
Her neck meets her face
And then a sweet kiss
On her bloomed cheek
Meant just for her

Everything in my mind stopped...
This meant so many things to them
Hello my love
How are you? My best friend
My future
All the meanings of love
I've seen this before
Havent I?
Ever so openly
Simply done
When a older one kisses a baby
A mate kisses you goodnight
Kissing someone you've missed
This simple expression

But this
So secretly beautiful
In full view
Kindness and respect
For each other

In my mind
I looked around
And asked myself
Was I the only one
Who saw it the way I did?
True story.

I love it when a man puts his hand on a womans face and kisses her. I melt.
SelinaSharday Feb 2023
A Poets Thoughts Poem.
Keep opening doors all by yourself.. leaving me thinking.
How I'm gonna tell you next time.
Maybe I will purposely appear unappealing less smart and give you a sour taste in ya mouth.. Unlike some women from the South.
Maybe you should stop taking chances and making advances.
On things I never asked for. Maybe I can get respected in my own type lane. I like my paced.
Slow going train.
But remember this poets just a entertaining.
Cruising type thing.
I'm not one to tame..
I love being called simply by just my name.
@H.E.R_Poetry s.a.m
just a expressive free thought writing.. I want to be respected..
When you first heard Aretha sing, did you know just what she meant?

Or did you ponder the words, in your mouth.


Stuck to your tongue with cement.

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.

I've got no idea what it means to me.
Searching the universe for answers. Questioning, asking...and up pops Aretha.

I remembered the first time I heard it. She was asking for respect, but what did that mean?

Years later...I'm non the wiser.
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2022
scarlet wind sails
upon an ultrasounding wave,
postcards from tiny islands;
nebulous, indefinable, floating,
fresh as a field
of crackerjacks;
nodding happily
from minute one,
celebrating the mountains
and valleys of being alive
in excelsis; irresistible and impish
in its understated insinuations.

Maria Mitea Jul 2022
the dawn rises over the forest,
the dawn promised to wait for us
in the eyes of the eagle the drums smile
and dance
eagles jump up, take turns around the lake,
one round, the secondĀ Ā round ... fourth,
the drums hit the sky,
feathers fall off,
are falling, and
are kissing the grass, and
are kissing the earth
when the eagles come down and down
with the beakĀ Ā are catching the fish
from below waters
the thundering sounds swear the waterfall to be combed by the sun
when drummers smolder all year round
like the star of the night,
smolder like coal extracted from the hearts of ojibwe people
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