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Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
The most important journey, let’s begin 
This will be life’s biggest win
Realizing we are not this body, this skin 
Then, the sinner will be free from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who doesn’t Sin? We all do sin
We live with greed and pride within 
Lust and envy drive our engine 
Anger burns us from within
It is yet another deadly sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What causes us to repeatedly sin?
It is desire, it is passion
Thoughts of the mind cause aggression 
Then there is sinful action 
Ultimately, we are in depression
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who desires, who commits sin?
Is it the body, the mind or the ego within? 
Are these the three that will suffer sin? 
Yes, everything unfolds as per our sin
In fact, that’s how a new life will begin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Whatever we do, good or bad
It’s our Karma that makes us glad or sad 
Every deed of ours, every action
Becomes a seed that into our Karma goes in 
This seed must sprout, the fruits will spin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

But what is the cause of all our sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
It is ignorance that is caused by the mind
We sin because the mind makes us blind
Let us overcome the ignorance that we are bone and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We grow up believing so many lies
We believe that God lives in the skies
We are scared of hell, we want heaven
But still, we all continue to sin
Because we don’t know what is our Greatest Sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Let us get to the bottom of the root
Start a quest to realize the truth
Otherwise, we will suffer the triple suffering on earth 
Our sin will cause us to return in a rebirth
Because of our sin, we’ll return in a new skin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the cause of our Greatest Sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
Because we think we are the body, ego and mind 
We can’t escape sin, this we find
Realizing we are the Soul, frees us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What stops us from being free from sin? 
What causes our sinful action? 
Sometimes religion causes confusion 
Ignorance stops us from the conclusion 
So, the body and mind continue to sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Not this, not this, the truth is we are That 
Not body and mind, the Soul we are, in fact 
But because we all don’t realize this
We continue to sin, causing unhappiness 
Enlightenment will free us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The body will die, but we are reborn 
This cycle will go on and on
Every human being is bound to sin 
There is sin packaged with every skin 
The only way is to be free from this skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If we sin, we may return as a dog 
A cat or a rat, or even a frog
For sure, we will suffer if we commit sin 
How to be free from sinful action?
The answer is realization, it is liberation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The Soul is God, this we don’t know
So, we return to this earthly show
When we overcome ignorance, there is purification 
We realize the truth, there is illumination
Then, realization leads to liberation
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If only we realize the truth, we can win 
Then we can be free from all sin
We are not the sinner, how can we sin? 
We are the Soul that doesn’t sin
This realization will free us from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the secret to be free from sin?
It is that the Divine is within
God lives in the temple of our heart
With this realization, our freedom will start 
We will not sin, for we are not the body and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Then, we realize this world is a drama 
We are free from sin, free from trauma 
We become free from all our Karma
We are free from sin if we know it’s Maya 
Realization can free us from all our sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realization is just the start of this win 
Realization leads to the right action 
A realized Soul will never sin
For he realizes it’s all an illusion
He is nothing but a Divine manifestation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realizing I am the Soul, frees me from sin 
The Soul in me is the Lord within
Then we realize God is in every skin 
Every man and beast has God within 
This makes us overcome all sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If God is in all, how can we sin?
How can we **** and hurt to win? 
Realization stops us from the wrong action 
It will dissolve passion and obsession
We will live as the Soul within
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We foolishly worry about every petty sin 
But we don’t know how to stop this action 
If only of the truth, there is realization 
Then, we will never ever commit a sin 
We will live as the Divine that is within 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

This all must know is our Greatest Sin 
We don’t know that there is God within
​​​​​​​Because of ignorance, we continue to sin 
We foolishly live without realization 
Realizing we are God, will stop all sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I've only just begun to begin the beginnings of what's to come
They told me it couldn't be done and if it could it could never be undone
Reinforced the foregone conclusion that I sure wouldn't be the person to get it done
Maybe I'm a human counterfeit, a blasphemous false prophet, either way the unchosen one
A complete waste of profit, a wayward prodigal son on the run
With a set of wings designed for Icarus, the parable goes over my head as I race straight at the sun
Swung for the fence and got my bell rung, if there's no brain damage it's at least gonna swell some from the concussion
*******, would you look at that, they were right, it can't be undone
Realization hit as the last song was sung, forced through a cancerous lung
As the dung that fills me spills freely over my tongue on to everyone
A headache for some, fun for no one, ask anyone

Marília Galvão Nov 2023
Light thrives in the dark
by finding its way through the brenches
of a dense forest

Light thrives in the dark
by passing through the windows
of a wintered house

Light only strikes you
when you finally get to know
projected on the path you've always walked
your long buried shadow
Do you want to be Happy? Do you want to Smile? Do you want to remain in Bliss, all the while?
Do you want to Discover, how to always be Glad?
Do you want Freedom from being miserable and sad?
Then, just follow the A to Z of Happiness
And you will reach the state of Eternal Bliss

What is happiness? Do you even know?
It's about that Smile that gives your face a glow
It is being Joyous, it is being Blissful
It is being Peaceful, it is being Cheerful
True Happiness is being free from misery and stress
It is Eternal Happiness that comes from Truth Consciousness

We have been taught that Happiness is Pleasure
Believing in this myth, we have lost the Treasure!
We believe that Success is Happiness and seek Achievement
We don’t realize that true Happiness is Fulfilment!
We are so lost in a life of excitement
We don’t discover the ultimate peak of Enlightenment

Happiness is not Pleasure that comes from winning a race
When will we get out of the anxiety of the chase?
True Happiness is living in Tranquillity and Peace
It is a state where all miseries cease
The Truly Happy one discovers the Purpose of his Birth
Blissful is he, who knows why he came to earth!

We all seek Pleasure, we don’t want Pain
But why do we become unhappy, again and again?
We want to experience Peace, Love and Bliss
But we live in Fear, Anxiety and Unhappiness!
Little do we realize that the culprit is the Mind
It steals our Joy and Peace, making us Blind!

If we want to be Happy, we must flip from NEP to PEP
From Negative to Positive, first, we must take this step
We must **** the Mind that says, it’s King
Still the monkey that causes suffering!
We must pull the Triggers that will make us Glad
And eliminate those Joy Stealers that make us Sad!

There is a way to be Happy, at all times
It is not just about Money, Nickels and Dimes!
Of course, Money can give us Pleasure, it can make us Smile
But Money can’t buy Happiness, all the while!
If we want that state of Ultimate Happiness
We must flip from Mind to Consciousness

Let us learn the Secrets that can create Bliss
Make others Happy and you can have Happiness
We can be Happy if we Give before we are gone
And not be miserable and again be Reborn!
If we discover Karma, the Law of Action
We can learn to be Happy without a toxic Reaction

The Secret of Happiness is to Accept, not to Wonder
To eliminate all Hope and live in Surrender
Happiness is neither in a ‘Yesterday’ that is gone
Nor is Happiness in ‘Tomorrow’, not yet born!
Truly Happy is the one who makes this vow
He will be Happy, ‘Today’, living in the ‘Now’

If you want Eternal Happiness, start a Quest
Unlearn what you have learned, put your beliefs to test
Happiness is something else, get to the root
Overcome Ignorance and realize the Truth
To be Happy, first tame your Monkey Mind
Then, Bliss, Love and Peace, you will Find!

Eternal Happiness is when we discover the Purpose of Life
Then, we are free from all misery and strife
When we realize, we are not the Body, Ego or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul, when this Truth we find
Then, we are Liberated from the Triple Suffering on earth
We can sing, dance and live with Mirth

To be Truly Happy, we must achieve this Goal
Not live as the Body or Mind but as the Soul
We must realize this world is a Leela, a Cosmic Show
We are mere actors, we come and we go
When we realize that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion
Then, we escape from all sadness and delusion!

Enlightenment is the Ultimate Peak of Bliss, of Happiness
It is a state of living in Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi, in Eternal Bliss
United with the Divine, free from unhappiness
Just learn the Happy Mantra and live in Bliss Just follow The A to Z of Happiness

Happiness is a Paradox, don’t try to be Glad
‘I want to be Happy!’ this will make you Sad
Happiness is within, for Bliss, do not search
Don’t think you will be Happy in a temple or a church
Rejoice in ‘Today’! Don’t think you will be Happy ‘Tomorrow’!
Just choose to be Happy and wipe away all Sorrow

If you really want to be Happy, just listen to me!
For I have learned how, from Misery, to be Free!
I have myself evolved from Achievement to Fulfilment
I have experienced the Bliss that comes from Enlightenment
Just follow me and you are sure to live with a Smile
My A to Z will give you Bliss, all the while!
George Krokos Jul 2023
There are seven eyes of understanding
some people in life are so commanding
but the divine wisdom behind them all
is to rise up in knowledge and not fall.
Just as there are seven planes of consciousness - seven spiritual states - so also are there seven states of understanding. It is always seven. The number seven is the divine number. The seven understandings are:

Eye of Instinct: governs the animal world which includes insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Eye of Intellect: rules most of the common human realm of existence.

Eye of Inspiration: is for those human souls whose feelings are developed like poets and artists and other creative people.

Eye of Intuition: is for those advanced human souls who have conscious visions and understanding true to the point. What you understand by intuition is always true. What you understand by intellect is sometimes true and sometimes not.

Eye of Insight: human souls on the fourth and fifth plane have insight; their understanding is direct, without thinking with the mind.

Eye of Illumination: means seeing God as he is and is experienced by those human souls who see the Light of God inside and outside of their mind. The understanding is divine.

Eye of Integration or Realization: this is the merging, becoming and understanding of oneself as God (the I am God state – Nirvikalpa Samadhi).
Apart from the title, the introductory quatrain and the last listed named state of Integration to comply with the title - the 7 eyes (or - i's), all of which are my own creation and inclusion, there is also in parts some additional wording included of mine (marked in italics - unable to be seen here on HP) to complement the quoted knowledge, that Meher Baba, a spiritual master of the twentieth century, perhaps the greatest, revealed on the 29th of September 1940 at Meherabad (a place dedicated to him in India, near Poona) and is recorded in an extensive biography written by Bhau Kalchuri, one of his followers whom I had the good fortune to meet in person, titled: Lord Meher – vol7 pages 2617-2618.
Full credit for the above goes to Meher Baba of course and to Bhau Kalchuri who was given the task of writing the biography which is available for reading online by anyone who is interested -
Please also see another fantastic website called Life Eternal - - that's dedicated to Meher Baba which has most, if not all, of the quotes and sayings that he communicated during his lifetime. Jai Baba!
Taon na Ang lumipas ng tayong dalawa ay mag sama.Mga ala-alang sobrang saya.
Road trip Dito,Gala don.Pasyal sa kung saan man Tayo mapadpad.
Tampisaw sa dalampasigan,sabay ng pag tanaw sa papalubog na araw.
Picnic sa gilid ng karagatan,pinagsasaluhan Ang alak habang nanonood ng masayang palabas na dinownload sa cellphone mo.
Sabay magtatawanan at magkukulitan.
Ninanamnam Ang bawat sandaling Tayo ay magkasama sa Isang romantikong Lugar na walang gumagambala,at maririnig sayo Ang mga salitang laging nagpapasaya at nagpapakilig sa buong pagkatao ko.Ang salitang "Thank you at  I love You".
Sarap lang balikan nitong masasaya at nakakilig na ala-ala.
Anong tuwa Ang nadarama sa tuwing makikita Kang Masaya.

Ngunit nagising Ako Isang Umaga  na nagpapaalam ka na.
Nais **** sa piling ko ay lumisan na,sinasabing Hindi ka na masaya at Ang dating pag ibig sakin ay biglang naglaho na.wala na Yung kilig at romantikong pagtatangi na lagi sa akin ay pinapadama.
Wala Naman tayong pinagtatalunan o Hindi nga Tayo nag away man lang.
Kinausap ka sa malumay na paraan dahil ayukong Tayo ay magkasakitan.
hinihingian ka ng paliwanag kasi Wala Naman Akong nagawang kasalanan.
Ano ba Ang naging kasalanan sayo para Gawin mo sakin ito,Meron n din bang iba?(pero Kilala kita alam Kong wala kang iba at Wala pang pumapalit sakin Jan sa puso mo.)

Ngunit bakit Sinasaktan mo Ako sa mga luha at hikbi mo,at ito'y labis na nagpapadurog sa puso ko.
Ilang araw tayong nagtalo at ayaw Kong pumayag sa gusto mo.
Paulit-ulit na binabangit mo Ang salitang Sorry kasi nasaktan na naman kita.

Ngunit Ang Tanong ko Sayo ay Ako din Ang nakasagot.
Ano nga ba Ang kasalanan at nagawa kong mali sayo?

Nagtatanong at hinahanapan ka ng dahilan ngunit Ako pala itong may kasalanan at pagkukulang.

Mali ko kasi,Hindi na Ako Yung dating pinaparamdam sayo Ang pagmamahal ko.
Mali ko kasi,Ni Hindi na kita hinahalikan o niyayakap sa tuwing aalis ako.
Mali ko kasi,Pati salitang mahal kita Hindi ko na nababangit Sayo.
Mali ko kasi,Nakalimutan ko na rin Ang tawagan o ichat ka sa tuwing nasa malayo Ako.
Mali ko kasi,ni kamustahin ka Hindi ko na nababangit sayo.
"Kumusta Ang araw mo,ok ka lang ba,masaya ka pa ba?miss n kita,mahal na mahal kita".mga salitang naipagkait ko Sayo ng Hindi ko namamalayan.
Mali ko kasi, sa tuwing matutulog Tayo di ko na din nagagawang mag good night at ngumiti man lang sayo.kahit good morning d mo na din naririnig ito mula sa labi ko.
Mali ko kasi,Nakalimutan ko na rin Ang ipag luto ka ng mga paborito **** pagkain.
Mali ko kasi,hindi na rin kita nasu-surprise sa tuwing darating Ang espisyal na araw natin.

Sobrang kampanti at palagay ng loob ko. madalhan ka lang ng pagkain sa tanghalian,meryenda at hapunan ay ayos na Yun.mabilhan ka ng grocery ay sapat na Yun.
Ngunit Hindi ko naisip na Hindi lang pala Yun Ang kailangan mo.
Kasama din pala dapat Ang Aruga at Pagmamahal ko.

Sorry sa mga panahon na sobrang kampanti Ako.
Sorry sa mga Oras na hinayaan Kong Hindi ka kamustahin.
Sorry sa mga Oras,araw at buwan n lumipas na Hindi Ako naging sweet Sayo.
Sorry sa mga panahon na masaya Ako pero malungkot ka.
Sorry sa mga bagay na Hindi ko nagawa para mapasaya ka.
Sorry sa mga pagkakataon na pinalipas ko para mawala Yung pananabik at pagmamahal mo.
Sorry sa lahat lahat ng Hindi ko nagawa ,nasabi at Naiparamdam  Sayo.

Sa minuto,Oras araw at panahon na binigyan mo ulit Ako ng pagkakataon na maipadama Sayo Ang pagmamahal ko,ay sasamantalahin ko para bumawi sa lahat ng pagkukulang ko.
Sisakaping Ibalik ulit Yung dating TAYO.
Break up is not only Cheating or Third Party,It is also Out of Love.
Minsan ok na Tayo sa salitang mahal kita,pero Hindi na natin napapadama at napapakita ito.hindi na Tayo gumagawa ng effort kasi alam natin na mahal Tayo ng mahal natin.
ipadama mo hanga't andyan pa sya sayo.wag sayangin Yung mga Oras at panahon na di mo napaparamdam at nababangit sa taong mahal mo Ang pagmamahal mo.baka magising ka Isang umaga Wala n pala sa sa piling marerealize Ang pagkukulang mo pag Wala na ito sa tabi mo.
Who am I? Why am I here?
What is the truth about life, my dear?
I am not the body, I am not the mind
Who am I? The truth, I must find!

Most of us, just live and die
We believe the lie that God lives in the sky
We don't ask questions, 'How and why?'
All we do, is live and die!

What is the truth? We must put it to test
To realize this, go on a quest
Most believe, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
From this ignorance, when will we be free?

We are not this body, this is a fact
This body came later, after the fertilization act
First, came the Soul, the Spark Of Unique Life
When Divine blessings fell upon a husband and wife

The first cell of life is called a zygote
It may be in a man, a sheep or a goat
Every life starts with the arrival of the Soul
To realize this, is our ultimate goal

Neither are we the body, nor are we the mind
Where is the mind, we cannot find
The mind is nothing but a bundle of thought
And in this thought, we are caught

We believe the illusion, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
In this Ignorance we grow, the Truth we cannot see
Until we go on a Quest, we will never be free
We will never discover, who we are meant to be

We are not the body, the ego or the mind
We are the Soul, this truth we must find
If we want to achieve life's ultimate goal
First, we must realize that we are the Soul!

The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life
It is immortal, it experiences no strife
The Soul has no birth, it has no death
It is a Power that gives us breath

We think we HAVE a Soul, what is the truth?
We ARE the Soul, it is our root
Without the Soul, we would never be
We are nothing but Soul energy

Without the Soul, we would be gone
Without the Soul, we wouldn't be born
Without the Soul, we would never grow
It is the Soul that makes us come and go

Of course, for sure, this body will die
But who leaves the body and flies into the sky?
Because we think that it is the Mind and Ego, ME,
From our Karma, we are never free

The Body dies but ME takes Rebirth
The Mind and Ego, ME, returns to earth
But how does the ME in a new Body arrive?
It is the Soul that makes it alive

So first, we must realize, I am a Soul
Then only, will our life, start becoming whole
Then, the purpose of life, we will achieve
The ultimate truth we will get to perceive

This truth can't be known, it must be realized
For this, we must delete what is memorized
Whatever we were taught, we must let go
Then only, to the Divine, we will flow

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This Truth must come to our lip
God is not God, God is SIP
We must start this voyage, start this trip

Who, where, what is God? We must ask
It is not blasphemy, we must do this task
If we truly love God, if God, we yearn
Then, this Ultimate Truth, we must learn

God is not made of bone and skin
God is the Power that lives within
God has no birth, God has no death
God is present, in our every breath

Let us stop saying from today, 'God’
Let us realize the truth of our Lord
God is not God, God is SIP
May this Divine truth, from us, never slip

SIP is present in every Soul
SIP is in every creature that can run or roll
SIP fills this universe whole
Be it a mighty animal or just a mole

SIP does not have a name or form
SIP never dies, SIP is not born
SIP has no beginning, SIP has no end
At death, the Power of SIP does transcend

Therefore, SIP is everywhere on earth
SIP is the cause of every birth
SIP gives life, to come and go
Without SIP, there would be no show

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This is the truth that must be on our lip
This will start a voyage on a special ship
And to SIP, we will start our trip

Therefore, in essence, 'Who am I?'
I am that God who is thought to be in the sky
When I realize, I am nothing
I become SIP, I become everything

I am not the body, ego and mind
I am the Soul, when this truth I find
Then, I realize, I am none other than SIP I don't speak,
SIP speaks through my lip

I do nothing, SIP does it all
It is SIP that makes me grow tall
Although in ignorance, I may again fall
But I have realized that there is SIP in all

I am SIP, you are SIP, we all are SIP
The Truth is that SIP is in every lip
We realize the truth, when we go in search
We realize that God is not in a temple or church

SIP is the essence of every being on earth
SIP is in that little rabbit that takes birth
SIP is in that bird that flies in the sky
But we in ignorance, ask, 'How and why?'

When we realize, 'I am the Soul'
And then Realize, 'Soul is SIP’
We then, Realize the Truth, 'We are all SIP’
Every creature alive, is on a Divine Trip

SIP is the Soul in you and me
SIP is the supreme immortal energy
The Soul that is SIP is in every living being
Animals, birds, plants and every living thing

When we realize that the Soul is SIP
We realize God is a Power, then we flip
From the myth, we flip over to the truth
We realize, 'SIP is in every root'

Every tree, every flower and every fruit
All that is alive comes from the root
But what is the Truth about the root?
It is SIP, SIP is in the flower, fruit and the root

This world is nothing but full of SIP
Every molecule of matter is the Power of SIP
The five elements of nature on earth
Are nothing but SIP, this we must unearth

This book will make us unlearn the lie
Let's realize the truth, before we die
‘I not ‘I’, I am SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power is in every chip
The Mind is a Rascal, it makes me fear
It robs my Bliss, it robs my Cheer
It makes me think, it is the King
But in fact, it causes my suffering
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

I have a Body, my Body I can see
But where is this Mind and Ego, that says 'me'?
It binds me with the myth, doesn't let me be free
Stops me from being who I am meant to be
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

What is the Mind, it is a bundle of Thoughts
And in these Thoughts, we are all Caught!
Who are we? This Truth, we forgot
Instead, stress, worry, anxiety is brought
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

You have touched your nose, you have pulled your ears
You see with your eyes, it also sheds tears
But have you ever seen your Mind?
It creates so much misery, it makes us grind!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, it jumps from Thought to Thought!
From Yesterday to Tomorrow, so Today, we forgot!
The MonkEY is Ever-Yelling, Ever-Yearning because of its tail
The EY of the MonkEY continues to make us fail
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind creates Negative Thoughts, locks us in NEP
From Negative to Positive, we must flip over to PEP
If we don't **** our Mind, it will bombard us with toxic Thoughts
And in misery and sorrow, we will be Caught
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Thoughts create Feelings, Feelings create Actions
It is the Mind that controls all our Reactions
If we don't control Thought, we will have a sad Destiny
From habits and addictions, we shall not be Free!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Our Mind not only spoils our day, when we are Awake
It creates Dreams and Nightmares, that are fake!
Although Dreams are not real, the Mind makes us Fear
We wake up with anxiety and lose all our Cheer
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

**** the Mind, before the Mind kills you!
Beware! This advice is absolutely True
If you don't Still the Mind and **** the Mind
It will **** your Peace, and Bliss you will not Find
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Although this world is nothing but a drama
It is the Mind that causes all the trauma
We must flip from Thought to Thoughtlessness
From a state of Mind to Consciousness
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is like the Phoenix that rises from its ashes
Although we **** our Mind, it returns and our Peace it snatches
We must replace our Mind with Intellect
Then we will Discriminate and be Free from what is incorrect
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, we must beware of its tail
EY that is Ever-Yelling and Yearning, and we fail
The Monkey starts to ride our Life-Horse
It rules over us, it becomes our Boss
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is not alone, with the Ego it is ME
It creates anger, hate and even jealousy
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, creates Karma
And we return in a Rebirth in this drama
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The funny thing is that there is no Mind
We seem to be the Body and the Mind we can't find
We must go on a Quest and Achieve the Goal
And Realize that we are the Immortal Soul
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Rascal, it steals our Peace
It makes us sick and mental medicine, increase
This enemy doesn't leave us from Birth to Death
And then, it returns in Rebirth, as we lose our Breath
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!
Who am I? Why am I here?
What is the Purpose of my life, my dear?
When somebody asks me, 'What is the Truth?'
I tell them to get to the bottom of the root

My life is all about conversations Conversations that become Inspirations For one needs motivation to seek Realization
And Realization will give Liberation

Must I suffer right till I die?
Am I just meant to live and cry?
What is the cause of this bad luck and fate?
Why is my life full of anger and hate?

People have questions but whom to ask?
Who will give answers to this arduous task?
Most of the times, we are filled with lies
We are told that God lives in the skies

Whom should I talk to, whom should I seek?
To which Spiritual Master, I must speak? Who will take me to the ultimate Peak?
I don’t know, I am so meek!

When I meet people who don’t know what to do
I try to tell them, just what is true
Everything in this world is nothing but a show
We are just actors who come and go

When somebody asks me, ‘Peace, how can I find?’
I tell them that they must still their mind
Peace is within, we don’t have to find
Open your real eyes, don’t be blind!

Then there are people who want Happiness
They want to live in Peace and Bliss
I just tell them, ‘Happiness is in the Now’
To be Happy in the Now, make a vow

So, my life is full of Conversations
I am glad for these are Inspirations
They lead people from misery to Liberation
And with the Divine to ultimate Unification

This is the purpose of my life
To help people be happy and free from strife
To help people achieve their ultimate goal
To realize that they are the Divine Soul

So, even if I walk, I continue to talk
And answer people, who come with a knock
I help them with a direction, those who just flock
I reveal the truth so the secret of life they unlock!

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