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Styles Jun 3
Propped on pillows, a vision divine,
Legs spread-eagle, an intimate shrine.
Hands cupped your flower, fingers roam free,
Wandering fields of ecstasy.

Eyes closed tight, lost in delight,
Bottom lip bitten, a tantalizing sight.
Fingers dance in a rhythmic spell,
Arousing whispers, where secrets dwell.

The scene before me, pure intoxication,
A moment steeped in deep fascination.
I could only dream, imagine the feel,
As your touch brought pleasure, raw and real.
Styles Jun 2
The in the dark corner, we are hidden away,
I reached into her sweatpants, sway.
Her G-string *******, pulled out the way.
Fingers brushed her flesh thin,
Heat radiating from within.

Her *****, warm and wet, replied,
******* soaked, no secrets to hide.
Hand slipped in, fingers slide,
She squirmed, eyes closed, open wide.

Moans soft, breath heavy, need profound,
Her voice a whisper, a lustful sound.
Lips parting, body tense,
Lost in raw, electric sense.

Each touch a spark, a flame ignites,
In the darkness, pleasure lights.
Her whispered love, a gentle plea,
Bound together, wild and free.
Styles Jun 2
I reached into her sweatpants tight,
Fingers brushing ******* light.
Her ***** warm, inviting, wet,
******* soaked, no regret.

Encouraged by her eager sigh,
I slipped my hand and ventured high.
******* slid in, smooth and deep,
She squirmed, eyes closed, in pleasure's keep.

Soft moans escaped her parted lips,
Her body arched, her movement trips.
She whispered love, her need so clear,
In that moment, nothing to fear.

Her voice filled with lustful plea,
Our rhythm set in ecstasy.
In the moonlit woods, shadows dance,
Lost in our ****** trance.
Her *** running down his hand
as it stains her pants.
Styles Jun 2
In the moonlit forest, shadows dance,
Madison caught in a lover's trance.
His fingers slid inside her jeans,
Touch igniting lustful scenes.

******* damp, her breath grew quick,
Fingers ****** with rhythm slick.
A come-hither twist, a knowing stroke,
Moans escaped as pleasure spoke.

**** pressed firm, her body writhed,
Ecstasy, she could not hide.
****** crashed in waves so deep,
Shuddering, she found her peak.
Styles Jun 2
In moonlit woods, with no one near,
Madison and her lover clear,
A playful glance, a daring smile,
They knew they’d linger here awhile.

He slipped his hand in her sweatpants tight,
His touch ignited pure delight.
Her ******* soaked, her body warm,
He slid in fingers, slow and calm.

With a come-hither, soft and sweet,
He stroked her till she felt complete.
His fingers danced in rhythmic tease,
Her moans grew loud, her pleasure pleased.

He pressed her **** with firm intent,
Her body quivered, passion spent.
Exploring depths, each secret spot,
Her hips replied, her breath grew hot.

Her ****** built, her cries did soar,
In waves of pleasure, she implored.
With one last ******, she reached her peak,
A cry of joy, her knees grew weak.

In shared delight, their bond grew tight,
A secret kept from that moonlit night.
Each meet they had, a new delight,
In those deep woods, pure passion's height.
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Did we ge
Veronica Jun 2
My body is paralyzed.
My fingers are numb.
My chest heaves and tightens up.
My eyes dart across the room.
My tears are fire.
My nose is runny.
My lips are dry.
My heart is shattered.
My mind races.
You can tell me how much it will be ok, but I feel differently.
Styles Jun 2
The only thing I want to do, is you. A few moments of our time, frozen in the stillness of eternity. My words, a delicate dance with your beautiful mind, intertwining our thoughts. As my pen glides across these pages, I imagine your lips formed in stages, the thought captivating me and holding me there.

I see the way your lips part to read each word, your tongue gently stroking the roof of your mouth as you whisper "delicate." It's as if my words have taken control of your mind, it's relevant. Eyes pacing the movement of your lips with each syllable. It’s like I am an observer, watching from the sidelines, feeling an intimate connection as you embody my insides.
Styles Jun 1
He strides with power, making hearts leap.
Not tall, dark, or handsome, yet a sight to see,
Big, black, and strong, raw intensity.

His skin, a deep brown, a warrior’s tale,
Scars map his body, a living trail.
Each mark a story of battles fought,
Victories won, and lessons taught.

A rugged face with a granite jaw,
Eyes like fire, wild and raw.
Intimidation mixed with thrill,
A promise of power, strong and still.

Beyond the fight, his passions flame,
For his lovere, his heart does claim.
A touch both tender, yet commanding,
Master of desire, ever expanding.

His caress a journey, his glance a vow,
In his arms, no resistance now.
A force magnetic, drawing near,
Igniting flames, dispelling fear.

A legend lives in shadows’ embrace,
Strength and desire, no one can trace.
In his presence, mysteries unfold,
A tale of power and passion, bold
Styles Jun 1
My body practically salivates, that greedy part of me demanding satisfaction. In these moments, I’m acutely aware of the intense hunger I have for him, a craving that transcends reason and pride. The anticipation, the need, it all becomes a consuming force, leaving me desperate for his touch, his presence, his ****. The intensity of my longing is a testament to the powerful connection we share, a connection that leaves me yearning for more, always more.
Styles Jun 1
My body trembles, craving to be fed,
A hunger deep, with thoughts of him in bed.
Desire's flame, it burns so bright,
A need that keeps me up at night.

Anticipation, like a storm it brews,
His touch, his scent, the feelings I choose.
Desperate for his tender kiss,
Yearning for his touch, his bliss.

A bond so strong, it binds us tight,
A connection deep, pure and right.
In every moment, my heart does soar,
Craving his presence, wanting more.

This longing's power, it won't subside,
In his arms, my secrets hide.
A love so fierce, it shakes my core,
Forever yearning, always more.
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