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Pagan Paul Jul 2023
The candle flickers silent as night
as an owl hoots at the dark.
Launching into flight from on high,
poised to strike at its mark.

From the window the flame shines
shredding shadows to and fro,
attracting the moths and fireflies
to bathe in the soft light glow.

The owl shrieks as it strikes
and the candle continues to shine.
I sit, watch and marvel at the show,
lost in the spectacle for hours of time.
For hours of time.

I had the title of this poem in my notebook for over a year before the words came to me. Odd, as usually I write a poem and the title comes out of that!
Alexis karpouzos Jul 2023
Better than grandeur,
better than gold  is the shrine of love,
the haven of life is a heart
that can feel  a woe in affliction’s hour,
better than pride and vanities is the balm
of a tender hug with its soothing power,
when all  decay and fade away  trust the blessings of heaven.
There’s a bizarre pleasure
To the depressive illusion
I want both to be free of it
And also cover my head
shunning the light of day

My body feels stiff, rigid
I want to elongate myself
Pulling, cracking, arching
But the end feels closer
The smaller I become

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

It isn’t working.
The body is strong
The mind and heart
They are so weak
Resentful of its being
A dichotomy of feelings

Among the pillows
I scream it out
Croaking, raspy.
My ears crave
The piercing of
My Own Voice

The pressure builds
My head buzzes as
resonating repetition
Rips through my consciousness
The body is bored of the effort
Just stop

It’s time to get up
The end is a long way off

That’s it.

That’s right.

Feel that?
You like that,
Don’t you.
That feels…

It’s not comfortable
It’s not pain
It is life.
Some days the memories creep up on me, and the body says, let go, start over. This story is just getting good, you’ll see.
Alexis karpouzos Jun 2023
‘’God, why give Wings for the angels,
but feet for people? .
‘’You were born to dream, you were born to love’’.
‘’Give me wine. Give me bread,
Lift me higher! Lift me higher!
From this sphere of earthly dross,
redeem me from the clay!
Alexis karpouzos Jun 2023
Creatures of clay, vain dwellers in the dust,
lonely, we roam like the cloud, the wind, the wave,
Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, nor death
Can raise a soul to heaven, only love, the new creation,
and all we see is a shadow of things unseen, and time that comes to flee Is but the broken echo of a rhyme
In heart’s great epic of Eternity.
Heedless and blind to Wisdom’s wasted light!
Where Shelter Jun 2023
<6:36 AM>

~for Joanne Louise Veronika~

patches of light, snatches of sleep,
cumulative tallies of every 24 hour arrhythmia,
detect heart alarms ringing, watch warnings screeching beeping

who cares!

new commitment, self imposed!

greet the early ones with sooth and java,
a combination, “all across the nation,”
ease them in from sleeply lyrical dreams,
to a clear sky, renew anew, bay waters
running new tide fast, tiny tendrils of water points,
etch-a-sketch paths to a calm souls restoration

the smoke haze bad dream departed,
sun rays warmth for the invisible innards,
waves look like the EKG of human at peace,
resting heart rate steady and rhythmically sweet

and I laugh at myself, preposterous!
this is my secret path to restoration,
please laugh at me, join the raucous joy
of not-taking-yourself too seriously,
meaning of a new light, fresh waters,
of an old friend, the same diurnal perspective,
a new alphabet that spells but a singular duality,
a two-word~poem of
meditative perfection:

calm sheltering
Sat Jun 10
Silver Beach, S.I.
Dylan Mar 2023
Silence lain in the shallows,
perched on the stillness of sea.
This moment of calm adorns you
nestled in your ponderous canopy.

While time lay fragmented
in motionless play,
it's a simple beauty
sketched upon the bay.

Your music of emptiness,
constantly everpresent,
shall wait silently broken
where waves come to crash.

Solitude paints your mind
lauding the soundless grace.
Slivers of peace entwine you
within the ocean lace.
Alexis karpouzos Feb 2023
I know not what tomorrow may unfold,
Or where the roads, as yet untrod, may lead;
but i know There are no borders, only wind.
Like you, I was born. Like you,
I was raised in the arms of dreaming. Sometime,
We’ll read the meaning of our tears,
And we’ll understand.
Oh there is a ball in my stomach
a tight knot of anxious confusion.
It circulates and undulates
dilates and twists
absorbing my life's energy.

"Let it free and watch it"

It emerges from my stomach...
the twisting blue-black mass
convoluting, churning
in the space in front
…and in a moment it dissolves…

My mind is clear
the rain falls gently outside
almost like snow...
Moving with the gentle breeze...
What power in coming into awareness,
Into relationship with
those things which pain me.
poetry is so helpful to me
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