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Zywa Dec 2023
What does my father

smell like inside, how much worse --

than his stinking breath?
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter Eleven (years old) #2

Collection "Within the walls"
Zywa Dec 2023
Barefoot, my mother

squats next to me in the grass --

very intimate.
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter Summertime

Collection "The sweet curve"
White Shadow Dec 2023
In the echo chambers of a digital age,
Love adorned in a public stage.
Snapshots shared, a fleeting art,
Yet, whispers of real love set apart.

A symphony drowned in the social gaze,
Gleaming displays, love's public phase.
But beneath the glare, a truth unfolds,
Real love in subtlety, a story untold.

Not in grand gestures, or in fame,
But in care's whisper, a silent claim.
Respect, the currency of hearts entwined,
A dance unseen, yet profoundly defined.

Humility, the canvas where love is drawn,
Beyond the spotlight, a connection spawned.
Privacy, the garden where intimacy grows,
Real love blooms where authenticity flows.

In the quiet acts, in shadows cast,
True love thrives, a moment to last.
Away from the stage, a sanctuary found,
In genuine love, in silence profound.
Today's generation don't know what true love is, they're in a dilemm of digital space and showing off and think it as love.
Anais Vionet Nov 2023
I’ve always loved music. As a little girl, I could spend hours going through peoples CD collections, sampling them with my little battery-operated CD player. If you showed me a stack, rack or box of CDs, I was in heaven.

When I was 8 (2011), I got my first iPod for Christmas, an iPod Touch with 32GB of memory! The sticker said it was from Santa, but ‘Step’ got a package in the mail from Apple three weeks earlier, so I knew who it was really from. Upon opening it, I rushed upstairs to my older brother’s computer, plugged it in, carefully copied the username and password for the family iTunes account (from a wrinkled post-it note), and the world was never the same.

It never occurred to me that my parents could see all of my playlists and that they were automatically downloaded to their devices - like my break-up playlist, inspired by Antoine, my French-boy fifth grade crush. It didn’t work out because he didn’t have an email account and our recess times didn’t line up, but my playlist helped me through it.

I could burn playlists to CDs and exchange them with friends - or gift them to middle school boys who I hoped to amaze with my awesome musical tastes. There’s an art to the playlist that involves controlling pace and mood - every playlist was both a gift and a seduction.

Today we have Spotify with its unlimited streaming of every song ever made - on demand. Exchanging playlists, these days, is as easy as pressing "Share" and typing the first few letters of a friend’s or lover's username.

Like most of my girlfriends, I consider myself a playlist queen and as I continue to work this career path I’ve chosen, regardless of what's weighing me down, I know I can turn to my playlists to push me through. The band ‘The Narcissist Cookbook ’ assures me that my shocking honesty is fun with ‘Broken People.’ ‘K. Flay’ allows me to dance-out my rage with ‘Blood in the cut’ and ‘New Move’ motivates me to keep-at-it with ‘When did we stop.’

I’ve countless Spotify playlists: one for waking up, one for writing papers, one for doing problem sets, others for walking to class, doing the laundry, for nostalgic reflection, and for embracing the astounding depth of human pain.

Of course, as time passes, I find new favorite songs and older playlists are replaced with updated ones; but thanks to the archival nature of Spotify playlist collections, all my old lists remain intact. I’ve never deleted one. Search my archives and you’d see playlists from my freshie year, when I was new here, feeling insecure and alone, or from my sophomore year when I first fell in love.

This piece is a playlist love story, about how music reflects our identities and allows us to share ourselves through the vibes, melodies and beats that move us. I think playlists have a lot in common with poetry, which uses words, phrases, metaphors and imagery for similar purposes.
Ash Nov 2023
I dream of an eye that regales me
In all this earthly form, not with greed
But as the masterwork of God’s brush
Zywa Nov 2023
I tell everything.

You look at me guiltily --

I understand you.
Poem "en as ek klaar my verhaal vir jou vertel het" (2008, "and when i have finished telling you my story", 2011, Ronelda Kamfer)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Chelsea Quigley Oct 2023
I enter the room,
As I begin to stare.
I am enriched
And enthralled,
By your hypnotic glare.

Your hand begins to run a slow
Movement down my spine.
Tingling my senses,
Feeling so sublime.

How does one contain herself?
I ask myself in shame.
As you stand there
Speaking out my name.

You come closer
To listen,
As my breath becomes heavy.
I swallow
As your glare is
Driving me crazy.
So hasty
Taste me,
This love that we're creating,
Makes me shaken,
Stripped completely naked.

Your hot breath begins to
Soak my trembling lips,
So close,
So intimate,
I can now taste your kiss.
Your lips meet mine
So soft and divine,
Your breath,
So seductive,
And just so sublime.

I look into your eyes
As you glare into mine.
A glimmer of desire
Sparks flutters
Between my thighs.
'You are mine, all mine'
You whisper throughout the night.
As we go and flow,
With no clothing in sight.

Touching my form
As we speak no more,
We go and flow
Keeping lights down low.
Whimpers of love
And utter delight
We lose track of time
We lose track of the night.
As we crave and desire more,
Love from the bed to the floors,
Creating er0tic  melodies,
Behind closed doors.
Toyo Douglas Aug 2023
Shapes shifting through the sheets
of paper, in my dreams
soft pillow seams, we move like a gentle
firey breeze -
your shape consumes me.

I have never seen volcanoes, yet my
thoughts erupt in shapes.
What is it to desire a shape ?

A venetian spell of curved brushes to cheeks,
dreaming of the days and weeks I could
lay, still, yet volcanic, staring opposite your face, in embrace and tracing your skin with my finger.

Like a brush stroke,
my muse

what is it to loose the memory of a body?

Every trace and touch
each mahogany blush
within the rush of lust,
a cosmic trust between body to body
and mind, to the Hearts’ justice.

A sketch,
first love.
I cloak and glove the painting of you
moving through new shapes away from
view, yet sometimes with solemn and blue, sly Fate washes water-coloured visions and crimson hues through my mind and i’m reminded of each line, curve and shape.

Oh desire ! What a profound honour
to know a body beyond shape.
The beauty and natural art found in intimacy.
Anais Vionet Jul 2023
In a breeze of timid whispers
and with wary downcast eyes
the secret world was opened
to where true depth of feeling lies.

With each step, stories were told
and a tapestry of intimacy unfolded.
to dare or not to dare
to care or not to care.
In the dog-days of romance,
those are the calls
that lovebirds must answer.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Dog days: a period of heat so intense, it saps the will
Chloe Jul 2023
I know you’ve just gone
but I miss you already
Oh, why not just stay
until I’m all done?

Not meant to be a lover,
but call me your concubine
to meet your needs
as well as mine

Oh, come into me
in the flesh, in the flesh
I want to feel meat
in the flesh, in the flesh

I know I’ve been here before
but I forget already
why I’ve now come
to feel this again

I never wanted a friend
I waddle around
asking, “are you my lover?”
Two birds of a feather fly on

Oh, come into me
in the flesh, in the flesh
I want to feel meat
in the flesh, in the flesh

Oh, why are you here?
In my flesh, in my flesh
I want to feel it
I want to feel

Oh, come into me
in the flesh, in the flesh
I want to feel it
I want to heal

I know you’ve just gone
but I miss you already
Why not just stay?
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