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Kushal May 12
Turn on the sounds that wash over my mind,
The sun slips through the windowpanes and past the blinds.
A happy tune on a sunny gloom,
Rise and shine on a catchy line.

Hooked, line and still sinking,
A morning filled with empty thinking.
Tea’s gone cold, barely taste the food anymore,
Everything blurred by the rush of anxiety
Too many things, too many questions, too-- too -- t—


Turn the music up.  
That's better.
Perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck like the roll of a dice

The first was knowing you
Of all the places I could have been
Of all the towns I could have wound up in
That was the first of many clues

The second was to love you
Who would have thought that of us
To think if I’d never got on that bus
All my days may have been blue

So perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck, like the roll of a dice
I never wanted any of this
I didn’t see for it
What would I have missed
What more could you fit

Now it’s almost as if I’m blinded
How could anything but you have a prettier glow
Maybe I should resort to being empty minded
Or is it better to know?

When I’m around you I can’t pretend
My walls are down and I’m there stuck
I question if my heart could ever mend
Yet I gamble on fool’s luck

Dreaming of the days to come
Quietly understanding that there may be non
Hoping they won’t leave me numb
Patiently waiting until the day is done

For love is a flick and a flame
Each step leads to a darker night
There is no true one to blame
And so, we become each other’s light
I find it funny how fast time goes by
The world used to seem so small
Yet now it’s even smaller, why?
How far do we have to fall

There’s a strange connection for everything
Some call it a string theory, I suppose
Still even the hard choices have a stay
Who am I to question what goes

I keep having the same thought appear in my head
It shows up when you come around
And it leaves me full of dread
Along with worry, not sure where we’re bound

How many days have I wasted
Without you beside me
How many memories were left uncreated
Without your pretty smile to see

As fast as time goes, I want to slow it down
I don’t want to spend another day without you
It’s in your love I want to be bound
So, tell me what it is I have to do
She had of the prettiest smiles I’ve ever seen
It felt like a reflection of all things bright
As if the world had no darkness, only light
I never seen anything so serene

I was late to lunch today
She had already taken a seat in a corner booth
By the look on her face, she couldn’t hide the truth
Yet she didn’t know what words to say

Her eyes glisten when she talked
It seemed the nervous feelings were gone
And so, the feelings continue to feed on
With feelings of love now locked

I remember a time like that, to be brave
She reminded me of you and your glow
He reminded me of myself, before you had to go
For I wish there was more than flowers on a grave
Two roses of red
And one of blue
Neither are prettier than you

A strong shoulder to rest your head
For you I could never deny
There is no question for why

Two roses of blue
And one of red
Just to remind you; love’s not dead
You’re like a blinking light
That glimmers throughout the dead of the night
An unfamiliar sound that calls
Yet a soothing noise, like those of the great falls

I seek to wonder where you hide
Though countless men have tried before me
Many too; fallen a drift at sea
Maybe apart of living, is to live after you died

If you would have asked years ago
I would have joined you in any place
But now the world seems like an unfamiliar face
So, I continue on in the cold dusty snow

For if I was ever wrong to you
I hope you can understand
It takes much more than hope to raise a man
And I hope you find the strength to continue as we do

Someday, I may become you’re guiding light
One the glimmers through the dead of the night
Or an unfamiliar sound that calls
That’s as soothing as those of the Great Fall’s
Do you remember when
We would walk in winter
Holding our breath in the chilling wind
Waiting to see who was the winner

Or maybe the summer skies
The fields where we hid
Isn’t it funny how time flies
Especially now that we aren’t kids

What about the ol house
The one that was condemned
Remember when you go scared of that mouse
Aren’t you glad we settled in the west end

I can still see the look you gave
That time I brought home that raggedy old car
Back when money was hard to save
Or course we never worried about setting any bars

It’s been a long time now
And each day with you feels like a thousand more
I shake my head sometimes and say wow
For how could you fall for me and not walk out the door
How did she do it
I ask myself nearly everyday
For how could I ever fit
In any word she could say

How could she a stranger
Enter my life with no warning
Even so, could I not see the danger
Of seeing her face every morning

I get this pit in the bottom of my stomach
I have trouble concentrating
Is it just dumb luck
Or is there something hidden, that’s captivating

For someone like me, not worthy
Or someone like her, who deserves better
Is this proof of mercy
But I can’t stay, so I’ll leave her this letter
A charred smell of hickory nuts fills the air
I take a step out to clear my head
As I begin to walk, I can’t help but dare
Dare myself to make it through this winter dread

My steps become less and less
For the snow has reached my knees
Yet I continue on, but I must confess
I did stop for a break by the trees

I whistle a tune, as I watch the moon stop hiding
The air is colder and white specks fall on my clothes
But I find it all ever so delighting
For there’s no better place to find a winter’s rose

As I make my way back, I see a light
It shines through the window
I enter with a rose of white
To see her smile, as pretty as a rainbow
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