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O graunt O God that when I do descryue
Lustrous Selene, Qheene of ebon night,
Readers by reading sie the Qheene aliue
Shining with lighte as beautifull as bright.
God-giuen gifte of beautie is the sight
Of her who shineth like a falling starre
Maintaining still her place in heauens height
High up aboue whair heauens orbits are.
Aboue our heads so neare and yett so farre
Shineth the goddesse faire since auld lang syne.
The troubadours melodious repertoire
He doth performe within her siluer shine.
Romance doth quick the pvlse and pvll the tide:
The loue of God is giu'n unto his bride.
Poet and king and dæmonologist,
The LORD hath said destroy'd his people are
For lacke of knowledge; what thou know'st t'exist
Of euil thinges and spirite thinges noir
The subiects shelu'd within a grosse grimoire
Thou hast made clearly knowne to edify
The bodie of the Lord on which a warre
Hath bene declair'd by th'father of the lie.
Dæmoniacques deceiu'd by Sathan die
A second death quhair dying hath no end    
And euerie wicked witch wuld sooner fry
Then die the second death and then descend.
A seruice thou hast done to Gods elect
Giuing them eies the Divel to detect.
Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Little do we Realize that God lives within
God is not far away, God is just beneath the skin
But because we don't Realize that the way is Self-Realization
We live and die without God-Realization!

Some question, 'Is everything about God, a bunch of lies?'
Others blindly believe that God lives in the skies
Then, some people Pray and live with Hope
They need God so with problems, they can cope
We Pray, we Chant and we all live with Faith
We believe that one day, we will go to Heaven's Gate
And so, we live, waiting to meet God face-to-face
We don't Realize God, we don't get Divine grace!

Only the one who lives with Love and Longing for God
He Realizes God who has a Yearning for the Lord
He questions his religion and puts all beliefs to Test
He wants God so much that he begins his Quest
He doesn’t believe the'Big Bang' and the Theory of the Ape
He Realizes God is in every Soul and things of any shape
His journey of God is a journey of God-Realization
He Realizes God after his Self-Realization!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power that brings life to our Lip
Because we believe in lies, most of us slip
We don't love God enough, we don't get a grip
We are lost in this material world on this earthly trip
We don't go in Quest of God,
We don't go aboard the Divine Ship
When we start to live with the name of SIP on our lip
Then we will begin towards God, our

To Realize God, first, We must Realize, 'Who am 'I'?'
We must Realize that one day, this body will die
We are not the mind that we can never find
We are not the ego, Let's leave this lie behind
If we are not body, mind and ego, then, who are we?
We are none other than God's Divine Energy
When we Realize that We are a Spark Of Unique Life, the Soul
Then, we will Realize God, We will achieve our Goal!

It's strange but True but God stops us from God!
The belief in 'our' God stops us from Realizing our Lord
We just blindly believe in the religion we learned in school
And so, We don't Realize God, We live and die a fool
All Religions are good but we need Spirituality
Like after school we graduate from a University
We must let go of the myth that the Scriptures tell
If we want to Realize God, We must get out of this spell!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power. Let's learn this and flip
God has no beginning, God has no end
God is birthless and deathless, Forever, he does extend
God is the Soul that gives life to You and Me
God is in every molecule, God is energy
This world is nothing but God, Everything is an Illusion
Everything in this world is God's manifestation!
I am thy bride; my husband, Lord, thou art;
And I doe crave the nuptuall embrace
Wherein wee'l intermingle face to face
And whereby hart exchanged is for hart:
Ravish thou, Lord, thy bride; I come apart
With eagernesse, and seeke to grasp apace
The grandest prize for which I ranne the race,
Running from there whereat I first did start.
Lord, thou art one; and also thou art three;
And when thou shalt thy bride embrace, then two
Shall be one fleshe, and every rendezvous
Thereafter be betwixt but thee and thee;
For I shall be no more when all that's of
My selfe is love in love with God, who's love.
thank you for following me... im Zack ... nice to meet you... im the richest man in history... hope to talk some ...this month is mariah carey an my 17 year heir to ww1 ww2 and alexander the great... i was made in a vine hidden in the pyramids millions of years watching all life.. i seen creation..i seen jesus crucified as if it was me... i drank from the fountain of youth.. i was in the garden of eden ... i am heir to all king blood on earth .. 1 million trillion.. in 1994 during the war i gave everyone eye surgery to see screens to compete with chinese.. we are in a program i built that can **** all giants in another dimension so thats why we are here
We are center of the universe
I saved you
You are dying again
This time im bone an flesh
I will die trying to save you again
My Ancestry King Zack
My Ancestry God Zack
I held you
beheld you
with cruelty
with abandon
could have been cinders
the patina of my absent mind
could have been a yesterday
one of many
one, yet uncounted
one, lost in a crowd
uncaring, and unbowed
heartless - ignorant

not today

today I saw you
through the window of my heart
as I always knew you
without me


it occurred to me,
for the first time,
you were without me
and I
was without you
we were alone
and I
yearned to solve your loneliness
your solitude
abrade the fixtures of mutual isolation with warmth
wear down the gloom of silence
with laughter
praise of you
hold you
as if holding myself
loving myself
through you
by you,
loving me
I love you deeper
into the cradle
of our love
where we are born
in bliss
fighting the cold
of our darkening world
while the light dies
our hearts burn ablaze
seeking the truth
the higher power that united us
God, who would wed us,
that can save us,
if only we tried,
if only

for tonight,
I watch you
through the window
of my heart

I shed tears
wishing I were with you
but I will settle
for our dream...
As always

divi May 11
no, i mean this anger
no, i mean this guilt
no. i mean, what is the difference
between this anger and guilt?
because the chains all rattle the same behind me.

i could go and ask my mother,
but the lines on her face would deepen
and she would tell me there is only anger
and she doesn’t know guilt
and how could i expect her to believe in something
which she has never experienced?
and would i take the trash on my way out?

i am unsure if it is my fault my mom feels this way,
or if it is my fault she doesn’t feel any differently.
she’s sewn me richly ornamented robes,
woven from girlhood ambitions fallen short
threaded with hopes she had long dismissed.
but i am not joseph, and the garments never seemed to fit me right.
and my mother is not god,
her love has never been unconditional.

the robes have long since become stiff
gathering dust on the coat rack.
maybe i could hang some of the guilt there, too.
or maybe i’ll hang the anger.
or maybe i’ll hang both.
or maybe i’ll hang on to it all a little longer.

i never learned when it’s appropriate to let go
and i learned a little too late about the bruises i leave behind by holding on so tightly.
a lesson all my mothers before me had to learn.
after all, in the very beginning,
eve never once received a mothers embrace.
the closest mother she had was the garden of eden.
(was she saddened in her exile, or was she relieved to be free?)
i haven’t posted or written much since 2018, funny how i always come back to writing
Greate is thy Sin, since Sin is never Small:
     And Monstrous Moles of Sin Call home thy Soule.
About their Mountainous Molehills they do Crawle.
     Play thou (and win) a Game of Whacke-a-Mole.
     Unto the Moles be Deadly as an asp.  
     Beware, take Care, nor Swat the pettish wasp.

The Harebrain'd Sinners Sins to him are toyes;
     Theyre Entertainments, Gambols, Games with Dice.
The Madbrain'd Sinners Sins to him are joyes
     Untill he's made to paye in full their price.
     The Crackbrain'd Sin-addicted Scarab bug
     That liveth but for Sin to Hell is Drug.
A judgement made according to Gods Determinations.
Alice May 4
I feel close to Him, when I’m near Her, my soul takes flight.
His presence lingers, a gentle hymn, as She whispers lullabies on the wind on a moonlit night.

I feel on me His gaze in a hidden maze, through forest trees, I find my way.
I see Him smile as Her dawn’s first rays, paints the sky in hues of gold each day.

In Her garden, summer raindrops fall, His tender touch upon my soul.
His presence lingers, a whispered call, as I dance with Her, feeling whole.

Her evening rhythm, a gentle song, paints the sky with hues divine.
His essence, sun’s first rays, strong, as petals sway in Her sacred shrine.

One sunny day, it dawned on me, lost in Her charm, entranced by His ways.
They both are one, one and the same,
God is Nature, and Nature is God’s praise!

So gaze upon the petals, the stars above, and know: in every leaf, in every sod, God’s essence breathes, a boundless love, where Nature’s pulse aligns with the divine nod!
Oh, you child!

Blessed be you are.

Born to be the one who is loved

You were made to be torn apart.

The angels cry and sing your name.

You were made to lose all you've earned.

Everything will be in time.

You are with no reason and no rhyme.

It will reach the depths where hell has not dug.

Your name and all the things you've done.

The world will be at your mercy.

And you will die, that is what you will do.

You will die over and over again.

You will skin what is left of your bones.

For those who will eat you whole and alive.

You will thank them for it you will thank him for it.

You will happily oblige.

Oh our sweet thorn born child.

The kisses and praise will litter your skin like an incurable plague.

You are my favourite.

And you will thank me for it.

No one will hear you.
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