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ky Jul 2023
Don't break her heart.

I know she and I don't talk anymore
and that she was fine with breaking me
to be with you.

But don't break her for me.
I could never forgive myself.
Kimmie May 2023
Forgive and Forget
That is what they all pronounce
Will I able to?

Forgiveness offered
Though you were never sorry
And have no regrets

But I can't Forget
About pain and betrayals
Which still lingers on

"I'm your friend"  you said
Actions didn't matched at all
What should I trust now?
I S A A C May 2023
the place i got my mirror you threw me through
filled with machines, unearthing roots
old old patterns rewritten
old old narratives revisited
is there room for forgive
my face washed by shock
never thought i could bare witness
dissolve the dividing mirror
seeing more than ourselves
makes this easier
makes it clearer
Jellyfish May 2023
Bathed in trauma, poured on you,
Blindly making excuses, I didn't have a clue,
Unintended harm was not my aim,
I swear, from my heart, that's the truth I claim.

Just give me a chance to prove I can change,
Don't turn away, let's break this estrange,
I've learned my lessons, I'm ready to grow,
I can transform, this I truly know.

Lost in the past, flipping photo albums' pages,
Seeking smiles, wondering through the ages,
But now I see the present with fresh eyes,
Fixing what's wrong, no more disguise.

A shared prison, unaware we both dwelled,
Failed to communicate, the stories we withheld,
I tried to speak of demons deep within,
Unaware they held me tight, drowning in their sin.

I plead for a chance, believe I can mend,
Break free from the covers, where the pain won't extend,
Yesterday's weight won't hold us down,
Together we'll rise, wearing courage as our crown.

Glimpsing photos, memories of distant travels,
Questioning why joy seemed to unravel,
But it's not about them, or what they comprehend,
Finding my worth, letting my true self ascend.

Losing my muse, an ache deep within,
Placing you on a pedestal, where love had once been,
Our best memories like a festival's delight,
But I clung too tightly, clouding our sight.

Hurting you, hurting myself, a tangled mess,
I thought I suffered more, but it was just a guess,
Overloaded with clichés, patched on our dark days,
Unaware I was the setup, before the closing phrase.

Keep donning your cape socks, a symbol of strength,
In the end, you shaped me, helping me find my true length
Maybe to learn to let go, you have to be left alone, even if you kick and scream when they leave.
And just like that,
you broke me.

But it wasn't blood that poured out.


As my roots spilled all over,
the seeds of my healing.

Sprouts of tomorrow.

All over.

You broke me,
but I did not bleed.

I forgive me.
I forgive you.

I forgive us.

And I heal,
and I grow.

And I'm stronger.

I move on.
I hope you can heal, too. Don't hold onto me on negatives. Don't become the villain in the story. I hold love, and respect, and all the good in my heart still for you. I'll remember you peacefully, happily. Do so, too. Grow. Bunches of tons of lots.
Onu Abah Mar 2023
I don’t care if I was right or wrong;
The weight of malice is too heavy,
I cannot carry it.
One thing I want to do is to let go of my pride!

I don’t want to justify myself or my actions;
I don’t want to be innocent either.
I hate grudges!
I want to let go of my pride!

You said something that came at me like a raging storm!
“You don’t know me”
Yet you’ve BEEN with me (contradictory).
I want to play dump!
But I clearly understand what you mean!
And this isn’t a please come back move!
It’s more than that;
I hope you’d see my heart;
It is an earnest CRY and a plea for somebody to heal!

I thought I had all it takes to build a titanic relationship;
That will sail with beauty, and class…, and survive the heaviest of storms,
And will not sink!
But NO!
Like titanic, it sank!
It was hard, but I bore it.

My regret isn’t what I’d stood to gain(from you)
A million miles far from it;
It is the pain that despite the effort,
The stunts against the odds…
The LOVE ended in pain, malice, and vain!

In your heart of heart,
I beg that you clear this dart.
Please don’t let hate between;
I neither want to win nor you, to lose!
I just can’t keep going with this.

I was not a saint; you are not a sinner!
I am not a snitch nor a hypocrite, you are not perfect!
I am not pretending and you are YOU!
I am not complete neither are you!

But I’ve tried to make for myself a NAME.
I see my wrongs; they take me to my knees!
Integrity means a lot to me
Losing it is being LAME in purpose and life!

I have tried to put my heart into this piece for peace!
I really hope you don’t get ******!
These words are not enough,
They’ve not really explained it;
I hope that you realize,
the pompous one
with her comments
as she slithers by
the rudest
of dogs

the confident family;
     to a fault
sitting too close
and talking
too loud

the hypocrite
of the mess
and leaving behind
a scavenger's

the insecure sage
a font of knowledge
based on
and opinion
with only
a pinch
     of fact

the innocently gormless
with no thought
for sense
     or logic
common or otherwise
but only
for the now
the immediate

these are
the passengers
on the
     of frustrations
for today;
and over

i think
so little
     of them
i'm unable
to stop myself
about them
xavier thomas Apr 2022
When I was younger,
I couldn’t understand why
I forgave so quickly. I despised it.
Now, I’m thankful I forgive quickly.
Keeping that negativity in
your temple is too much.
Zywa Feb 2022
If you don't forgive

you'll drink poison, hoping that --

the other suffers.
Interview with Mpho Andrea Tutu (nrc, 19 februari 2022)

Collection "Actively Passive"
Zack Ripley Jan 2022
We all make mistakes. It's just a fact.
So why beat yourself up when it seems someone's always ready to kick you
when you're down?
Give the fires in your head a chance to die.
The stress and fear already make you
want to cry. But you know what?
It's okay to take a minute
and try to forgive yourself.
To let yourself off the hook.
Because you aren't responsible for everything that happens in your life.
And one more thing.
Remember that you'll never get the full story
on the first look.
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