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nabs Oct 2022
kepala berkecamuk
menumpahkan isinya
tumpah ke dalam ruang di sekitarnya
tak pernah benar-benar terbebas

sehelai demi sehelai terajut
semakin semrawut hingga kusut
mencoba diselesaikan
tak pernah benar-benar selesai

akhirnya terbaring dalam kalut
terbangun karena kusut
benar-benar tak pernah lucut

bagaimana bisa kepala ini
menampung lebih banyak dari apa yang terlihat
membawa lebih berat dari massaa badannya
double 'a' dalam kata 'massaa' ditulis agar tidak kena sensor 🙏
Satvik gupta Jun 2022
The nights don't lie about the darkness
The nights dont lie about the pain
The nights don't lie about the sadness
The nights don't lie about the curse of humane

Their voices haunts the silents
Their actions ****** the restless.
Their thoughts crucify the preachers
Their sight infiltrates the domain .

They see them
They hear them
They feel them
Still can't do a thing
Still can't do a thing

Hope they find the light
Helping  them to conquer the night
Hope they find the path
Helping them to overcome the aftermath .
After such a long time.
Jammit Janet Jun 2022
Authentic City
One of the hardest destinations
To find
Once found hard to stay at
Unless you can find peace
Not always fitting in
Not always feeling liked
Not always being treated equally
Despite being aware of what’s not fair
Or right.
Jammit Janet Jun 2022
I am in understanding
That I have no control
Over all the thoughts, sensations, and feelings
That I experience
At any given time
I accept this fact
To give me power
Over my reaction
To enable my ability to reply.
Raven Feels Mar 2022
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, do you know what I don't know?

let me be a fool
one that slaps with cruel
leave some words for us leave some words for you
leave the past to dust leave the yellow floors too

let me be a fool
wear that memory on my neck & call it a jewel
seal the day of misery word by word in due
admire every single color in remembrance of every hue

let me be a fool
drown myself in that scent in that noise in that pool
dig the heels of my feet to the ground to keep me steady
never thought for an ever of a life I won't be ready

let me be a fool
the world of the never & delusions to rule
because them feels won't remain in the old self of every second
& no one gave me a hint to prepare what will & already threatened

                                                     ­                                       ------ravenfeels
Madeleine Feb 2022
I feel like Hell
But you make me
Feel like Heaven
Maeve Jan 2022
I want you
To leave me
Sweet nothings
In the pockets of my cardigan
She did leave a note, but when you lead a horse to water, there's a 50/50 chance that it's going to drink
Kewayne Wadley Dec 2021
While the world is asleep
I lie awake in a dream that feels real
because I am with you.
They'll lie still and we won't disturb
It's you that I only get this feeling
I accept that I am awake because you
are here
There is no other fact.
While the world is asleep
I want to explore everything that I can.
Without interruption.
Without the triple bypass of work.
More than enjoying your company for
what it is.
Like croissants in Paris
After climbing the Eiffel tower with you
on my back.
Or counting how long it'll take to bend
the curvature of the tower into the
shape of your heart.
While the world is asleep
They'll lie still and we won't disturb
& When they awake,
They'll think it was all a dream
By the time we finish explaining what
took us so long to get back
mark soltero Dec 2021
it’s okay to be in love with the dying light
spending your evenings away from reality
things that make you forget about burning
and while the lasting memory haunts you
it’s cold embrace feels right
the just emotional whirlwind that feels pure
fuels your sense of being
time erodes away its value
but sometimes its strength transforms
i want to hold my former self
tell him that life is going to be painful
but he can be stronger
to make him understand isolation is chosen alienation is given
stagnation isn’t a confine to misery
virtuosity isn’t fulfilling
and sometimes the pawn’s value outweighs the king
and to live in the shadow of your own worth is a disgrace to one’s own constant growth
transformation strength feels right isolation self value  stagnation
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