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Kyla Nov 2023
Like an ocean wave
You swept me off my feet
Riding the ocean
Without a care in the world
Deeper and deeper I float
The tides pull back
I am swept over my head
Nothing underneath me
I'm drowning
Out in the open
All alone
Heidi Franke Oct 2023
Not drowning today

In remorse from yesterday

Draining self-hatred
anonymous Sep 2023
They say it doesn't take long to drown.
Yet I've been silently drowning for a while now.
I can't breathe,
I can't come up for air,
No matter how hard I try.
I just can't stop myself from drowning.

I feel myself,
Going lower and lower,
Becoming colder and colder,
Each passing minute.
Yet no one is helping me.

I'm in the deep end now.
I want to yell,
And scream until my throat is raw,
But no noise will come out.
No matter how hard I try.

They say it doesn't take long to drown.
Yet I've been silently drowning for years.
It must only be a matter of minutes now.
Amy Childers Jul 2023
I am ephemeral yet eternal.

Drowning in my own insanity and emptiness,
Yet there is a sense of banality as my soul spirals in the waves.

Enraged and imprisoned amongst the tide
My body now imprisoned by fleeing time.
The crashing waves tearing flesh from bone, And the tide carrying my tortured soul.
My body forgotten along the shore,
Returning to the elements where I was once Born.

Blood to Earth, my debt has been repayed.
In the afterglow my bones now lay.
Forgotten, buried in the sand.
   Am I eternal or ephemeral?
I am just a man.
Zywa Jul 2023
First you slurp water,

and from inside, it slurps you:

isn't that called drowning?
Novella "De eerlijke vinder" ("Finder's keepers", 2023, Lize Spit), chapter IV

Collection "Shelter"
ky Jul 2023
I have to forget.

That's all I can do
if I want to be anything
like I used to.

When I was whole,
when my heart was in one piece.

A few months before
your careless love destroyed me.
Raziel Jul 2023
They're all just so sad and broken in their own ways
     And they have flocked to each other because together,
              The suffering feels smaller
                   Not so big
                       Not so daunting
                             And to them,
                                     I'm the deep pool
                                           where they can pour their pain into
                                                And never have to think of the possibility
They think the depths of my mind
Vitæ Feb 2021
I dive into the boundless ocean of your eyes.
And swim in the sea of your love.
When it overcomes my lungs,
I will meet my end with an inexorable wave
  And drown between the light of the surface
and darkness of the depths.
Inspired by a quote from Sebastian Junger's 'The Perfect Storm', "The instinct not to breathe underwater is so strong that it overcomes the agony of running out of air. No matter how desperate the drowning person is, he doesn't inhale until he’s on the verge of losing consciousness"
My Dear Poet May 2023
I don’t want to swim
in your ocean of tears

…i want to drown
An unconscious self sabotage
The reprimanding echo
A bed of invisible nails

Without the smallest clue
What was this discomfort of?

Exhaustion, a cage without doors.
Menial tasks turned impossible
Stumbling around all dazed

Dressed to the ninth in neglect
I keep forgetting to live.
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