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Mrs Timetable Apr 26
Today feels like a dream
Years ago dreamt
Of when you left me
Alone in the woods
In a dark colorless cabin
You took the warmth
You took the light
You took your family
And you left me there...
Feels like that dream
Today felt familiar
I wish a dream was easy to buy into
like a cancer stick;— dying for a piece.
Inhaling vapors, and blowing off
smoke in a puff of dreams.

Life is like a cigarette; an addiction
to living with feelings of regret.
Time is all ashes, slowly deducting
your frame till death,
And love consumes the lungs;
too much of the wrong kind,—becomes toxic.
To advertise the biggest buyers of such dreams
for a rich life like a **** cigarette;
To be honest with the kind of addiction,
being rich appears costly.

But I guess if I'm an old truck blowing
smoke, it just means I'm exhausted.
Addicted to the cigarette life,
whether tip toeing, or running towards death,
either side, do play it cautious.
Cos whatever end you smoke the cigarette,
all roads lead to death.
Chad Roman Apr 21
You're an island
that housed beauty many shipments ago
For a drowning soul,
can only be saved by a rush of gold

Treasures of gold, lie hidden bestowed,
Beneath the crater of an old souls bowl

If my heart be the earth,
I'd look for peace
If my death sparked life,
I'd look to leave
And if life had meaning,
What could this be?

If my heart was round, I'd assume the earth fits this mold
Many moons ago it could dare lay low

Darkness fears the light
Like a kid in twilight 
Pondering on quiet times
Spent churning the street fights
If you search and search, eventually you'll get the answer
Malia Apr 21
i meander at the
depths of rock bottom stumbling
upon newfound grace and

the spiking stone all around
is dull to the eyes but makes
the ever-blue sky
come alive.

when i reach up to
touch it, i know that
i am too small to caress
those faint cotton candy

but in my dreams,
i greet the sunrise by
perching on the shoulders
of those who dare to rise
Josie Apr 21
Don't look at gray clouds for answers
Dull, blurry, nondescript
They cloud the mind
With mystery and uncertainty
Here today but gone tomorrow
Like a dream lover
Trueheart Apr 20
You come like wind
My heart flutters
But I want to hold back
To know you will stay
I want you for me
Now and always
But I want to stay low
To know your wishes
Life will be beautiful
If we come together
It will be happiness
Woven in a dream
If only our dream is same
Love hope and future
Jeremy Betts Apr 15
I'm no one of note
Just a mediocre bloke
Your run of the mill common folk,
Shiit kickin', suburban cowpoke
Someone not even I would pretend to promote
Dreamscapes often bleak and remote
You probably do what I don't,
Can do what I can't,
Will do what I won't
Sunk my personal rescue boat,
Fleeing the scene,
Trying to free myself from myself with little hope
Got caught up in a well known insecurity mote
The dangerous cesspool where the mindless float
Where I often mope
You might think that's the conclusion,
But nope
You'll know when
This story's about to end
At the first mention
Of the proper tension
For a danglin' hangin' rope

Traveler Apr 16
In the substance of my dreams
I saturate
Dopamine drives my depth
I draw my dreams
From the subatomic plunks
The eternal fountain of rest

Cognition failure
The source of my imbalance
Loosens my fall to flight
I attempt to pull to the surface
With all my diminishing might

Here the puzzle pieces
Somehow seem to fit
Paralyzed but for rem
My waking body starts to twitch

I gasp and hold
As it quickly slips away
Random samples left in my mind
Only a couple pieces stay
Traveler Tim
Janine Jacobs Apr 10
When I look up at my ancestors and the struggles of my family tree
I realised I was made from bleeding hands and shattered hope
Pouring their lives from cup to cup, generation to generation
All the things they couldn’t be
I was made by them but also for them
Passing down onto me their tears and  hardships, and all their untold stories
You see, they chose me
To uphold their legacy, unravel their truth
Breath the air and smell the soil of places they could never see
I was made to be everything they weren’t allowed to dream
My path will sooth their pain
I am meant to live loud and carry their sacrifices as my war cry
Three dead pigeons came to mourn
they hung around from dusk till dawn
and knowing I was gravely ill
stayed perched upon my window sill
then when it looked like I might stay
they clicked their beaks and flew away
A poem I dreamt
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