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Vivek Raj May 27
A question,
Long left unanswered,
What makes you so desirable?
And, the answer popped up to me,
In less than an instant.

A curiosity,
A one of a kind wonder you are,
And, no wonder man searches you,
In the twinkle of a star,  
To be left spellbound by you,
Like an enchantment,
In spiritual and cosmic realms afar,
Only to realise,
You're no fantasy,
But, a phenomenon and a certainty,
As good as across all realities.
Tell me,
if I can make love to someone through my eyes;
Allowing me to truly witness and appreciate every
exquisite detail of them— my eyes would become
vessels, through which my adoration flows freely
for you.
Jeremy Betts May 25
If I were to collect then present
Each and every tear I cried
If I were to show
Every emotion I was told to hide
If I were to point out
The litany of moments where I lied
If I were to open up
Recalling the days I wished I'd died
And shamefully admit
The number of times I've tried
Would you be able to love me for me
And put the worst of me aside?
Don't worry if you can't,
The rides creator couldn't even finish the ride

Vivek Raj May 25
To my weary eyes,
And, my shattered heart,
Your arrival,
Remains a big welcome.
Vivek Raj May 25
If I'm at war with time,
If I'm enraged with fate,
I blame it on one reason,
Along the lines of treason,
To have not met you before we first met.
Vivek Raj May 24
I had never imagined,
How you could do this to me ever,
Something small in nature,
Yet enduring in calibre,
The power of your cute smile,
Blooming into my senses like never,
To heal my heart forever.
The rain brings with it thunder,
The two combine create lightning,
Which is something beautiful,
And strong,
And full of life,
You and I,
My favorite storm.

I choose to embrace,
And know grace,
With wind washed upon my face,
The Perfect storm,
The Love I have,
For You.

Within the mist,
Lies a twist,
A legend to be discovered,
Waiting to be found,
The forbidden chest,
Which holds,
What I know is best,
Vivek Raj May 23
You're the sunshine in my mind,
And, the storm in my heart.
Vivek Raj May 20
Many a time,
I've thought this long and hard,
How no woman could love me,
How no woman would want me,
And, with the passage of time,
You proved it true,
As I lie here in rue.
Vivek Raj May 20
I ask myself every day,
What makes you so special?
And, it is because I realised,
The words I write about you,
In my mind,
The thoughts I have about you,
In my heart,
Arise even before a sunrise.
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