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He died without warning.
Lives fractured
From failing
Air bags,
Ten in all that
Deployed, did not protect.

It happened
Pleading to un do.
On a sidewalk in a fetal position, pleading.

Nothing, no money
Millions or more
Will ever bring him back, but hate takes up residence in your soul, burn until you can't move from the scar tissue.

He would not want hate. He would not want you in this state.

I see it so in every
Red fruit garnished
On the Serviceberry
This year
Three years after your death. I hear his echos, it will be ok.

It's all I have to give
Watered by tears.
Planted a Serviceberry tree after the accidental death of a physician. A tragedy that can not be changed but maybe transformed to allow a manageable life free from the burden of suffering. So many things we suffer over. Let go what you can't control.
There’s a letter
left beside my grave
—instructions for the end of the world.

Love is dead;-
death a mistress,
for in this old dream,
I had seen the skies crack open
widely, for those children of the rapture
—those left behind to only witness.

The eyes of time
had finally become blind;-
none could see how long their suffering
The silence of chaos,
was a perfect knife- carving through
all the hearts of many, but it couldn’t cut
for their hearts were too empty;
their pride’s stomach filled of gluttony.

The care that people had for us,
quickly; quietly vanishes
with every speck of eternal dust.

In the end,
all our stories will be the most
beautiful songs never heard.
As we seem to be still searching
for a blessing, hiding in a
subtle disguise; and a reminder of
All the gals I loved,
and the jealous kisses you traded
with many other guys.

The end will truly be
wild in the dark,
so hellish in your eyes for one hell of a night.

So in that letter you left me,
hopefully my soul recalls what piece
of love, I never shown you much,
kissing a last time;- before I die,
before all of the world dies.
Roses on our bed;- final remarks
on it being an attractive grave;- as for us, being in
love is to be slaves, owned by chaotic emotions.
And under the blackness of your eyes— is a pain clear
as day; confess to yourself dear love; how you worshipped
forcefully laughing through your pain.

I had worshipped every tone of your laugh,
never knowing that it represented you feeling so
breathless, constantly down the wrong path- every day,
every minute you pretended to be okay- every hour I blindly
believed we were both okay.
where we are now is the causation
of thinking someone gets you
that they understand what you mean
where you're coming from
that they treat you the same way
you treat them
like the world’s most empathetic nurse
despite the blatant risks available

and the *** is
because it is like
fighting but
we want to hurt
each other
a dance of
mutual combat

i am your photographer
of war baby
i am
by your truths and
scars and death
not because of their
imperfections or ability
to stain my mind
with schizophrenic ptsd
but because i am a casualty
of your purpose

and much like war
you’ve relentlessly sold me an idea
and shown me how much of myself i have to give up
and to betray
for your manipulative propaganda
in order to soldier on
towards an empty promise
this patriotic love
is a cause that remains lost
like bodies in rubble
a love i have a tendency to incline to
this serviceable love
is scarce amongst rust and ruins
and instead of cultivating it

you rage war

      me                        and




(thanks for the experience…good luck)
i was only just getting to know her well
and just when i developed stronger feelings
i realized i knew too much
He pulls a sword from a rock
And he was worthy
And he will bring war

To those who are unworthy
And he will graze their fields
And he will burn their temples
He will reveal his true form and eat all the children of those who are not worthy

Chosen as One
What our One was meant to do
Do not worry
when I go,
I will not be far
for I shall be the evening star
shining, ever near
do not fear
for I had my time
and lived it well as I knew how
but the time has come
I have to leave you now
watch the birds
see them fly
home across the evening sky
feel their wings
hear their song
you can cry,
but not for long
Mister J May 29
Staring into the midnight skyline
Underneath the faded starlight
Cold winds caressing my face
Wooly blanket warming my shoulders

My thoughts wandering in the abyss
Skipping among the wispy clouds
Trying to reach for the brightest stars
Only to fall back into the expansive void

My heart is in melancholia
My mind in aching nostalgia
My chest tightened in a knot
My eyes in a sleepless trance

Take me back to the olden days
The days filled with loving warmth
When I melt from your every kiss
And I succumb to your cozy embrace

Take me back to the bygone nights
The nights filled with untethered passion
When you touch stirs my broken soul
Mending its tangles, soothing its core

Oh how I pray every night
Pleading with the Powers that be
Asking Them for your return
Even if its only in my dreams

Oh God, please take me back
To the eyes that were my mirrors
To the arms that were my hearth
To the love that was my home

Please bring me back
Bring me back to my home
To my love that was taken away
To the missing half of my soul

Please bring me back
To the love that quenches my thirst
To the heart that yearns only for me
To you

I miss you

Haven't written in a while.
Feeling nostalgic

Here's a piece. For old times' sake.
Jeremy Betts May 25
I fear him
The him I carry inside
It doesn't control the heart
But it controls the mind
I'm afraid to go in there
Because I'm afraid of what I'll find
Me looking blankly back at me
The me I know has basically died

Theres no going back to who we were,
I am a different breed of love, your cur…
I loved you once more,
You didn’t treat me *****…
So what left to lose now,
Our eternal pain somehow…
It’s more than letting go,
When memories a’flood, and glow.
What madness to think my own life,
To burden you to death, cheat me midwife…
It’s more than a pure grudge,
Your slave to sludge…
Funny thing you teach away,
Fondness of the heart forced at bay…
I’d like to think somewhere so it all works,
Deepening the worst wasted worlds, lurks?
Just know it wasn’t your fault -
Us lost in love? Our names found, souls exalt …
From listening to HEALTH & Nine Inch Nails, Isn’t Everyone.
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