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Joshua Phelps Apr 19
Still hurting, still bleeding,
Still reeling, still feeling.

Drowning in self-pity,
Confronting reality,
Where not everything
is easy.

Hopelessly broken,
Trying to find a way
To pick up the pieces.

But he keeps falling
Behind, and left
Oh so traumatized.

Shaking, trembling,
Unable to align as
The pieces fall and
Say their goodbyes.

He realizes
He's got to let it go
Or risk being
Left behind.
Notepad Apr 18
I told you who I see,
Because im done blaming me,
And you choose to walk away,
Didn't even tried to stay,
Easy to brush away,
Cause you dont care anyway...
You showed me how much you treated me badly and I pretended that im okay so you wouldnt hurt yourself. I believe that there is good in you always, that's why I stayed and hoped we could make it. But you gave me no signal, no response, no story. What am I to do? When I did the best of me for you? Making me feel like I haven't done so much in trying, in hoping that everything is going to be okay. But this isn't okay, how much pain I embraced from your absence, silence, recklessness, hopelessness and to make me feel like I'm not being enough for you. Why do I despair now? I don't know anymore...
Rae Apr 15
I’m so tired of being me
Tired of feeling to much, too much love, too much hate, too much of my own body
When the tears you cry itch and burn and every emotion you feel makes your stomach churn

Tired …

Tired of caring to much, it’s exhausting
When social interactions cost all your rations and a hug can trigger enough to lead to regrettable actions
When crumbs on the floor stick, make you sick feeling engulfed in waves of unease it’s unappealing

To be me…

To be me and hate every inch of your being
To be me and live with all my neurosis
To itch and scratch In your brain and in your veins the unreachable unteachable tendrils that sliver

To be me is to be tired
To be tired is to be
Jeremy Betts Apr 14
Living and breathing
The caretaker of a broken heart
One that's half assed patched together
And worn on my short sleeve in any weather
Right out in the open for everyone to take a shot at destroying
Taking quite a beating
Almost succeeding
Breath unanimously labeled a necessity
It's the only choice we can't make
For fuuck sake
No one's never, in the history of ever, ask to be here
Not allowed to choose when you leave here
It's looking like a cult is what we got here
It's the only thing you're not allowed to be bad at
What do you do when it's the thing you are worst at?

My Dear Poet Apr 13
If you’re going to tear me down
tear me gently no more than four
I can not bare to think
I could be torn down anymore

If you’re going to break me
break me in three my love
I can not bare to give
the whole of a half
if all of me wasn’t enough

If you’re going to pull me apart
pull me apart in equal two
though you double my pain  
I’d want you to know
each part will equally love you

If you’re going to **** me
**** me gently with your one touch
You may as well
finish me off for good
hurting me once is all too much
Miserable when you were here
now that you are gone
still feels like you're next to me
Anais Vionet Apr 2
(inspired by Malia’s poem ‘crack the code’)

the unspoken poems
are the loudest
the ones you don’t utter
the times you don’t bother
symphonies of silence
votes of no confidence
trust marbled with rust
what's become of us?
Jellyfish Mar 30
To the rhythm of a broken heart
I fall down into the grass
to look up into the stars

For so long now,
I've felt trapped inside a guitar.
Jump in, I'll show you my scars
Ace Mar 24
There was once a bizarre girl
I've never seen anything alike
Over the moon she brings  
Like the stars in the night

In times we laugh
And in times we sync
We talked about the world
And the hole within

I thought of us together
Forever and bliss
We fit together exactly
Like puzzles that are meant to be

And so I thought I'll be
Intertwining with thee
Every second every minute
Adoring her cherry red lips

Perplexed and confused
She rejects and refused
Off she goes and now she hides
From the very person that just broke and died

And now you think of her
Every now and then
Reminiscing the times you had
With the girl you'll never have
There's always this someone that you'll never forget
Bea Rae Mar 19
Love with you was different,
but you still played me.
Like every person you claimed not to be.
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