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Nyx Nov 2023
They say that the only way to heal a broken heart is with time

That always sounded stupid to me

The only cure for a painfilled heart and mind

Is with time.

The sun will continues to rise, it still shines as bright

The moon and stars still align and glisten in the night

The Season still change, and we too will change

As father time waits for no man

Its all part of Gods plan

Today I woke up.

And you know,
I think I'm starting to believe them

You know I always thought it was a stupid thing that the only way to heal from a broken heart was with time, but as crazy as it sounds you do wake up one day and everything is just better. So don't give up! everything that you feel will pass, and everything will get better. All in good time :)
If there must be trouble now
Let this happen in my day
With my fight - a peace endow
So children live a better way

If there must be tyranny
I choose now to rise and stand
Resist a broken currency
With all the strength that I command

This reflection - well applied
Makes duty clear to choose the right
We can awaken - turn the tide
In the darkness - spread the light

If central planners choose control
And limit freedoms year by year
Liberty is Bitcoin’s goal
Join today - it has no peer

So if there must be troubling times
Bitcoin stands for freedom’s way
To overcome the theft and crimes
Yes - let this happen in my day
You can see this poem on a background here -
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty.”

Thomas Paine, The Crisis
ky Jul 2023
Looking back on it all,
I don't understand why I gave you
so many second third fourth changes.
You treated me horribly
and I let you back in
every. single. time.

I guess I thought that
when I let you back,
you would be different.
You would treat me better.

But each time,
nothing changed.
And the last time,
I just had to say
ky Jul 2023
Sometimes, I'd think that I missed it.
All the late-night conversations,
good morning "I love you"s,
glances exchanged in the halls,
awkward smiles,
adorable nicknames,
that bracelet.

But I don't wear that bracelet anymore,
not since you starting doubting all we had.

When the good morning texts were just typed,
sitting there with the send button unpressed.
When we started avoiding each other in the halls
because we couldn't bear to see the other's face.
When those awkward smiles we'd exchange
turned into just plain awkward.
When the adorable nicknames went away.
When that bracelet just sat there,
on my dresser instead of my wrist.

Sometimes, I thought I missed the way we were.
But now I know, we're better off the way we are.
Ghxstcxt Jul 2023
It all started with a quote I wrote on a post it note
I stuck it not for show
But for hope on this road I'm bout to solo
I'm not alone though
In fact the quote I wrote
That thought provoked
I got told
I've to say it once inside my mind
Then again to make it twice
Out loud the second time
Bring perspective to my eye
No joke
It's so I can focus through this hocus pocus
I've conjured on my own
That's slow eroding soulful
In all the places that I don't go
Here's to a better day tomorrow
And every one that follows...
evolove Mar 2023
When I sit and my head dips. I reminisce and drift until there's a consciousness shift. I'm split. My lifes a cliff that's hard to grip. I've got the wits but choose the whips. I want the love but choose the pimps. Corporations who don't give two ***** about alcoholic fits. In cahoots with the boots who aren't afraid to shoot the kids not producing plantation fruits. If you want the truth it's the roots that have influenced generations of youth stupid. most of us pull through it. Like suicidal thoughts when they get intrusive.
xavier thomas Feb 2023
Me: "I'm going to acknowledge you, first."
Her: "I'm going to trust you, more."
I S A A C Dec 2022
wander while I ponder
wonder when I'm farther
out sea, just me, pisces
underwater, wonder if I can feel thunder
running from each other
wonder who can go farther
light green, I am a rusty lover
underneath, wonder if I can get better
leeaaun Dec 2022
if wait is not worth the
then why humans
die wishing
one day
it will all get better
does that ever get better?
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