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Water In My Veins
I write what I write and I care little for what you think of it.
violent veins
England    our minds are the perfect shade of insane


Synthesis  Apr 2015
Synthesis Apr 2015
darkness consumes all
the black night swallows our thoughts
Vomits back our fears

Shadows pollute minds
Specters of the past revive
They taunt tease and laugh

We give in so quick
Victims to our own morals
destroyed by self doubt

Quick to love others
so fast  to hate ones own self
So slow to forgive

The mirror whispers
The wind curses so sweetly
The blade kisses you

It tenderly glides
Slides against ebony skin
Gaping rift remains

Scarlet life erupts
History of an empire
Contained in those veins

Osiris Horus
Pharaohs Gods ,and rulers.Kings
Contained in those veins

Isis Hathor Bast
Greats queens, protectors, healers
Contained in those veins

Garden of Eden
Cradle of our mother Earth
Contained in those veins

Men and women with Brave Hearts
Contained in those veins

Swift minds,Diamond tongues
hip-hop jazz blues rock, our sound
Contained in those veins

Firm hands,and strong arms
The power to hold the world
Contained in those veins

A deep rich opus
there is his story and hers
Contained in those veins

Our blood stains the soil
Why destroy the tapestry
Contained in those veins
Anonymous Jun 2016
Babe your fine,
But that’s not what my broken veins say
Love, it really was nothing, stop overreacting
But that’s not what my broken veins say
Sweets, I don’t know her
But that’s not what my broken veins say
You know I’m the only one for you
But that’s not what my broken veins say
Couples are teams, and teams have no secrets
But that’s not what my broken veins say
I need you to do this, or we wont work
But that’s not what my broken veins say
You’ve caused this.
But that’s not what my broken veins say
It’s your fault it happened like this
But that’s not what my broken veins say
I didn’t hurt you, you did this to yourself
But that’s not what my broken veins say
But because I love you, I’ll look past it
But that’s not what my broken heart says.