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PG  Sep 2015
PG Sep 2015
Eyes meet with exchanged smiles from across a room
Laughter at the same jokes and nightime walks; who knows what may loom?
The meeting we both attend is a mutually interesting theme
Someone who likes it AND is realistic?  This cannot be what it seems.

Once weekly at college we hold each other’s gaze
Meeting for awful campus dinners to vent about our days
From my hometown, although years separate our leaving
This is too good to be true, of course I must be dreaming

I keep talking myself down; she already dates someone good
Although that doesn’t stop me as much as it should
But just as I’m willing to put up with that fight
She tells me she rejected someone the previous night

While thankful for my silence and no resulting pain
I can’t help but wonder why this has happened again
Why do people seek in me their emotions to confide
Without at all thinking I may want to be by their side?

Years go by and we remain friends, though truly only in name
Her interest in that topic has deepened; and things just can’t be the same
Contact dwindles down to a yearly fundraising letter
Finally I toss it aside, I deserve better.

A recent interview in the paper brings her to mind once more
Only this time I feel nothing down deep in my core
With her eyes “opened” and trust from Above
I see that she has now found a groom to love

I’m happy for them and their worthwhile cause
Hopefully they will help others put life’s challenges on pause
But when all is set and done at the end of the day
I have the people I want around me every step of the way.
Breeze-Mist Aug 2016
Long after dark
In a sky full of grey
Lightning's quick mark
Turns night into day
Path Humble Jan 2015
feathers or snowflakes
cannot differentiate
on the 16th floor
each an individualized n-vite

fall downy into down
of snow blankets of
freezing releasing cold comfort,
ice cream for the body entire

oh yes,
a sad one penned,
the nullity of his
throbbing everything,
sore tempted for quenching
by the soft permanence of white,
most tempting,
soft offering a laundering downy state

they say
see the good stuff

but I*  feel  the bad stuff
with heartbeat regularity,
temple pounding repetitive asking
what's the next best
and other naming questions

the way in is not
way out...
this hole I dug dark,
no hand holds, dank, elongated

this time
happy you,
brevity suits

for the downy fall
fleeting floating abrupt and
wonderfully right-sided answers
to questions his names asks

where is the humble path,
where is shelter at long last..
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021

During the thirteenth reign of king Josiah, the spirit of Yahweh came upon Johnson the scribe,

Then suddenly at once, he penned down what's now known as: The chambers of pleasure from the priestly tribe.

One day however, the detestable pagan Philistines, burned up the much adored work of art,

And when the entire community of Israel found out, they all mourned with a heavy heart.

But with the guidance of the ever beautiful and compassionate archangel, Victoria,

I, Tamar, discovered a secret copy between the border of Judah and Samaria.

Twelve elegantly worded songs in all, were composed onto a scroll by the man of God, Most High,

They will stand the test of time, for they were inspired by  Yahweh, who'll never let his servant's words die!

Song 1:
The Man

Darling, darling, cutie pie,

You're the apple of my eye.

Never will I leave your side,

Love you always til I die.

Song 2:
The Man

Anytime I gaze up at the sky,

My thoughts immediately race to you, my dearest wife.

Without you I would break down and cry,

For you're the one good thing that ever happened in my life.

Song 3:
The Woman

Kiss me with a thousands kisses, sweet hubby,

My rosy cheeks are in need of your warm soft lips.

Altogether faithful, pure and lovely,

One in a great sea of billions, my perfect Prince.

Song 4:
The Woman

Life without you my dear husband, would be very painful,

For you honestly are the closest thing to an angel.

The sheer thought of losing you would surely tear me apart,

So don't ever leave me alone in this vile world, sweetheart.

Song 5:
The Man

Doubt at one time managed to convince me  I would forever be lonely,

But then one day, you came into my life and now you're my one and only.

Song 6:
The Man and The Woman

Precious wife, this body of mine belongs only to you,

Your love is my antidote anytime I'm feeling blue.

Sweet husband, my body is yours to do as you see fit,

To you alone my love, do I wholeheartedly submit.

Song 7:
The Woman

Once I was in love its true,

But my heart got torn in two,

So I vowed never to love again, no matter what.

But my broken heart you fixed,

When we fell in love and kissed,

And thus I thought it best to give love a second shot.

Song 8:
The Woman

Forever will I treasure the day you proposed to me,

Deep within my heart I always knew we were meant to be.

Song 9:
The Man

My heart often skips a beat whenever I am with you,

You are the centre of my universe and my wish come true.

Song 10:
The Man

Oh Yahweh Most High who rules from above,

Please let me grow old with my one true love.

No one but my wife makes me feel so free,

Only she fills my heart with utter glee.

Song 11:
The Woman

All my life, not a single living soul gave me the time of day,

But you appeared and with your love, melted my broken heart away.

Song 12:
The Woman and The Man

The Woman:

Oh darling husband!

When im old and weary and my beauty is no more, will you still love me? will you still care?

Oh my precious wife!

In this life and the next will you forever be mine. Never will I forsake you, I swear.

The Man:

Oh apple of my eye!

Whenever times are rough and money is tight will your love for me grow cold?

Oh love of my life!

Forever will I be by your side. My love for you will never wax old!

The Woman:

My rock and soul mate!

Just as the golden sun brightens the whole world with her warm presence,

So too do you brighten my broken spirit with your warm essence.

The Man:

My one true love!

You are as beautiful as the early morning sunrise,

And as pleasing to the eye as the nightime fireflies.

The Woman:

My world!

Even if you were to forsake me, my burning love for you would always remain alight,

The Man:

My beloved!

And even if you were to forsake your vows, my love for you would continue to burn bright!

One of the bible's treasures, Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, is a personal favorite of mine. This poem was inspired by its beauty.
Love  Jun 2015
Nightime Yard
Love Jun 2015
There's a man standing down behind the tree, maybe that's a face, maybe that's a leaf. I'm terrified of the dark.
Lee  Oct 2012
Lee Oct 2012
these sleepless nights seem like an endless fight
its now at leastly bi-weekly
wonder what i'm not quite doing right
its always a little freaky when
morning light creeps up beneath me
all day long, i've been feeling pretty sleepy
but now that i'm in bed, dreams just don't wanna reach me
maybe for the life i've led, life just wants to teach me
spend more time alone in my head, cause life ain't easy
looking to my past, start feeling a little queasy
took a bottle full of pills made to make me sleepy
blacked out, acted like a zombie for a week see
the time i can't remember never seems to leave me
four am on the clock like its just trying to tease me
but life will move on, thats all i need to ease me
cause no matter what the time, its never gonna leave me
Sin  Nov 2015
Nightime Lust
Sin Nov 2015
Beneath the star spangled night we lay
Upon a blanket of lust
Hearts racing minds churning
Eager to undress one another

The moon beams dance around
Our silhouettes black and excited
Cast on the ground
Aching ***** for each one

The nightime breeze blows animal scent
Hearts banging now as the end
Becomes more clearer in our naked state
To taste each precious drop
As we fornicate

And as the moon shines upon
These naked two
It smiles down for it sees
Lust like this grow on every breeze
Henry Brooke Mar 2015
Pine tree horizon,
stretched to the point of rupture
over the divine cardinal points around
A round world
which's center is me.

Roads I'll maybe walk,
most of which I won't
but the voyage goes on anyway
as long as I have feet.

Nothing this generation gets:
I chased this out of a bad bet,
and found heaven in a net.
We ate the scenery that day
let it drip onto our ***** sleeves
drying in the cold night
the stars,
God they were bright.
It makes me feel alone here in suburbia,
where the buffalo don't roam,
it's impossible to feel so small and so free,
so careless, in this city,
For there is more to Electricity
there's more to useless junk,
there's boy Scouts going
on a real adventure,
their adventure out of their hell
tha smelly parisian cage of pipes,
tubes, teachers and tests.

They get to breave here in Eden,
they see they're missing out,
they cheer the sun all morning,
till the nightime dries him out.
They get to hug the moon,
to face the secret truths under a piece of cloth,
a brown sky tent from which they
feel like they get it:
Men were apes and
they still are
they cannot live inside a jar
and when we breave that honeyed
air, when the smelly brezze rushes through
our clotted hair
we finally get to peek over the mountain,
and love it with
all we got.
Free write . About Freiendship. Boy - Scouts
A B Perales Oct 2013
I navigated my
way along the
narrow path
ways  that had been
forever inbedded
by the
footsteps of the
young who've
their path
throughout their
years,venturing as I
once did throughout
these ruins.
The narrow trails
from brave riders
who pedal their way
through the past
and in between all that
has been ruined
snaked all around
and in between
this broken
part of the

I approached the
edge of the world with
caution even though
I feared not death.
I listened to the sound
of the Grand Pacifics anger
as it pounded away
at the end of the earth
a deaths
flight  below me.
Visions of the past
when I was that
braver soul
than I am now
crept up on me.
I took them in
put them away
in that dark
corner of my
mind where the
good times
are kept.
I laughed it
all off
and continued on.

I made my way
past the remnants
of all that was
once here before
the sea decided to
take it away.
The only signs left
now are just pieces
of crumbling
asphalt and
graffiti covered
These cliffs and
these remnants
of a long ago
sunken part of
this city served
as the untamed
and mostly
playground of
my youth.
I played hard
as that young
boy who
I miss so much.
Drank even
harder as a
stubborn  young
and unsure
man along these

I stopped and
took in the
The smell of the fuel and the city
for now wiped away by
the rolling winds
coming in from the west.
The night was alive
with smaller forms of life,
crickets,barking dogs,
spatting feral cats and
the moans of a beaten man
seeking shelter in a hole
beneath a
broken slab of asphalt.
  The sage bush filled
the nightime air
with blessings.
The salt from
the sea almost
the nose.

in the
distance a ship
sounded its horn.
Sea lions
in time with the
uneven ringing of
the ancient bell
on the ancient
Red buoy
as it rose and chimed
along with  
the swells
in that sea
of darkness.

I left the broken
ruins behind
and made
my way toward
the Park
that had been
brilliantly positioned
along the
rim of
the world.
The memories
of happy times
struggled with
my sadness.
The images of better
times demanded
to be remembered.

I started across the
tear soaked grass
as I walked beneath
beautiful ancient Eucalyptus
and Sycamore trees.
Pine trees that
stood slumped over
like the ancient old
men they were.
I stopped half way
to the middle
as a one eyed calico feral
crossed my path .

I've foraged many
a happy memory
with old
forgotten friends
and long departed
lovers within this park.
Drank when the drinking
was done for fun,
and laughed that
care free laugh
I'll never hear again.
Fought a good mans
fight when the
odds were all
against me.
Evened  it out with
a tool made for killing.
Just one more memory
I now live with.

Now after so
many years
and so much
of what this
life has thrown
before me.
I now come
here only
at night,
When its only me
the feral cats
and the
thieving raccoon's.
Often times,
I'm comforted
by the
old worn
coat I refuse
to replace,
a cheap bottle
dressed in a brown
paper bag and
a mind still alive
with visions
of other times
than these.

I forget
those horrors
that still force
me out into
the night.
And take a lonely
beneath the
Moons silent
I toast the night
and those
who dwell
within it.
I worked on the
while staring
into the
darkness at

A smile breaks
free across my
tired face as I
 look to the moon
and realize.
This same sacred
Moon light
that shines upon me
is the same
distant glow
that I know
shines somewhere
upon her.
Lin Cava Oct 2010
We all have our own monsters
whose daytime face is calm.
Who’s so serene,
as if a dream,
reality’s glare; stark.

We learn to live beside them.
Raise no undue alarm.
Work as a team,
within the scheme
of boundaries left unmarked.

In the compromise, our loss
unnoticed in the park.
But know the thing
that waits for you
Sits grinning in the dark.

Its yellow eyes gleam madness.
Its teeth are long and sharp.
It is a slice –
your own device –
come calling you to hark.

And when the long day’s over
You stumble through your door
It wants you as
***** donor
to silence its deep roar.

So keep on compromising.
Pat it upon its head.
Be safe by day –
beware at night
Until it goes away

Don’t hold your breath, awaiting
release of terror’s spark.
Just know the thing
that waits for you
Sits grinning in the dark.

Lin Cava©
Inspiration:  Harlan Ellison
Creative Commons Copyright
betterdays May 2014
3:39 in the a.m.
                   bats call,
cat yowls,
          dogs bark,
                 ...  . farts......
grandma shuffles to toilet.... .... flushes.
             baby whimpers......
..... or was that me,
         a glass of warm milk to.......................helpmesleep
a dribble.... of scotch to help sleep
                         a mix of both to help me cope
              no just breath
...............must make......
Drs appt for him.
that knits the
                  ravelled sleeve?
not tonight
           for me
                I do believe.

4.19 in the a.m.
                         To thelazyboy
                 I go to doze.....
perchance ....
                   40winks more
80winks before
          dayshift specialbeautifulcrazy               ....        .....   dayshift begins..  
      DOUBLE SHOT LATTE           .                   PLEASE.               .
...already it is a long day...
Luna  Aug 2014
Nightime stroll
Luna Aug 2014
Walk into the gasping night thats learned to breath smoke and flames
And survive on burning plastic fumes
That coughs and hacks through corrupted lungs
That chokes on gas and metal scraps
And enjoy the cold against your skin the only way you are able to
Through blissful ignorance
We befoul the sky and deny our part in it

— The End —