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to write is to understand ones pain. to experience ones joy, to partake in ones love, and to speak for those with no voice
Manila    Misanthrope.
Oceanic Liquidity
Global    True purpose of life in understanding human behavior and rationality


if i woke up one day
and we were made of water
you and me
and everyone and
if we were all just liquid that held its form
if we died in a splash and were born in a storm,
held in place by a force (that didn’t conform
to any scientific or common-sense norm)
that held the water
in a human shape
and never ever spilled;

if liquid and gas were all that existed
if instead of crying we just kind of misted
from liquid eyes down liquid cheeks,
drove in liquid cars down liquid streets,
sat at liquid tables with liquid seats
slept in liquid beds
with liquid sheets
walked through liquid forests with liquid trees
and liquid leaves that fell
on liquid grass;

if it were liquid knees we had to bend
watery letters to stamp and send
fluid hearts to break and mend
a solution of time to save and spend
and not for out lives
could we comprehend
the meaning of words like “shatter”
and “solidify”;

if i woke up in a world like that
i’d run the 12.3 miles
to your flat
and open the door
like a hurricane
and throw my liquid arms around you
like a safety blanket or a scarf or
like some kind of human sweater
or something

i don’t know
i just really want to feel
our internal oceans
move together.

you’re not close enough
i’m tired of solid touch
i want to be everywhere
i want to encompass you
like a river i want our skin
to meld and mix
like food dye
to create a new color
just for you and me.
i want to be
forever changed
in every place
you touch.
Mateuš Conrad May 2017
well, that was hoped for, otherwise water would have no
universal quality, that ascribes it to provide for, every single species
of animal; but, mostly man.
bugt how does water in ice-cube form, travel outside of its
"container": either a cermaic cup, or a glass,
              to form a water-ring beneath the container?
               water in, ice-cube form?
               i'm pretty sure that water without ice-cubes,
           settled in form at room temp. wouldn't create a water-ring
beneath the container...
                 i have only one answer...
    water in ice-cube form behaves like liquid nitrogen...
                   liquid nitrogen forms a cloud while it evaporates...
     water can have the properties of liquid nitrogen,
        in ice-cube form, it will evaporate, like liquid nitrogen
out of its container, whether ceramic, or glass,
                and form a water ring, beneath the container...
              obviously water doesn't behave liken liquid nitrogen
in the all familiar spectacularness of extremes...
                  water is more subtle when compared to liquid
nitrogen...   you can't see water evaporating...
                    like you might see liquid nitrogen do so...
    but how else would water, contained in a cup of either glass
or ceramics... create a water circle at the base,
    if it wasn't in liquid nitrogen imitation guise,
   that was less spectacular and, "invisible" to the naked eye?
Kate Deter Dec 2013
There’s a difference
Between drowning
And sinking.
Both refer to
Being immersed in
A body of liquid.
But drowning
Means you’re rejected.
Means you and the liquid
Are at odds—
You’re in the liquid
But you’re not of the liquid;
You are not one
With the liquid.
You cannot breathe,
You cannot hear anything
But your own screams
And your own terror,
You cannot see anything
Other than darkness.

But sinking is different.
Means you’re accepted.
Means you and the liquid
Have come to an agreement—
You’re in the liquid
And you’re of the liquid;
You are one
With the liquid.
You can breathe,
You can hear everything
Along with soulbeats
And the elusive love,
You can see everything
Cloaked in majestic light.

Thus is the difference
Between drowning
And sinking.
There is death in drowning
But life in sinking.
I’d rather sink.
Which you do prefer?