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I wishd it 2 b your heart   
Jann Heartbroken
Indiana    i write what i feel~ -my fav music is Munford & Sons and Taylor Swift -50 Shades of Gray is my spirit animal, and if ...


Louis Brown Feb 2015
It was a long long ride
To Carrollton, Georgia
From Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Where I started from
Does she smile the same smile
I fell in love with
There's  been longer spaces
Between our communiques
Before leaving Bremerhaven
And making that ten day ocean trip
I still missed the warm closeness
Until the last phone call
She told me  she wanted one more fling
One more so she could squeeze
The last sweet drop from college life
Before we went on the marriage tour
Where she longed to make
All we could of another day
Ringing out our church bells    
But I felt a little cheated
For her to have a relationship
And me to feel the anguish
To always  wonder why
She couldn't hold on
Just one more whisk of time
Still it's so poetic in its justice
That she'll see no one here
To say goodbye to
I                                             I Am•Pain•                           •Am•Hurt
I•Am•Broken•Into•      •Tiny•Little•Pieces•Be
Cause•­You•Never•  •Believed•In•Us•And•It's•A
Shame•You•Never•  •Cared•Enough•About•Me
Honestly•I'm•So•Bro•    •ken•Now•That•I'll­
Never•Love•Again•So•    •I•Guess•I•Will
Just•Say•Thank•You•    •For•Helping
Me•Never•To•G­et•    •My•Heart•Bro
ken•Worse•Than•It•   •Already•Is
It's•Shatte­red•   •But•I•Don't
Care•About•   •Love•Or•
You•Any•   •more•I'm
Done•Get•    •ting
Hurt•By•  •Men
Life•  •And
Lo•  •ve

My first attempt at concrete poetry, it's supposed to be a broken heart..  Please comment with opinions and thoughts. Thank you. ❤