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Riverfront path, lined with trees
The Temple, fresh flowers and incense
Peculiar the fragrance
Sound of Incantations and ringing bells
From a different time
Distant, yet so closely familiar
The memory of this place
Days of uncertainty await many
Days undefined lived by many
Days together / apart lived by many
Days never to be forgotten / remembered lived by many
Days that bring days are the days that many have been living
Days beyond, to look forward to are the times and days wanted by many
What are these days

Every Day
Positive thoughts and energy would take us all to the days that are meant to be
Carl Miller
We met up at our old spot
To exchange gifts long overdue
And I’ve never been so scared
Yet so relieved, to see you
It's been a minute.
Yearning, it doesn't end
It strengthens as time passes
Last seen you in March
Now cities apart

Hey, miss me too
I don't miss you, no
I simply cannot,
You are alive in my thoughts.

Hey, when you come back
Meet me in the alley
We'll catch up with the cup of coffee.

Hey, I
I can't say
What I really feel,
But hey,

Hey, please come back
This city awaits you,
So does the rain.
Druzzayne Rika
We are a community,
We are more
We think in poetry
every view is a scenery.

Lately, it is seen
the poetries remain largely unseen
I am not too keen
but sometimes it turns disheartening.

Forgotten scribbles of me and you
nothing zings through
it will slowly die without all the love
we need to see that eyes see.

Not just a number, it is more
It is rather significant than the score
The breathing beyond the screen
it is the question do I fit in.

It is a pleasure to read every day new
but the contents just go skew
how did it go out of hand
I am so invested with the time that I spend.

Let's give love ahead,
for every word rhymed
This place is flourishing with talents
let us not lose them.
Shiv Pratap Pal
When a neck is crushed by someone's knee
He may not be able to breathe
He may even die

It's not always a matter between two
It’s a matter of Justice and Injustice
The Injustice crushes the neck of justice

Crooks say Blacks and Whites always fight
But they are not at all right
It’s a myth created by the haters

Haters injects racism, casteism, religionism
In the breath, mind and blood of everyone
But not everyone are that much fools

When haters are supported by the throne
Then the peoples who are not the fools
They shake the throne with much force

They convey the message in a nice way
They have the power to invert the throne
They have the power to break the throne

Because Blacks and Whites never fight
They recognize each others right
And always support what is right
Will You Support?? Are you ready to support??

— The End —