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n0r Sep 2018
Today I drew a tree.
It was a metaphor, really.
Written within soil were my aspirations,
Dedications I hoped to grow.

I came back to it this evening,
And saw the gaps within the bark.
Grabbing some tools I pressed my
Self on spaces asking to be filled.

The emptiness marked was darker,
Fresher from the pen.
Adding texture to this child’s art,
I smiled and drew again.
n0r Aug 2018
I’m lonely
Of an empty future
Where every day slides by
Me, an existential malaise growing
Bigger by the hour, swallowing down sadness
With a new, shiny app and the latest distraction;
Calling my self an artist
And a lover
And a friend
Without ever feeling art
Or love
Or friendship.
Just this;

The fading of my eyes’ light
A whispering into my ears
“This is justice
For what you’ve become.”
n0r Aug 2018
You can write a poem
In a thousand different ways.

Here, I laid the words out
In prose, like one long rope

Unknotted, with the knowledge
That I will look back

And cut the cords
According to how

I wish to sing.
n0r Aug 2018
In an evening, light
The wick. Incandescence
Rising from a moments
Effort, gifted to the ancient
Art of wax. Poetic
Are the silhouettes
We make ourselves;
A scene from an expansion
Of the infinitesimal,
Melting away, creating
Spires in the trails.
n0r Aug 2018
Slip your fingers in,
I’m needing.

Spread my lips
Apart to breath.

And fill
This frame;

I’m dying.
n0r Jul 2018
Kiss me in the daylight
Darling wrap your self in mine;
It’s love to be the nothing
Mixed to shivers through your spine
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