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Carisa Saenz Oct 2022
To the man who brought me back,

I can't change the beginning
I was unprepared for your love
What I can change is the start and end, "if a start again"

The moment we met I felt my soul connect to yours

For years before I met you, I was living in a glass box
Hanging out with my demons

Guilt of cheating
Fear of relationships not working due to never learning to be open
Not being able to carry
Being ***** and told, "You lead me on."

You tapped on my glass and brought me out

It was too late

Fear won
I didn't open and you found out
Regret holds the crown now

Looking to my heart for an answer. It gave me a vague answer, "Whether you're lovers, best friends, soulmates, or something else. Words can't help you here."

With cariño (love) is your gift to me
For everything you gave me I love you and thank you
I'm sorry
Carisa Saenz Dec 2017
People say you only live once, but people are as wrong about that as they are about everything. Life can continue after a lifetime of empty happiness. In the darkest moments before dawn a woman returns to her bed. What life is she leading? Is it the same life she was living an hour ago, a day ago, a year ago? As she lays down in bed she doesn’t even recognize him. Who is this man? Are they leading separate lives or a single life shared? Or are they only aware of the power they generate between themselves?

A small storm is approaching the horizon. As the woman is staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep. She begins to remember the countless memories made between her and the man she once knew. How their lives were once together being far forgotten. Drips of water start pouring down from the sky. Thunder and lightning darken the sky even more. This is her chance, her moment, the woman dresses and goes outside.

I love you, I hope you still know that. I can’t sleep without you. Even when we lay together I know I am hurting you. Where is she going this early? I follow her to the backyard where I can see the love of my life dancing beneath the rain, jumping over a pond and underneath the stars. The more I watch her I can tell she is waiting for the full moon. This kind of freedom she is feeling is what I feel in love with so many years ago. What have I done to her spirit?

In the mist of all the dancing the woman is still not contempt of her accomplishment. She was hoping to find her smile and laughter, just as hope was lost. As the woman stops to let the rain overcome her she sees the man approaching her. With his touch on her face it washes out her broken heart. He never thought the day would come where he would bet his entire life on loving her and speak her name with such passion.

Considering her look he can see he is wasting his time, chance is gone. Now he truly sees through her eyes that he is suffering. He wishes to return to being her partner, but it’s too late. Before he leaves her alone and vanishes. He wants to cry to show her one last time how much she means to him. To kiss her one last time before forgetting her in his dreams. Just one last touch before closing the last chapter of the book. He wants to tell her that this is not how the ending should be. Never thought he would lose her. He always thought for sure that he would have had her, and her heart. Unfortunately, this is how it ends.

If you love someone you open yourself up to suffering, sad truth. Maybe they break your heart, maybe you break theirs. Without it you’ll never be able to look at yourself the same way.
Written by Daniel Retana and Carisa Saenz
Carisa Saenz Jul 2017
Let me breathe you in
Your smell sends make me light headed
Its like smoke filling my lungs
Allowing your soul join mine

How long can I breathe this in before I pass out
Being joined your warmth in my own
Not even two feet away from your body Im cold
Let me share this with you

The way I feel with you is too cheesy for mind
It makes me smile when I kiss you
My burning desire that I push away to regain control
That small amount of space I cant live with, I grab you back

Those rare awful moments I think I have control of my body
You push me back in your arms and there we are
Consumed in this fetish for your body near me
Your lips pressed against mine no longer needing my mind

Let me push you
Carisa Saenz Jul 2017
Through the silent tears
My endless heartache
Cant escape the fact my longing to be wanted
Not sexually but as a person by your side

To be the love you choose
Instead all I am is that person you spend time with
Have decent conversation with
Always that person to make you feel special

Ive loved a lot of people in life
I know the great and the worst love
The passion and anger
To experience the light within isn’t only in one life time

You make me feel comfortable safe
Is that it? Is that all I get?
How long am I supposed to wait to feel as ecstatic as you are
Is all my problems just my walls denying my heart to you

I live with you and yet I cant push away this agonizing feeling of a prison
Carisa Saenz Jul 2017
Im in the prime of life, 23
I should be rejoiced
Healthy, smart, and working
All the qualities not everyone has the pleasure of having

Im angry with myself

I feel 18 again just beginning no real goal
No moral compass
No passion to strive for anything
Normal? Good question

My life is a three-book novel
Each book no real knowing how it will end
No true plot to get your attention
Its flat lining

I flip through the pages looking for the spark I once possessed
Cant even remember if I had the time to make a table of contents of my real passions
Question is, why do I continue creating these novels?
Historic records or boredom?
Carisa Saenz Jul 2017
On good days, you were tender to me
Kissed and loved me with kindness
Other not appealing moments
You filled me emptiness and not worthy of your love

You love me and I you
Where did we fail?
Was the lies too much
Was the distance too far

We started at our young adult life
We ended at the prime of adult responsibly
Did our love only work when we had no duties to fulfil?
Was that love or pleasure seeking?

I wanted you
I needed you by myside
I craved for the man you would become
Was five year not long enough for me wait?

Did my crying and rage for change not make you understand
In my countless hours by your side tending to you not equal the favor in return

I left
I left you
Now are just memories
Moments that came and gone

Next step?
New love?
Is that a real thing?
Can I achieve that?

Saddest thought..
Only time will tell
Patience with myself
Patience with my new partner
Carisa Saenz Jan 2015
When I loved you things were hard
When you left loving you was painful
When we're together was are passion

You've decided to lie to your soul and now you're gone
You left me with questions about us
I just need to know who you are

For you to never return to whom you once were
To my mind that will show its self
And lastly to my body that will never rest

All I have left is to hold on…
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