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Rupert Pip Jun 2021
You didn't tell me we'd be listening
to music when I picked up the phone.

Your dulcet tones danced through my velvet
head and perched upon the crescent
moon that was my lips.

You could see my body drifting away,
so you took my hand and saw that I moved
in time with you, sailing upon the song
that jumped over a telephone line.

In awe, my tongue was pinched,
my ears became a playing field for
all the ***** you had to bat.

Birds began to sing in the early hours
as we put away the chitter chatter

But it didn't stop my phone from

me from glowing,
you from lighting up.
A phone call with a lover leaves the sweetest tastes on your tongue.
  Jun 2021 Rupert Pip
Victoria Jennings
I think what bothers me most

Is that I still think of you fondly

Despite you up and leaving me

It bothers me so profoundly that you could just walk away

And it bothers me that I still want to dance in the glow of your presence

It bothers me that I care for you

Worry for you

Miss you

It bothers me that I thought there was more to us than there ever was.
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
I hope that one day
you come home with
somebody you
really love,

But more than
I hope that
person is
Look after yourself, kid
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
All of my favorite things
involve your

or the way your hair would
naturally fall over your eye
as though it was the veil
that was hiding the only
woman in the room.

Everything else is
when you open
your mouth,

the world doesn't
turn when you

the rain doesn't pour
when you

nobody sings when
you talk

piano keys won't pla-

Or uh...
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
The deepest
and most devoted
love of all is found in
  Jun 2021 Rupert Pip
i loved you when my sky had greyed

before our bodies laid

before my feelings had a say

when every word I say

attempt to take a step away

from things my family couldn't be

with what i painfully couldnt be:

a sober soul from noon to eve

i miss the things i leave

i want some things I couldn't see

but bring me morning

I dont know where to be.
Rupert Pip Jun 2021
Looking down at you
looking up at me
I see the whole world
glistening in your
wild, wild eyes.
Love is in the eyes.
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