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J J Mar 16
pain bespeaks pain okay
   you're entitled to go sadmasc when life has you itching faking like a ***** if you must say so
think i hear rats squeaking outside but I'm too scared to look my eyes have been draggled
        wounds bleed endless in my mind all day like a backdrop stream that never runs out I'm used to it get a grip it's okay
I use to dream of a lover and a dream we could embody an army,
   A million different souls that loved in unison and twitched together in one room at night
But what's your issue sir that lover'd say to me; our sibilance is all we really have in common anyway
The world around is crazy we're all born soft, get crushed and numb or get in other people's way
That's the way I've learnt, I see selfishness unfold from people who always startout with the best intentions.

The wolrd is so forver clear when everyone remains strangers,
Let the days drag on-- I'm comfortable
inhaling and exhaling the air from the same room every night
Like cigarette smoke, so relaxing so that I ignore the soft nipping peeling my lungs like a cruel diseased kiss, clawing for blood and making ribbons out of my skin.
J J Feb 29
on the phone
you talk and talk until suddenly
  you say you're going to let me go.

i stare out empty, filling in images
  over the blank wall, it's became a sort of silent mantra as of late;
the vague daydreams are bound to crumble back to memory
some way or another
if not wear it's bite marks like tiny wounded flags

i let grow swollen.  i only wish you never changed me like you did. i remember gathering rugburnt rashes
on our underthighs, making each other's jaws twitch
with the electric heater as our modern day campfire.
it's a good day for a warm shower, to burn my skin red and peel an unrecognisable face out of the mirror, a clense, a diy baptism;in the aftermath: i showered as many times as i had to,
i saw the outcome miles away (it was a certainty any time i dared to speculate on the possibility)
O why am i so sickened ?
i had to figure out if i had any right to be

and the days dragged on so long.

your eyes glowed like chasms once,
they've grown oxidated and cold since.
i hope i've done my part to change you.

Sometimes I've felt like a pawn being puppeteered to trapeze a thin string,
Knowing for sure that I'm drawing a noose but waiting to know who it's for.
J J Feb 28
On and on and on
Fall Fall Fall
Coursed trek under ceaseless fire,
attempted to debate
and ended up
in the same place the
   next day as it was the day before--
death is the only thing
only to be made sacred as a coping method
--I cannot trade my remaining days
to look into the eyes of the dead once more--
of the living thru divinity absorbed

Same as the aeons-old saints that travelled endless caves and exited poorer

as they who sit legs in a basket
with homemade-shoelace-diadems crowning their head in the corner of their bedroom floor
as is the meek and deceiving and loving&caring and the useless.

Yes,I used to speak without thinking but I concussed for two years straight so how could you blame me?
On and on it's like we never stop falling
  even when we go our separate ways.
Time takes away everything, and there's no way around that.
And I was so young once and I was so inlove once that I
Forgot conjoined-twins were born together before later-on being severed...
I'm cold as the winter, it was a cold-*** December without you for the first time in a long time,
--won't find your way to what you're looking for when you don't know where you're going--

the fallout kills us before us the ******* bomb explodes.

We pluck stars from the sky and split them into sugary atoms and return the scrambled constellations like ill-fitting clothes yet you refuse to be proud of me anymore
a genius builded on words alone then kicked in head until he's no brain left hahahaha ***** who cares who cares for arguments at any rate

When we were born into a wolrd where it's so easy to get the last word in
A malediction spat out in the heat of the moment,if you had a heart it wouldn't forgive you babe
Your burdens aren't mine to bare or to forget
I knot my skin into blistery folds of rottiningess
Just kidding
don't worry about me
I doubt you ever did,though
So really what am I saying?
I'd deform my feet walking countries
for you to lock the door and laugh at the window,
You don't learn you just embrace your worst I've been there
Trust me babe
I've been more
Than out of control
I've been more than a taken out pawn
I've been more than your babe
I've been more than unfairly blamed
I've been worn to nothing

and we've both been through less than we deserved but who's counting
their blessings?
I get so sick sometimes but I'm not waiting for nothing
other than said sickness to pass.
J J Feb 28
I was falling asleep while speaking

but you kept the conversation going

You pushed and pushed and I willingly fell again

We laughed and rumbled half asleep in my bed
We kissed again and I said I missed you you said it back but next day walking you to the bus
I thought to myself how I wasn't serious-- you know me
A people-pleaser to no-end until they please me back
we were so young and dumb near this time last year,
And I just cannot understand why you miss her like you do,
I miss the dead and no one else, before she died she
Was starting to become like a big sister--

But nothing gone really has to matter any longer than you
let it, does it,babe?
And even though you're a year older I always felt like a big brother,
I've bled and disfigured myself in your name so you
best believe when I tell you I don't even like you.

But I know you'll just laugh in my face...

O I'm so cruel and you're so cold and we're both so dumb I guess that's why we get along babe.
Your voice changed back to the one I fell inlove with
Your face looks
so different upclose, you and me can talk so smart when we want to,
Give good advice if we cared to;

I wish I could still blame it on loneliness and drugs but I've been sober for too many days to be worth counting anymore.

Did I ever tell you I loved you beyond mouthing it when we started our shortlived affair? Why's it so much easier to say now

time we hang up but you never said it when you got on that bus, why was that babe? If I still cared I'd wonder who

Was on your mind
instead of me

Thank God I've gotten used to isolation since our last night just us together,
though I'm certain I hated you then as much as I loved you then

And I never made a promise I didn't believe I could keep
Although I've said many things that turned out to be lies.

I look forward to our next meeting, I've long known I don't appreciate you until you're gone.
So please,
Never stray too far, I will not kiss where your feet rested
but I will grieve your death in my dreams and I will awake praising God
that it was only a dream.
J J Feb 28
("I wear no mask
and I hate everything")

I'm worth nothing
more than frozen coal
I hope that you know
love doesn't leave me
as quickly as others.
I'll go see my father
and ignore my siblings
'Til they find my hanging
and then refer me, I've been
as useful as a corpse
for a while now anyway

I hope you forgive me but I won't stick around to find out

I wanted to care for someone
else when I can't care for anyone
at all but I do better than anyone
cares to reciprocate

People are selfish,even the selfless--
better left undiagnosed;
spending nights binging,
as for the days inbetween I--

I said you were pretty I never said I missed you so why come here?

I'm not used to visitors, uninvited or otherwise, so what's the meaning

Of your presence if not to rub salt in wounds you helped carve?

I was ******* all last summer
flexing tiny biceps that've shrunken
so much since, I await the burning
cast once again, my ribs are sharper,
my face is slightly more worn,
my hair falls passed my collarbone
but otherwise familiar eyes
would barely notice a difference.

Wise-men speak in contradictions and demand statues be made of them,
You used to think I was so clever once for saying no one knows you like a stranger

thank you for proving my point.
Nothing is ever immortalised

But it's such a beautiful feeling
to believe that it is.

("Perhaps this is hell")

(My ***** looks like hatsune miku
Your ***** looks a mirror, I envy you)
J J Feb 27
she put the knickers she wore to his in her mouth then proceeds.
her finger stroking his cheek is their form of a lover's kiss,marking the prelude over, her fat *** cheeks rise and drop and slap his skinny thighs until he **** just like he paid for and requested.
he'll miss her and imagine the life she's living after she leaves but he can't dwell on it too long for he's got no one to vent to, and she in-return will long for him and here, knowing even as she makes for the door that the most normal part of her day is over and that it's all uphill from here.

little did they know the other was planning to return the two of them back into strangers.
money pocketed, satisfied at last,
what a stupid little idea it was to start an argument,
spit on bed and slam the door, he shouted i'm nothing if not sorry and she kept on walking like she never heard a thing.
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