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We don't always have to know whether we are coming or going.  
We end up where we are regardless. There's no such thing as nowhere.
Everywhere is somewhere,
and we are always there.

"Nowhere" doesn't exist.
The universe is full of "Somewheres"
-- Even amongst the spaces between the stars is a somewhere!
Lady R.F. (C2018)
I have always lived
Deep inside my head,
I have only ever been
A visitor in this reality,

My mind's eye resides
Within a multiverse--
Universes and Dimensions
That coexist separately
Alongside this numbing reality --
Through all of the beautiful,
Messy chaos, I see
With an extraordinary vision
And clarity.

I suffer with P.T.S.D,
O.C.D, Panic Disorder
And Depression;
A Chemical Imbalance
Causing Severe Anxiety.

This is my identity
In this, here, cold, numbing world;
These are the reasons
For my vulnerability.

A gift, or a curse...
To live inside my head?

To see beyond what my eyes see...
To be able to escape
Deep inside my mind,
Slowly stripping away reality....
Watching it slowly, but surely, shed?

In my head
My mind is entrenched,
Time is nonexistent
As is limitation...
I validate theories
Using frequencies,
Vibrations, colours, numbers
Intuition and telepathy.

Only whilst visiting reality
Do I ever feel detachment,
Disorientation, depersonalisation, Derealisation and dissociation --Otherwise known as
Debilitating Anxiety.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
Is her spirit,
Her wings
Are without feathers...

For decades she sat
On a brittle thorny perch
Bound by rope
And heavily chained

Every step,
She was walking on eggshells...
For, she was doomed
By the evil, selfish and wicked
At heart.

Not in the name of love,
But for fulfilment
Of cruel, greedy obsessions -
For such selfishness
Her soul was torn,
Tainted and pulled apart.

She once flew
As high as the heavens,
Now, A stranger,
She is to herself.

Her cage is now left open,
It is, but for her fears,
That she remains perched
Like an old book on a dusty shelf.

Mentally, she still flys
To the highest of heights
And dives deep, inward,
Into her own psychological abyss ...
But sometimes she finds her internal universes to be too draining,
Making such journeys
Mentally and physically
Too hard.

She is no longer
In restraining tethers...
But scarred.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2018.
Only a real coward
Leaves scars
On someone's soul,
Where nobody
Can see them.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
She is a Generator.
But, she's about to cut-out,
Very soon!

She is underpowered
And overloaded!
She needs assistance--energy
From the Sun and the Moon.

But, the Sun's rays
Cannot charge her battery -
It is no longer recharging her,
At all!

Nor, can the Moon,
Any longer,
Be of any assistance,
Or help....
It's time to disconnect--
Discharge from all!
~ Too many plugs are in the wall!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2018
If each moment were special,
There'd be no special moments!

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
Fine delicate wings
Of Organza,
Satin and Lace,

Flowing ever so gently -
A heavenly dance
Portraying such elegance
And grace.

Velvet hues
Of Crimson,
And Teal,

Breathtakingly exquisite,
Out of this world--

Magically enchanting--
Incredibly surreal.

An amazing spectacle
Of extraordinary--
A wondrous delight;
Uniquely rare
And very, very, real.

~Butterfly Wings.
By Lady R.F. (C)2018 ⚘
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