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sorrow's tears
burn the heart
with pain
the loss of a loved one
is saddening
in its rain
the shedding of tears
the saying goodbye
ever stains
the grieving ones
Trying to be creative with someone looking over your shoulder, even while that someone is giving me a massage is distracting;
he says he's not looking
but he's too good at lying to me
he always knows what to say

even when I don't, like today.

my shoulders tense from school and work
he raises the pressure in his palms and fingers
rubs me right where it hurts.

And though sometimes,
it seems like nothing could ever been worse than this-

like now, when he interrupts my train of thought typed out on this keyboard, his loud rap music blaring through his supposedly topline headset, Grand Theft Auto 5 on the screen.

Angry lyrics spat through the canals of my ear and continuing their defiance, the intense beat on my drums.

The loudness from the slightly broken silence,m
stills my thoughts too a low hum.

and so,
I have lost my- was it my train of thought
or inspiration?
thanks alot

******* *******.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate being interupted on a creative spree
"I'm not that much of an *******, you're the *******" he says.
creative liberty baby
The best kinds of inspiration comes when I'm 8 again
and I've hidden myself beneath a table clutching my teddy bear at midnight while
the lightning and rain told stories about the wars and pain that they've seen.

I grew to be 13 and I'd often cry
wondering why Daddy never came to say goodnight to me.
My pillows stained from years of tears.

When I was 16 I cried because the boy I thought I loved
didn't want to speak to me anymore and I never knew why.
All I could remember was that he smelled nice
and holding his hand felt as natural as the evening breeze.

The years weren't kind
and less could be said for the people I've met.
Many things terrified me
but the lightning and rain had always been constant company
especially during the sleepless nights.

I'm a little bit older now,
A little more broken and a little more worn
My mind is in tatters and my feet are covered in mud
My hands shiver but not from cold
And sometimes they say my eyes are flat and dead

The best kinds of inspiration come from tears now;
Some self-caused, others... just others.
The best kinds of inspiration live six feet under;
unmoving yet living somehow
The best kinds of inspiration make no sense;
A jumbled mess of screams and whispers
The best kinds of inspiration are alive;
Moving about heartlessly, more often than not, ignoring beauty

My only inspiration is locked away somewhere...
I dare not even think it to be real anymore
My only inspiration is in the winds at the apex of the night
My only inspiration rains sunlight when chills come to bite
My only inspiration...
It lives.
Somehow, someway
It lives.
I started this on 25 February 2014 and ended it on 28 April 2014
pleated valley folds
stretched for miles unto
the far horizon
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