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Waitherero Jan 2015
I always wondered
What it would feel like
All around me it was, but never me it caught
I always wondered
What it would be like
Seemed to me something of another kind

I even tried it
Just a few times
Fewer times it didn't feel wright
Almost went through with things I didn't like
Just to find
I had more pride

When I had given up the search
I had realized, not for the first time
But more and more
The love I yearned for
Had long bloomed inside

I had learned to love life  
That the moment I turned
I found the love I thought would last

What at that time
I didn't know
Was how long WE would go

Marveled at the feelings of US  
I would come to find
The meaning of self-worth

More so…

the dangers of love
#danger #love #wonder #like #always #pride #realization #self-worth #marvel
Waitherero Jun 2013
change comes in different forms


you will yourself to change


change is forced upon you


change that happens over time

as i write this, i speak about a change that has befallen me
it was forced upon me

first you can't believe what is happening
than you try to change it back
but all is to late and all is left is to...


as you look at the change
you realize

it didn't creep up on you
it started long before
there was nothing you could do

but till i could accept that
I had to go through all this motions

you ask yourself

you say

and at the end
it just how it is

change is now the new reality
and where else do you want to live
when not in the reality of it all

I guess dreams come true
when you will it yourself and change

with no change
there are no dreams that will come true

with no dreams
there's no change to will upon

this change I speak about
was not my doing
but now I will change

so that MY dreams come true
#change #different #yourself #time #happenings #acceptance #creep #realization #dreams #upon
Waitherero Jun 2013
ich danke dir
ich dank dir nicht
ich hoffe,...
doch möchte ich es nicht

ich denke
heißt das ich bin

alles kommt mal ans Licht
Schicht für Schicht
entfaltet die Wahrheit sich

wie ein Kartenhaus bricht alles in sich
und alles endet in einen Haufen nichts

wenn das geschieht
stehen wir vor dem Gericht
allein und ohne nichts

in dir kommen Gedanken
nichts mehr ist zum Lachen

Ernst ist gefragt
und wenn du versagst
liegt es allein in deiner Hand

das wird die Zeit sein
in der du dir sagst...

von nichts kommt nichts
ich bin ich
und du bist der der du bist

alles was ich will
ist ein lächeln im Gesicht
und ein schönes Gedicht
#ich bin ich #ich #bin #Licht #hoffe #Hoffnung #Deutsch #Denken #sein
Waitherero Apr 2013
I yearn to feel more
than I am capable of

I hate to see what I'm not capable of

I try
but nothing in me is obtainable
i's like nothing is available

but I am just not capable
or that is what, I tell myself at night

I see things that I just can't stand
I turn around and walk away
to fast  some might say

when it's neer
I sneer

I guess I am just incapable of love
#capable #incapable #available #self #undeniable #love
Waitherero Apr 2013
I'm waiting
waiting for something
I'm thinking to myself
"this can't be it, this can’t be all"
I need more or just something else

there just has to be more to this...
world .

how is it that i feel like this is not yet it
what is missing, outhers try to find it
to happen
to come
to be

it is frustrating
I can't get the feeling of satisfaction

maybe it lasts a day
though at the end I can't shake it all away

the feeling
of incompleteness

and though it's known to many
and all

we all try to shake this loneliness
this emptiness..

…as we all are just waiting for something to happen to acure to complete this Life we live

I guess we are all waiting

waiting for all to end
for the finish line
to feel free
to die
#waiting #something #to be #place #world #universe #life #end #finish line #free #die
Waitherero Jan 2013
As Phoebe  sees
Phoebe says
when it ends
I will pay

As no one can and
No one should

See the whole
See your doom

Than the one thing you need
You lose

The spirit the will
To live till more than noon

All is pointless
All is doomed

As it is said
See the whole
See your doom
Waitherero Jan 2013
if i will it
would i feel less ill about it?

i was told to shut it

as i found my things
i run and hid to write about it

once i came to it
i would go back
realy think about it

since i thought of it
all i felt was ill
no doubt, that was all kinds of ****

after feeling ill
writing was the only thing
to help me get rid of it
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