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Splashes of color, abstract, chaotic and bright,
Vivid expressions of thoughts in the night.
The words in my mind, they dance and they sway,
But like fleeting graffiti, they soon fade away.

The cans of my thoughts, they rattle and hiss,
A cacophony of dreams, sometimes hit or miss.
A fresh coat appears as I overthink,
A canvas of chaos, my thoughts interlink.

I'd see a shrink, but in a blink, I'm unsure,
On the brink of my mind, the thoughts obscure.
Lost in this sequence, I yearn for a guide,
For guidance and purpose to stem the tide.

Ambition, it flickers, like a candle's soft glow,
But in seeking the light, in its warmth, I'll grow.
To paint my own story, with colors bold and bright,
I'll find the path forward, through the canvas of night.
In my head I feel pain that remains consistent
Taking hold of my emotions slowely constricting
Lack of movement as the ground below begins to soften
Quick before this sand becomes a problem
thoughts that I'm lost in
Times I've forgotten
Not often but
becoming more common
I'm worried that time won't stop when
I really need it
Lately I'm feeling defeated
Energy depleted
Legs forgot what it means to be defeated
As I keep on moving forward
Even when if gets worse
I'll never truly be able to rest
A gift and a curse
Truth is the matter is
I'm running on dead batteries
Haven't had time to replace em
Like my dreams soon my son gonna ask me to chase him
Eraser to all the mistakes I could make worse
No I won't let let him down
Floating in these waves that crash in hopes I drown
My run at the planet
Hasn't gone the way that I planned it
But the seeds I've been planting
Did I reap too soon?
Tarnished a beautiful butterfly
Preemptive from my cocoon
In my womb and in my heart of hearts
I know the endings but can never find the start
Just looking for a place to play my part
Still indulging in the art
Yet this feeling picked apart all of my energy
Creativity at an all time low
Still pretending to be a rapper  despite all my efforts
I'm stuck at the start of a zero net worth
Lost connection in a world of Networks
A little more than severed
Here I am lost on another endeavor
Love isn't as strong as security
Only one is guaranteed
Time will tell you it's price and fees
Make sure you water the right seeds
If you reap what you sow
May your harvest be plentiful
Time keeps chasing, my disguise it wears thin,
Playing the part of one who knows it all, my sin.
But deep down, I'm aware, I know nothing at all,
Won't you open up your mind, let your thoughts befall?

How am I supposed to know,
What's hidden within your soul?
Tell me, enlighten me now,
Guide me, help me understand somehow.
'Cause you're wrapped in doubts, it's clear to see,
Your steps are a pondering walk, mystery.
How am I supposed to know,
Now, how am I supposed to know?

Share with me the secrets that reside in your head,
Illuminate my world with the words you've left unsaid.
I want to lend a hand, be there when you're in need,
But if you keep it all inside, how can I proceed?

How am I supposed to know,
What's hidden within your soul?
Tell me, enlighten me now,
Guide me, help me understand somehow.
'Cause you're wrapped in doubts, it's clear to see,
Your steps are a pondering walk, mystery.
How am I supposed to know,
Now, how am I supposed to know?

What if I tell you, your vision's obscured,
By the habits that keep your thoughts secured?
Let emotion flow, let affliction be revealed,
Break through the barriers, let true understanding be sealed.

How am I supposed to know,
What's hidden within your soul?
Tell me, enlighten me now,
Guide me, help me understand somehow.
'Cause you're wrapped in doubts, it's clear to see,
Your steps are a pondering walk, mystery.
How am I supposed to know,
Now, how am I supposed to know?

How am I supposed to know,
What's hidden within your soul?
Tell me, enlighten me now,
Guide me, help me understand somehow.
'Cause you're wrapped in doubts, it's clear to see,
Your steps are a pondering walk, mystery.
How am I supposed to know,
Now, how am I supposed to know?
Memories misplaced, relentless they emerge,
Like overgrown weeds, a pain they surge.
Within my heart, a bleeding hole resides,
The remedy lost, nowhere to confide.

Once whole, now burdened by this deep abyss,
Gripping my soul with an ache that persists.
Yearning for restoration, art as my guide,
Time, it's your moment, let healing coincide.

For time, they say, mends wounds so profound,
Not merely masking, but true healing renowned.
So, let the hands of time weave their gentle art,
Stitching together the fragments of my wounded heart.

With each passing moment, with patience and care,
Grant me the solace of a heart repaired.
Time, show your power, let healing commence,
Revive my spirit, restore my lost sense.

For in your embrace lies the balm to soothe,
The remedy sought, the salve to improve.
Heal these wounds, as only you can impart,
Time, fulfill your purpose, mend this broken heart.
Once upon a time, in a world of aspirations,
Lived a garden of dreams, in need of cultivation.
But alas, the flowers there were in a sorry state,
Languishing in darkness, their growth left to fate.

Unwatered and neglected, their petals began to wilt,
Yet no one seemed to notice, their plight remained unbuilt.
The dreams that could bring solace were cast aside,
In shadows they withered, dreams denied.

But one day, a glimmer of hope broke through the gloom,
A flicker of light dispelling the impending doom.
A voice whispered softly, "Turn your escape into an escapade,
Embrace the rain delay, let not your progress fade."

For dreams, like flowers, require time and care,
A process unfolding, step by step, with flair.
The future remains uncertain, like an unwritten tome,
But even in the toughest concrete, flowers find a home.

So when life's heat intensifies, like a sizzling soufflé,
Let ambition guide you, transforming your world's array.
Embrace the journey, let your dreams bloom and sway,
For ambition turns your world into a magnificent bouquet.
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