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Orin Tisab Sep 2021
Transformation, to be transformed
To fly, to the wings that soared,
My dreary genesis,
To the radiant prism, O dear Iris

Fly, Fly my butterfly
Sparkle, luster, let the light come by.
Grown and free.
The vision of beauty, sending love letters to thee.
Goddess Rue Sep 2021
Her wings are flailing,
Bare through the blessings of Earth,
And rains of sorrows.
Countless emotions,
As we pass through stages of life,
Unfolding every euphoria and melancholia;
But promise to survive,
Even though your wings are flailing.
Norman Crane Aug 2021
why do you have wings
if not to fly? /  for me to
pin you down by—
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Here is us in vortex divinely sligned
You read me like my book
I wrote a million times,
In secret, yet, never alone
Dreams of lullabys for us amor
We read each other's mind!
We've  become poems divine!
We travel in virtual modes, for now,
To deeply dig, in all you give me love.
In poem or in song, our verse exactly rhymes, divine it stems factly.
It's still *US * the memory aptly
in vibe lives true in yesterday's.
wings of love and marry gay.
Sweety pie

Angel k- Rd is also us.
It's HOW I love you cosmic grace
And no
It's never too soon or too late!
True love returns as Seasons do.
It's Fall yet we relax, not too late
for spring will soon return,
Like seasons my love returns
In vortex wing's  
of two halves in love divine
Re United
My Love.

Sheltered in your wing
A bloom renewed for my heart
Fly on, my bluebird.
Haiku 4
Farah Taskin Jun 2021
You're an adorable dolphin
Your cute fin!
You're ecstatic about watery
You sport and swiftly swim
And swim
You dance with the white horses
You sing in the tempest

You're the lovely hyacinth
You enhance
The elegance
Of a gorgeous
Your evocative
Is mind-blowing!

You're a sweet skylark
Your pleasant tone is
Magically melodious

You're the silvery rain
You remove the pain
Of the heat of the sun

You're the splendid
You feel a glow
Of colour
You've the VIBGYOR
You are

You're the
You blow nicely
You're more
Than invisibility

You're the lamplight
The djinn
And obscurity
Fear you
You're luminously bright!

You are
You own
The evergreen
Realm of fancy!:)
Imagination is more important than knowledge-Albert Einstein
Zoe Mei Jun 2021
poetry is wings
fluttering against cupped palms
to keep & set free
Terra Levez May 2021
you may have left me
saying that to believe in love is childish
but i didnt believe in it
until you came

you opened up a chasm in me
and when you left, i feared its depths
rather than exploring its meadows

when i fell
i only saw the ground
and i forgot to open my wings
this wasnt meant to be sad
it was meant to convey the beauty i was blind to, the love that i felt not from another but from myself. it was so beautiful, but i forgot it when he left.
now when im realizing it all over, with no one other than me, its so so beautiful to be alone and free.
Butterflies can’t see their own wings
That’s why they don’t know how beautiful they are
Maybe you’re a butterfly too
You just don’t know how beautiful you are yet
I saw this written on a scrap piece of paper in a library, I think it means a lot to some people
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