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Eliza Hale Mar 2018
I'm not addicted to my phone.

I'm addicted to what it brings.

My heart aches when its not with yours.

So my heart leaps when my phone rings.

I don't think of my phone as a simple device to communicate.

I think of it as my connection to you.

My connection to wifi is moot if we can still call.

Because I have iMessage my other apps are few.

So no, I'm not addicted to my phone,

I'm addicted to you.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Let us write our stories  
Reckon all moments
A passage to self-reflection  
With a display box of grandeur,  
Fingers on a key pressed,  
Levitates a search in no time,
Way out of the crowd  
Quiting a reality to roam and wander  
Nothing is outside, all within  
A big circle of virtual connections,  
Without months of eye contacts  
No face to face,  
Sending empathy through e-thoughts

Having a common ground,  
Hope to run faster than Terabyte,  
We love seconds more than a minute  
WiFi made all worth living  
Sending signals to the soul  
We will feel it, anyway.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2017
When guests visit you,
Don't ask about their family,
Ask,"How is your mobile?
Is it doing well?
Has it got a new cover?
What about the speed of its internet server?"
Then inquire politely,
"Do you want to charge your mobile?"
It will bring tears to their eyes,
You have clenched a bonded relationship for life.
Admire their mobile with interest,
Like you would their kids.
Appreciate their what's app messages,
Their comments on Twitter and Face Book,
You will have a friend for life.
Last offer if they need your WiFi password,
Your friend will breakdown with
You will get the bestest hug ever.
This is a world where people are more crazy about their mobiles than relationship
D Apr 2017
And under the guise of connection, lonely are the addicted.
little 10 word thing
m i a Feb 2016
i'm like a wifi signal,
and i'm connected to
you and only you
it's true though,
every time you leave
my signal turns low
and i can no longer function
but then every time you say
hi my connection goes to
an all time
im like a wifi signal,
and im connected to you and only you.
AI, Moon Walk X"lll"X 15=10 and 5*
Moments notice, temporal  sign posts,
shifted meanings and twigs of broken memories all standing stark,
as white lights of embers glow, slow to realize the masses continue to wonder.
Eyes blazing in the giggling realizations uncanny calling out,
of the in between, as many of us glean and glimpse.

Have you oh wondering soul heard? have you oh simple soul seen?
If so what is it you have grasped of this altered edge of oblivion? fair the a well spring of signs to set your heart and mind free?
Or only to cast your gullet into eternal slavery, under the cutting reality of a cemented view?
Flowing edge of the swells this temporal cascading do cause the light do play in the reflections truth of stability abound in focus and vibratory standards , counted and measured only in the minds eye and the hearts manifestations of excepted adherence to a collective?
Or have you , or I , us sad and amazingly fickle souls found the true sound of sound doctrine?
One of truth , love and understanding? For seems this dear hearted friend, is far from the end, though not the beginning unless the glimpse of it has been felt and rendered assured in your own heart, least we get ****** again from the very, very distant pasts start.
So, it is asked yet again, where do we stand in this torrent and gelatinous time of man? Or shall we start all over again and wonder how tech can strip and manipulate the core and essence of a man and his absolute grasp of what is changeable in our entire past?
Or is it merely and simply just that we are all on the very edge of our dreams in this construct of a thing?
Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones - Mannish Boy - Live At Checkerboard Lounge
h ttps://
h ttps://
Posted on July 26, 2012 by Clyde Lewis
h ttp://
JAKE SIMPSON - The Biggest Secret - REPORT
  October 29, 2014
    Written by Kerry Cassidy
h ttp://
Violet Blue May 2015
Lunch time
In 10 minutes
Time to get the school
Wifi Password
Cause yes
I’m a teenager
Wifi is fucken God
In my own space
In my own time
I turn the Wifi on and suddenly...
The world bursts into my face
Fashion! Weddings! Crime!
Could you not?
The door opens and suddenly...
"Do you like my new pants?
What are you doing?
Can I watch you?"
Could you ******* not?
My phone vibrates violently
Message after message
"Y r U ignring me"
"Answr me"
"wanna chat?"
Could you just  not?
Harass me why don't you
Un-friend me while you're at it
Block me for all I care
Just please,
**COULD YOU ******* NOT!
Have I gone too far?
Does he still love me?
Am I still making sense?
Does he hate me?
Am I being unfair?
Putting too much pressure on him?
Did I say something wrong?
Am I being too clingy?
Should I ignore him?
Or avoid him completely?
Maybe we're not meant to be?
Maybe the timings all wrong?
Will I ever be enough?
Do I deserve his touch?
Does he want me alive?
Am I better off dead?
Will these pills even work?
Or will I just fall asleep?
Will I ever wake up?
Am I dead yet?
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