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ChrisL Mar 2019
Our relationship, deeper than any pizza base.
Our love, saucier than the finest italian passata.
Our feelings stronger than the maturest of fine cheeses.
Our willingness to please the other stretches such as the most glorious of mozzarella.

To what do we base our feelings upon,
Be it the interchangable toppings or the structural integrity of the strongest crust.

Akin to snowflakes no two pizzas are ever alike. Each one differing to the last, be it the char marks on it's peak or the flame kissed bottom.

Our choice in toppings may differ so vastly, you with your ghastly pineapple and myself with my overly rich and greasy bbq meatfeast.
Alas does this mean anything at all? Nothing but a matter of opinion, toppings change to peoples liking, but our bases remain the same our sauce the binding glue to hold it all together.
Mister J Feb 2019
The gentle spring breeze kisses the blades of grass
Streams humming like a whispering melody
Life blooming in all its mysteries and curiosities
It filled the meadows with a calming harmony

Standing on at a crossroads, I tread carefully,
A man past his prime, Indecision takes hold of me
The pain of youthful love burned out all my passion
Heading carefully to where I want my rest to be

On this hill here beside you I have longed to rest,
Under the warm rays of sunlight, with the sweet-smelling grass
Under the vast sheet of starlight, when night blankets the sky
Only beside you is where I want to forever stay

Memories of our youth come surging like a flood
When love burned bright and you give me life
When sorrow took the best of me, I grew hopeless
And when I needed you most, Death took you from my arms

Yearning for love, a passion that burns out the soul
I longed for one to come my youthful heart’s way
Etched in it an undeniable desire to fiercely fight
For a love that engulfs one’s heart like a wild flame

And there it was, a point where everything changes
When it came rushing in and crushed all my defenses
When hearts come in resonance with each other
Their melodies harmonizing like two spirits merging

Young hearts come together like buzzing bees
Looking for a love like there’s no tomorrow
Lit up with a sense of passion one rarely sees
Only to be consumed by inevitable grief and sorrow

Ah! Youthful love, it burns bright yet brief
When a heart is consumed, it is doomed to fall
For when it gives its all, it is surely to get less
And when it endures, it hollows out the most

Every heart has to endure a whirlwind of emotions
Fear will come to dread it and Hate will try to **** it
A gentle insanity comes rushing in, a craze-driven passion
In which one leaves reality to run and find a dwindling ideal

The troubles of a young heart are wide and vast
Its innocence unable to shield it from heartaches
And as winter approaches, it is also forced to choose
Lie still in the snow, or endure waiting for the next spring

A love that’s taken and tested to endure
A love that is fought for and is let to consume
A love like that, I still pray to hold within my grasp
And so for that love, I must endure with all my might

A soldier in this war, I fought for the comfort beside you
A lover in this struggle, I loved you much more than I can give
And when my lips touched yours, my words become silent
How you bewitched me with your beauty leaves me speechless

But Reality is a cruel master, a monstrous fate
When I felt like I could conquer the world,
When I felt that forever in your arms I stay
That is when he breaks me hardest, deepest.

Death is an all-consuming enigma
He came to take you away from me
Like a thief he came when least expected
When our flowering lives bloomed brightest

I am left to question all that had happened
Crying out to the heavens day and night
But the beauty you embodied had taken a new form
A form only Life can recreate once more.

You became the grass, you became the earth,
You became the gentle wind that comes in springtime,
The wind that kisses me with passion and gentle caress
When every time it whispers your voice is all I hear.

On this hill where your spirit resides
I long to be in your comfort again
Time has aged me, but not my love for you
Youth has passed me by, but not the feelings you left me with.

Wait for me beloved, my time has come,
Final breath draws near, Death follows behind me,
He who took you away now brings me closer to you
Stay steadfast beloved, today I’ll come to be with you.
Hey Guys!
Old piece, only had the guts to post this today

Happy Reading!

Saikat Biswas Nov 2018
The hounds of the graveyard are restless,
as the path of the cemetery looks treacherous.
The crosses of the grave stood tall,
as I walk among the dead tulips call.

The darkness resembles a long melancholy.
The bottle of whisky seems familiar to me,
as I step down from the stairs of the cemetery.
The fallen tulip meant nothing to me.

I remember my long lost past,
as the pensive sadness shackles my heart.
Now the meadows are all strange to me,
as we both walk now on fallen tulips call.
Tulips are the symbol of undying love, love that transcends mortality.
I am forever inspired by my Barbara ref 012
I am forever inspired by my Barbara

And she tells me that she loves me
Making the time  we spend together

From this day forward magical time
On each and every day a pleasure
Romancing my lovely woman brave
Enchanting with my simple phrases
Vainly lift her spirits wave by wave
Even if my girl is feeling so fragile
Rarely fails to lift her spirit high.

I am forever Inspired by my Barbara
Not on just extra special occasions
She projects me to highest heights
Poetic messages channeled by God
Inspirations to record my thoughts
Reactions to our fine togetherness
Enchanting in the way she moves
Dutiful in her many charitable acts

Barbara ! By God ! You are angel.
You can inspire the best in folk

My Goodness you're a woman fine
You dress in style and look devine

Bring me down to earth I pray
As I'm like a child on Christmas Day
Run life for us to your satisfaction
Because I trust your judgement so
As I am so inspired by our plan
Rich the gems of wisdom owned
As fine a woman known to man.
Philip. 26th January 2017.

Rest In Peace my Darling Girl.
Departed  17:00 hours 17th Sept 2018
This poem was typical of my homage to the love of my life Barbara 21 months before she tragically died in my arms.
Zeeshan Riyad Oct 2018
I would stab my heart a thousand times to bleed you out of it.
Umi Oct 2018
Deep inside never changing is the heart,
An ambience of constant change, it is what never truly shifts its shape
Keep it perfect, keep it pure, but when it is too empty, or too enlightened, you may lose the joy of simply living, become hollow,
When memories wither like the flowers in fall,
Look into your eyes, but please, do not look too far.
Can you truly see who you are ?
Are you a beast undying, don't you have a soul left to feel ?
Or are you a living mass, undying wondering if you are still real ?
As the harsh wind brushes over the fields, announcing the coming winter with several mighty blows, roaring alike a lion before its prey,
I just have lost myself, but not in this wandering fragnance,
Without opening my eyes or being able to protect my heart in love,
I was killed, to this burnt dreams end, prevalent is your allure smile,
Do not sadden over this event, after all isn't this what you wished for?
Don't try to put the broken pieces together, you can't truly expect them to end up looking the same, a mistake is to stay forever.
Senseless as it may be, I feel this good, facing the dark clouds is the golden rule, because now I am alike you.
I have become undying.

~ Umi
I dunno where this poem went to.
Kushal Sep 2018
It lives in its entirety
Throughout eternity.
In a multiverse of possibilities,
It remains steadfast in its certainty.

Never faltering
Never fading.
Come the storm when it's lightning and raining,
Let the world beat down with not a thing refraining.

It holds steady,
It holds fast,
As one does with things meant to last.

And even when death does us part,
Forever and always
You'll have my heart.
Alienpoet Sep 2018
I’d pay the price for one night with you
an arm, a leg, I love you through and through
like tissue paper my tears soak through and through
I would steal the sun
and hide it away.
Your eyes are diamonds
They hide a glow that only I know
your words wrap me in silk
your touch a thrill
can’t sit still
for butterflies
in you a flame that cannot die.
Mister J Apr 2018
Take my hand
Let's take the plunge
Let go of the fears
Get rid of the anxieties
Just take the risk
Just once in your life
I'm with you to the end
Just hold my hand

What started out
As a swipe at chance
As a gamble of hearts
As a game of fears
And a reckless risk
May turn out to be
The greatest adventure
In our young, hopeless lives

Eyes on me
Oh dearest sweet
My eyes on you
For all this time
My heart for you
No matter what
My love is yours
Until the end of our lives

I was made for you
And you for me
Even if I burn in your passion
And you stung by my thorns
I am yours
And you are mine
To love and keep
'Til our days are numbered

As we grow old and gray
And wrinkles streak on our faces
I may forget you in my mind
But always you will stay in my heart
And 'til our adventure comes to a close
Even if hell freezes over
My love for you stays
Immortalized in my heart

I am yours forever
And you are mine
I was made for you
And you for me
I'll stay with you 'til the end
Until the day I hold my last breath
Writing while waiting for our professor in class.
Just got a bit bored and all.
Thanks for reading. :)

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