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mudi spell home Jun 2020
I want to appreciate Doctor Mudi for what he has done for me and my family. I was passing through terrible things. The problem started March 2014 when my man return back from work and I discovered that his character has changed and September he said he is no more interested again in the relationship and I love my man, all my effort to bring my man back was aborted. I have concluded that my man can never come back to me again. But I saw people comments on net about Dr.Mudi that he has helped them in various ways and then my hope of getting my man back increased and I contacted Dr Mudi about my issue and he said it is a small thing, I should relax my mind that within 48hours my man will by himself come home. I never believe Doctor Mudi because I have be hearing about spiritual power but don’t believe that the power work. To my greatest surprise I saw my man from the window and I rush-out to meet him and he was crying that he never knew what came over him. I was very happy and I promise to tell people about great and powerful DOCTOR MUDI Spell caster who has returned my joy back to me. Here is the great DOCTOR Contacts via whatsApp him on this +2349052617210 or
Divorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a very happy and secured married life.
Is your love life falling apart
Do you want your love to grow stronger,,whatsApp number +2349052617210
Eloisa May 2020
Here in this fascinating fairyland,
thousands of magical words exist.
But your kind words create
lovely metamorphosis spells.
To my friend, Peter
Eloisa Apr 2020
She’s into ravens and dragons,
charms, prayers and spells.
Enchantment and mystery,
spirits and fantasy.
Phantom and magic,
dreams and stardust.
She’s into fascinating connections,
rituals and meditations.
She gives thanks to the sun,
the stars and the moon.
She trusts patience and love.
She adores understanding souls,
She’s into all these
and a thousand things more.
jia Nov 2019
brewing potion with ritual
reciting chants, merely verbal
niching these little caviar
a mixture of gravitas and war

such ladle so long enough to combine
a ******'s blood with a spoon of wine
perhaps adding a buckskin would suffice
this hellcat's hellacious bliss

a bushel of a misogynist's intestine,
must not forget to hitch gobs of sharks fin,
augment a pair of an old man's sight
then smatter the hogs' teeth bite

sing song this dark lullaby
you ought to hear plead and cry
smell and smear this fatal brew
any life it shall take and shoo

death will come and it will reign
blood will begrime and it will stain
thoroughly toting the daring deathly hex
seeking a prey who must be next
a post halloween poem
CLARYT Oct 2019
She sits at night spinning spells of love and luck,
Splashing over hair, then hiding under rocks,
Chanting affirmations over darkened mirror,
Making talisman with earthly blessings for the wearer,
Waxing moon, waning moon, full or half or crescent,
She will make it go away or teach someone a lesson,
Your deepest wish she'll grant, for that is the hat she does,
She draws upon the ocean tides without a hint of fuss,
But never will she use her power to hurt or mame or ****,
A hedge witch only beckons love, but not against your will,
An alter made from beauty, with the softest female touch,
And vestments worn with good intent, to bring to you so much,
Next time you see a hedge witch, tilt your head and say hello,
As she may help you out someday, and you would never know.

(C)  2019
Mitch Prax Aug 2019
I dated a witch-
her magic made me wish it
had never ended

6:34 PM
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