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Just Grace Oct 2020
All my desires
they saturate me like
a towel wrung out too many times
drowning in unknown "solutions"
my heart twisted limp to the point where
the water just flows over me

It tells me that
what’s left to do is the ***** work
the clean up
the kind that might even leave
an even bigger mess

there is hope that
with a shrug and a smug grin
and a passionate rage
someone is brave enough to tear
this place of pain down
burn through the house of empty dreams
and lofty, stubborn hopes
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
What was once the dark hours of my being...

I had these thoughts
Without words to go with them

My mind deepened
Into cylindrical vases
Colorless dye

There I could mourn like old messages
To a friend who no longer knows my essence
Nor measures up
to keep it holy

Not knowing what to do with all the
I've missed them

Reacting to what was
Least imperative

In virtue or in fate

Future moments unwind in my mind
Like clockwork moving
In clockwork speed  
Spinning time
Fortune cries

Just to get rid of it all
To please the psyche of my soul
When words aren’t enough
I am felt

When the knowing comes to know
That haunts the darkness of those years

As it creeps up
onto shoulders
Landing on its victory  

Opening up
to new living

Immense and soothing

Breathes in timeless pools of
Creation peaks
and so I am.
J M Menon Dec 2020
If things seem to derail
Don't sweat
Evaporate instead
Hop out of the picture;
Now you see its not real
Hop out of the picture;
Now you see it so clear
Solutions gestate when you evaporate
And are born at your return
Michael Luciano Nov 2020
I sat alone late one night in the green grass High looking at my battered hands thinking about the washing tides.
How could it be

How could it be that this scene, was set adrift up in my dreams. As I search for the end,  nowhere to be seen.
I fall apart.

I fell apart right from the start, I took too long to come along. eyes couldn't see her in my dreams. I fall apart.
Is it me?

Is it me that I seen, I thought I saw her in my mind, standing in the doorway caught between the passing time.
Let me be.

Let me be so insane, hold me to the sky and let me rain. I've run the course I am free let me be.
Eat the key.

Eat the key, come be free  . Say goodbye to reality. Just make the trip, not too quick to see the trees.
Hold me down

Hold me down, I'm coming round, you make me smile when you're not around. You are my queen, I've got the crown. so hold me down.
Kellin Nov 2020
It's a hard thing for me
to realize that I never
truly loved you

because love was not
supposed to be two broken
people sharing sheets in
hopes to heal their wounds
Janica Katricia Jul 2020
Hand-written letters are overrated
almost non-existent.
Like love,
as a child, you have longed to experience and even rushed.
You knocked on hearts to know what it felt like but all you had were broken bottles of liquors
that made you dizzy.
Red champagne and Rosé
you learned to immune yourself to
like water and air you breathe in everyday.
Broken dishes on the counter and sink you never washed because you never went home,
because there was nothing to go home to.

*Everything seemed to change when I blew the candle on my 25th birthday cake
Rachael Judd Jun 2020
It took me a long time to realize that not everything in life is meant to be a beautiful story. Not every person some deep connection with is meant to make a home within us, is meant to be a forever. Sometimes people come into our lives to teach us not only how to love, but how to let go. Sometimes people come into our lives to teach us how not to love, how not to settle for less than we deserve, how not to belittle ourselves for the sake of someone else.  Yes sometimes the greatest loves leave, but it’s because they weren’t meant to stay, they came to teach us. And their lessons always stay. That is what matters. That is all that remains.
Tiana Apr 2020
But now I see
After the destructions hit me
That I was too carefree
That jinxed my own glee;
Study and me
Rose Who Knows Jan 2020
You know the truth
if he
wanted to
he would.
this was something I had to tell myself about a guy. If he wanted to make a move then he would, so he's just not that into you. A part of me would be like, I have evidence that he does like me, but realized if he didn't have the ***** to act then I don't need to be wasting feelings on that person. I deserve more.
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