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Zack Ripley Dec 2020
You keep pushing me aside
Because you're afraid I'll ask
What's on your mind.
The thing is, I'm not going anywhere
Because I care
roumen May 2020
My last walk in the fire
one day..
My ash will spill around...
one day..
Fire will shroud me in my last walk to hell..
yes not heaven..hell..
yes I am coming...
I know ,
you have been waiting
for me ...
for my last trip into that fire..

Dont push me away,
you are my muse,
you are my light ,
you are my moon.
Dont push me away,
I am your soul ,
I am your door,
I am your road,
Dont push me away,
I want nothing ..
I want everything ..
I want you..
in my last day.
in my last walk
into that fire...
I am here..
Heavy Hearted May 2020
The toll of Angers tide -
Compels us on, and forward

Satisfaction, it never comes!
the only direction left to go,
We stumble.
We're pushed.

The toll of Angers tide -
Compels us on,
Pushing us further, pushing us forward...

the tolling of angers tide-
the unrelenting force.
letters to basil May 2020
dear quinn,

you have
every right
to push  
people away.

but that doesn't mean
you have to.

it doesn't make it better.

i would know,
get some fresh air. and keep those you love close to you. as close as you can get them. because you cannot know when you will lose them, lovely.

thank you for reading my words <3

Zack Ripley Nov 2019
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
You, who pushes through the day with a smile even when you don't want to.
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
Lover, fighter, don't be afraid to let your fire burn brighter.
Tonight, I write for you a poem of hope.
You, the one who fears you've reached the end of your rope.
Tonight, I write this poem for you.
You, my new friend. If you need someone to talk to, I'm just around the river bend.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
To make something change must fight
You aren't born a champion
But made
Just have to push towards the light
To the day weakness delayed
Only you have the ability to make change out of the large bills life gives you
Poetic T Apr 2020
I was never the one,

            I wasn't even the second
of what ever you thought you
wanted from us.

I was never going to be yours,

           I wasn't even mine,
I resisted the urge to look
at the scars
       where I'd been.

            I'd not been to
that place for a while.

But how can I be what others push,
        like I'm an addiction
waiting to be cured.
   There the needle pushing in my skin.
   breaking my resolution to not be
                           like I was before this.

Sorry, I couldn't give you a smile,
           I couldn't give you time,
           I couldn't even give you us.

                                      I'm not even mine..
Michael A Duff Apr 2020
Love is a lifetime of examples of how we can overcome our fears, worries, and doubts

invisible but can be seen

Intangible but can be felt

And inaudible but you know it when you hear it.

At times it can seem to be extinct, and at others make you as euphoric,

In the end it is we who choose to let it see, feel, and hear our love, push it away, or accept it.
Love lost does t always mean you have no love
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